Freedom Fighters to lead picket at Prime Minister’s office on Thursday


The Freedom Fighters for Antigua and Barbuda have announced that they will picket the Office of the Prime Minister this coming Thursday.

The group has circulated a flyer with images of some of the people injured in Sunday’s portest, which was organized by the Freedom Fighters for Antigua and Barbuda.

Several people were injured when police threw teargas cannisters into the crowd.

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  1. Sorry, but these people are NOT “Freedom Fighters”!!! Do they not know what a Feedom Fighter is? They don’t measure up. Somebody educate these people, please!!!!

    • do you describe yourself as a true freedom fighter? You confuse me sorry cause I truly seek to understand. Can you please explain what is a freedom fighter for those of us who seek edification…PLEASE! #UNBOUGHT #UNBOUGHT

    • @ Conrad the Red : Is Gas-tone Browne a Freedom Fighter? What does it takes to become a Freedom Fighter? Please educate us, bright one.

  2. This group of conspiracy nuts and trump supporters need to go home and get vaccinated. The government itself is partly to blame for discouraging lockdowns and opening the country up too soon. It has encouraged these right wingers

    • Why are you concerned about our health to tell get vaccinated obviously u do know or care about who we are so why to tell us to take … Why don’t you take it for me when the maker is ready for there nothing I can do vaccine or no vaccine we gonna die at some point I rather die knowing I wasn’t forced to take something am not sure about wah mek u nah tek all the vaccine Fu ebrebady way nah tek um since e a bather u so much dig um all inna u eye

  3. Do you describe yourself as a true freedom fighter? You confuse me sorry cause I truly seek to understand. Can you please explain what is a freedom fighter for those of us who seek edification…PLEASE! #UNBOUGHT #UNBOUGHT

  4. This is exactly why the Europeans were able to enslave blacks from Africa for hundreds of years! The weak, greedy, DUNCE, immoral and unethical blacks who sold out our forefathers. Now we know whose forefathers sold out Prince Court Tackey.

    Grow some balls and stand up for your rights or stfh n sit down. Emancipate yourselves from MENTAL slavery. It is okay to think with your brains n not ur eyes ( looking for handouts or favours to make a decision. Use your brains! It will not hurt one bit!

    • You just a run u mouth!!! Stand up for what rights?? The right to not wear mask? The right to opt not to get the vaccine? Last time I checked we all have a CHOICE to not get or get the vaccine.

      • Smh Tackey ( descendant of a slave who informed Massa about Prince Klass plans)…We stood up for OUR right to CHOOSE whether to wear a mask or not, whether to take the vaccine or not and also for YOuR rights as declared by UDHR. The UDHR allows all human beings the right to i) Freedom of expression and opinion and ii) Freedom of thought and religion. This means that we have the right to actually use our OWN brain and think or analyze information presented to us before making any decision which would impact us or ours. Therefore, it is an infrigement of our basic human rights for ANY government affiliated with ANY political party to create laws or mandates which force us as residents to make the choices that they want us to make. This further leads to an infringement of our human right to No Discrimination. It is plain out wrong for Mr. Adolph..Kartel..Trump wanna be to use measures like restricting our ability to access basic services -starting with those provided by ABTB should we make a conscious informed choice to NOT take the vacvine.

        Smh…have you done any research? Have you analyzed any data? Have you made any comparisons of information regarding said vaccine? Some of us would like to have the FREEDOM OF CHOICE to make decisions regarding our bodies on our own…without any form of indirect or direct coercion.

        smh, we made the choice to as outlined by our constitution to picket and show our disapproval with how we have been aggrieved during the last 17 months. Thankfully, the powers that be were able to see via Social media or modern technology…before u also state that we couldn’t have been picketing Burger King or VC Bird Monument. The message was sent….in the words of our late great national hero Sir Lester, ‘ pelucidly clear’!

        We also stoop up against the fact that this extended State of Emergency only serves to stomp on the constitutional rights of residents of my beloved Antigua and Barbuda. Ironically…we used this forum to stand up againt this and this is exactly what is being used against us for daring to stand up against the policies as set out by this dictatorship…style regime.

        It is rather strange that we are being attacked,for wanting to be able to choose,by people who chose to be sheeple. Yet we have not attacked any of you for the choice you have made…

        People like you give rise to the quote that ‘Every nation has the government it deserves’…Joseph de Maistre

        **I see u have been wearing your mask as prescribed…confused..blurred vision…loss of consciousness** carbon monoxicide poisoning is a thing.

        Let the people do what they have a right to do while u have the right to continue to do nothing.

    • Please People We are in a PANDEMIC. Stop these MARCHES /.PROTESTS. We can have a SUPER SPREAD.of COVID 19.

    • @INDIRA
      Lets hope your house do not catch fire while they are wasting scarce water hosing down peaceful people.
      Please do not call APUA the next day to tell them you have no running water. Because it’s all used up on the peaceful protesters.
      Now do you understand why what you said reflects you and your leaders?

  5. Please People We are in a PANDEMIC. Stop these MARCHES /.PROTESTS. We can have a SUPER SPREAD.of COVID 19.

  6. “It is time to shut down Antigua”

    Where is the UPP and where are the unions? Foreigners are allowed to riot with impunity, but indigenous Antiguans are assaulted by police for peacefully protesting. The correspondence course AG and the foreign gason police commissioner need to resign.

    • Who you calling “foreign”??? The Canadian monty? Or Rawlston Pompey of svg??? I know the UPP hates foreigners but it doesn’t mean you have to agree with that particular ideology of theirs.

  7. They are way left so you have no clue what you talking about. I was not there but I got a live play by play stream so my opinion for now is limited. I do not know who the leaders are but I can tell you those people was just regular people with feelings and the right to peaceful protest. Now you sound like a right winger. You ignore the fact they would have probably go home when they got tired. What we need to know if it was a super spreader: If it is and you will have proof of that in a few days

    • Former COP Mr. Pompey even stated that the “gathering” was illegal. NO PERMISSION GRANTED!!!

      you can stay in Biden country and talk “feelings”, but the FACT is that NO PERMISSION WAS GRANTED. Compare their first “gathering” on Queen Elizabeth’s Hwy to the one at VC Bird bust. How do you “feel”??

      • Best you ignore him. He probably wants to be Gaston’s buddy guard, duties he claims he used to perform for BS when he visited FL. The prodigal need to feel important

  8. Live free or die.
    No govt will ever force me to put shit in my body.

    We will keep up the fight.

    Govt for for we the people.
    Police work for we the people.

    If we don’t pay taxes, they won’t get paid. They have forgotten they work for we the people and we are not their financial slaves.

    Justice for Nigel Christian who was kidnapped, abducted and murdered execution style because he found out the truth behind the “forged” signatures. The fact that no one has been brought to justice (the three scapegoats don’t count) makes it appear high ranking people in very high positions especially govt are involved with his murder. We the people won’t let that go.

    Mehul Choksi was abducted, kidnapped and human trafficked (HT) to Dominica. All the people involved are still walking about their daily lives including the woman from Bulgaria that was paid to aid in the incident. Again high ranking people are involved with this too.

    This govt under world dictator traitor tyrant liar HT Gaston Browne and his cesspool gang must be removed from office. All they have done is take take take from we the people. They have stolen our lands, stolen our money and continue to sell us out to whoever pays them the most money. All thanks to Gaston telling his cesspool gang to practice creative enrichment schemes. Adding insult to injury, world dictator traitor tyrant liar thief HT Gaston Browne has been competing against the local poor man. He owns the landscaping business that clears the bush on the side of the road. Yes the same company that cleared all the land where the convention center was supposed to be. Now it’s grown back. What money was that paid from? Our taxes.

    Blue Horizon owned or party owned by world dictator traitor tyrant liar thief HT Gaston Browne.

    Recently world dictator traitor tyrant liar HT Gaston Browne starts his own farm.

    Gaston jr gets an used education grant money to go Miami and study. Then comes back and is a millionaire overnight. There are citizens here who are more deserving of those education funds but won’t get it because world dictator traitor tyrant liar thief HT Gaston Browne will never approve it. After all he is the minister of finance. The fox guarding the hen house.

    Gaston jr buys prime lands for dirt cheap then turns around and sells it at an exorbitant price.

    Yes we will fight for our freedoms from the clutches of this slave master govt.

    We will fight to the end.

    • Biggest mistake government made was not testing people for covid-19 when they took the vaccine. That was and still is the perfect opportunity to know where the country stands with regards to covid cases. Vaccines should be a choice especially for an emergency approved vaccine.

  9. Posting your daughter that tek een on a flyer ? These people are so weird god help us. The red necks trump supporters of Antigua need help.

  10. One and two here like they fraid to go protest for their rights.Like what the Prime Minister is doung for you and your family.Alot of you are oaths under his wings but yet still have no work.So what is the Government doing for you? GOD NAR SLEEP.HIS TIME WILL COME AND THOSE OFFICERS WHO OPENED TEAR GAS AND MISHANDLE THE PUBLIC YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED.

  11. Lester Bird never ever wanted Gaston Browne to be Prime Minister.He had his reason as to what kind of man he is and his capabilities.You dont think Lester Bird had to hold his heart for what happened.Antigua gone a gwasa but the next general election I can assure you that this said Prime Minister will be out.God will see things through.Keep fighting for those who are.Dont give up and dont be afraid.Stand up for Antigua.Now with Transport board if you gonna opposed such saying oh you have to be fully vaccinated in order to have such service at Transport board.Is they them that will suffer cuz if 90 percent refused to be vaccinated whats the income for workers at Transport board.Tell me.

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