Thursday 19th May 2022: St. John’s Lodge No. 492 ER made a presentation to the Antigua Grammar School to memorialize their beloved deceased member, Worshipful Brother Patrick Woodman St. George Evanson PDGSW, affectionately known to all as “Sheepy”.
The brief presentation took place at the AGS Campus and was chaired by Lodge Almoner WB Howard Joseph and was attended by the Master and several members of the Lodge representatives from WB Evanson’s family, select students and teaching/ administrative staff of the school.
During his life WB Evanson was a sports enthusiast, he played football and participated in athletics while a student at the Antigua Grammar School in the mid to late 1940’s, but it was cricket that truly captured his passion.
After Leaving AGS, WB Evanson represented Antigua and the Leeward Islands as a wicket keeper/ batsman. He became a long serving member of the Antigua Cricket Association and continued to contribute to Antigua and Barbuda through sports.
In the realm of business, he created The Island News Stand and was one of the founders of Carib Seas while the family business, Evanson’s Catering, enjoyed great success. With all of this happening he still found the time to dedicate to his wife Avril and their family, his church and Lodge.
As a member of St. John’s Lodge, he rose to become its Master and then went on to hold various positions in the District Grand Lodge of Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. He was devoted to mentoring young men within the lodge and without.
He gave Sir Vivian Richards, (another Grammarian), his first cricket bat and proposed the present District Grand Master for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, (Right Worshipful Clement E. M. Bird), for membership in St. John’s Lodge.
For all these reasons, the Worshipful Master of St John’s Lodge (WB Ato Kentish), said the brethren of St John’s Lodge feel that this is a fitting tribute. He loved his lodge and he loved to help young men develop to meet their full potential.
Freemasonry exists to make good men better and what better way to make good men than to start with good boys.
The donation was twofold, and consisted of (1) a monetary contribution to AGS welfare fund, used to assist students in distressed circumstances with everything from meals to clothing and school supplies; and (2) a plaque dedicated to his memory, The Patrick Evanson Sportsman of the Year Award to highlight the outstanding achievements of AGS students on the playfield.
Deputy Principal, Mrs. Cecilia Fredrick, commented that the school was thankful and that the award should inspire greater heights of achievement. In addition, the funds will come in very handy as there are many students in need of very basic help.
Also on hand was Mrs. Lorrie-Ann Evanson Joseph, daughter of WB Evanson, who spoke of her father’s love for Freemasonry in general, St. John’s Lodge in particular and the Antigua Grammar School. With great emotion, on behalf of his family, she thanked the Brethren of the Lodge for remembering her father.
WB Patrick Evanson was born June 13th 1933 and died November 27 2021 he lived respected and died regretted.
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“Freemasonry exists to make good men better”
LIE from the pit of hell
@Janet Wessertern…then, if it’s a “LIE, from the pit of hell,” then we’re all living in #Hell because, they run things from the womb to the grave!. #WHO’RE they, you say, #ALL Fraternal(female/male/fluid) Orders – military to government to religious are under the auspices, of Hiram Abiff in some way, shape_shifting, form etc.
Is that sweet lips Paul?
Yes that’s him looking like a cotton-picking negro sweating in the sun 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mean angry and colored
I did not know that the lodge and freemason were one and the same? Can someone please explain?
The lodge is where freemasons meet- the temple
@Frankly Speaking…the house of hiram abiff comes in many #Shades_Of_Grey on the outside, but is crimson as the blood 🩸 of their hearts which sits at each and every #cross – ☦️❌🏴🏴🤞🏾🎌🙅🏾⚔️✝️🏴☠️☠️ CROSSROAD road of life, where the summation, of ALL FORCES are equal to ZERO.,
At all crossroads, the #Spirit of the SWASTIKA lives.
Yes the worship of Lucifer/Satan is the goal.
I find it amusing that people here are making assumptions on what the Brotherhood is about.
People are always scared about something they have no idea about.
no one is scared! Freemasons are SATAN WORSHIPPERS!
So what became of the young man that was stoning this building north of PWD. Isn’t that building their headquarters.
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