Each year, Antigua’s Donkey Sanctuary provides shelter, food and water, and loving care to over 100 donkeys. And each year, Antigua suffers from unrelenting drought.
After an incredibly challenging Covid year, the drought in Antigua started in January 2021 and has continued to devastate the landscape.
When drought occurs, the guinea grass that is cut to feed the sanctuary donkeys, first loses its nutritional value and then dies off completely, leaving the ground brown and barren. Even foraging becomes impossible for these previously abused or injured donkeys.
Right now, there is very little grass and no forage. At all. And the donkeys at the sanctuary are starving.
We need your help to buy and ship the straw and hay from a Florida supplier to ensure that our donkeys survive the 2021 drought.
So that our donors know exactly how the funds will be used, I am providing the below information:
1. The funds are withdrawn daily, in my name, from the GoFundMe site and are deposited into a bank account that I set up for the express purpose of this campaign and any other donations received in the US for Antigua’s Donkey Sanctuary. The sanctuary is owned and operated by the Antigua & Barbuda Humane Society (ABHS)
2. I will be wiring the amount required for the hay and straw (US$11,000 – proforma invoice available for review if desired) directly to the ABHS to cover the cost of the feed, the shipping and other administrative costs.
3. I will wire the remaining balance to ABHS as well, to be used for handling, offloading the container, customs, transport of the container to the sanctuary, and plant inspection of the container.
My name is Christine MacMillan and I live in southeast Pennsylvania. I have been volunteering my time and labour at the sanctuary for two weeks each year since 2016. I also help manage their social media and fund-raising campaigns from the US. I love those donkeys and I have a great respect for the people at the humane society who do so much with so little to rescue and keep safe these animals.
I handle the funds this way because the ABHS is not a US-based organization, so it was not possible to set up a direct withdrawal for them. This campaign was set up with the oversight and input provided by the executive director of the ABHS, Karen Corbin.
Thanks again for all your support as we work to ensure the donkeys don’t suffer as a result of the drought.
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Sell them to the Chinese, they will eat them.
They may not be the only ones eating them. They may ship them to China and sell them to the world as corn beef. The African continent and Pakistan are being emptied of donkeys by the Chinese.
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