Saturday, August 21st 2021
Freedom Fighters for
Antigua and Barbuda- FFAB
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
Email: [email protected]
Protest Adjustment
The Freedom Fighters of Antigua & Barbuda would like to notify the public of an adjustment to the protest dated for the 21″ of August 2021. The protest will now be held virtually in light of the sudden rise in cases as per the latest COVID-19 dashboard dated August 19 2021.
The link for the virtual meeting will be circulated throughout the day. This format will give Antiguans & Barbudans, within the diaspora, the opportunity to stand in solidarity against discrimination, coercion and segregation on the current matter at hand.
The Freedom Fighters of Antigua & Barbuda would also like to take this opportunity to dispel the absurd and outrageous statements implying that the events on August 8th 2021 led to officers within the Police force being infected with the COVID-19 virus.
In light of the overhanded approach that was utilized by the officers, it was quite impossible for us to have been in close proximity to spread the virus in question.
Furthermore, to ensure the safety of all individuals present, we ensured that protocols were adhered to.
The implication made was met with disappointment from many, however we will continue to push forward with the best interest of the citizens of Antigua & Barbuda in mind.
Additionally, we would like to extend warm wishes and a speedy recovery to all persons
currently affected by Covid-19, particularly those who have been hospitalized at Sir Lester Bird Medical Center.
Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
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Glad to hear that there is an acknowledgement of the rising numbers of COVID-19 cases. Does this not make it a moot point to be anti-vaccine? How many of those who tested positive were vaccinated or partially vaccinated is a legitimate question to be asked.
Would think so myself since many of them argue covid is not real. Other among them argue the vaccine is unneeded since they have natural immunity. This change indicates that immunity does not cover at least the current covid? They now admit there are different strains?
DONETTE SIMON and SHINNEL WILLIAMS got a taste of the PRISON CELL now They are afraid.
Public health must come before any childish individual’s “right” to spread covid. Stop putting us all at risk, get vaccinated you trump supporting conspiracy nuts.
Free dom fighters lacks common sense.
1 They have no philosophy
2 They have no strategy
3 They have no conviction
4 They have no balls
I supported free choice until the free dom fighters demonstrate that free choice may not be a reasonable expectation according to the narrative before us.
Well if the freeDumb fighters cave so easily, I blame the top cop for wasting the tear gas and rubber bullets. All they had to do was label their events as super spreader and inflate the dash board.
Thank you very much FREEDOM FIGHTERS. Very considerate. Blessings.
Thanks to CHARLESWORTH TABOR and CHAKU WAKU for advising the FREEDOM FIGHTERS to take this turn of event.
Lol you must be out of your cotton picking mind…
@Eric….two things to note from your post (1) the “freedumb” fighters listen to Tabor et al because they are a fledgling of the UPP. (Ii) if it takes for these two to so advise and now there is action it means that these two men lack vision. EVER SINCE the government advised that such was a bad decision given the possible implications. God bless this government. The continue to be visionaries in dealing with this covid…not reactionaries like these UPP jokers.
DONETTE SIMON and SHINNEL WILLIAMS got a taste of the PRISON CELL now They are afraid.
RUPERT MANN if you think being locked up in the cell changed Dornette Simon or Shinnel Williams, you really do not know these two young ladies. They are fighters. They have more balls than you and many other men. With more people in Antigua with their courage this country would be different.
Zeal without knowledge is not good.
What are They fighting for ? If They have more balls than.most men according to you TABOR….Why They buckle so easily ? These Girls have young Children. They will be charged in court. Will TABOR and CHAKU pay Their court costs and legal fees ? These girls need the CASH to support Their Families. BAD ADVICE TABOR.
Who you fooling, you Tabor don’t know the two young lady. For political reasons, you acting like you know them- thing is we know them and they are loafters. Come tindale road and ask bout Dornette? … y’all playing these girls for political reasons ….
“More balls”??? Just like a certain Chairwoman have MORE BALLS than Lovell??
If being a vagabun and behaving rar-rar-ray-ray is what constitutes having balls, do you have balls Tabor?
Repert Mann You waste your time listening to those losers !!!!
If these so called “Freedom Fighters” were so bad and covid is a hoax than why they back off. The numbers should not scare them because the government is lying and putting up fake numbers to justify the vaccines right. These so called “Freedom Fighters” are a joke and its clear the poltitcians are using them for own political gain.
They allow political hacks to infiltrate their organization. No structure
Much respect regarding your decision.
We are all in this thing together.
Thank you!
PS. Dont let anyone control your decisions.
Too late!! CHAKU WAKU & UPP already advising and controlling their “decisions”
The same Chaku Waku is the “lawyer” representing the UPP SUPPORTER who allegedly teef the money when xpz bun dung.
Dumb Dumb Fighters lol lol lol wid all dem subb’n de gyal Shinelle min ah gwarn wid, ah dis ah wha it come to?…..waste of people time and just an empty vessel. Aryou weak now, aryou think jail cell easy eh?? Tek dat an aryou rats-hole, just stay inna aryou lane because y’all could be infectious.
It is time or mandatory vaccination in order for us to get to herd immunity.
ALL FREE DUMB DUMB FUGHTERS should be in jail for infecting The NATIONALS with COVID 19. They are weak. RUPERT MANN you are correct. They experienced the RAT INFESTED CELL. Now They back down…This is the end of UPP and The FREE DUMB DUMB FIGHTERS. BIG JOKER.
UPP led the FREE DUMB DUMB FIGHTERS down the wrong lane. Now left Them to paddle Their own Canoe.
The Magistrate should sentence DONETTE SIMON and SHINNEL WILLIAMS to one year in JAIL for organizing AN ILLEGAL PICKET / PROTEST. Now so many Antiguans are infected with COVID 19.
With regret we announce the death and immediate burial of the FREE DUMB DUMB DUMB FIGHTERS.
The FREE DUMB DUMB DUMB FIGHTERS caught COVID19 on the 8th of August 2021 and succumbed to COVID19 on 21st August 2021.
Left to mourn is JTRUTH……
How the hell are you going to have a virtual picket?
You never know…the same way Lovell was able to rent a crowd maybe they would use his expertise.
LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 @ “rent a crowd”
Didn’t realize that boy Lovell was so talented. Woooieee mi belly 🤣🤣🤣🤭😂😂😅😅
UPP and CHARLESWORTH TABOR are using the FREE DUMB DUMB FIGHTERS as political TOOLS / FOOLS. I hope these young Persons will wake up and distance Themselves from the UPP , CHARLESWORTH TABOR and CHAKU WAKU. Shame on These Guys.
WAITING to hear the results of the VIRTUAL PICKET . How can you have a VIRTUAL PICKET? FREE DUMB DUMB FIGHTERS. Waste.of time .They die a sudden death.
Could it be that they used a virtual VC Bird bust background on zoom and marched around in their homes while the image was projected on screen? 🤔
Their leaders and advisors are “visionary” enough to come up with “clever” ideas. 😏
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