Four (4) Government institutions on Friday were the recipients of a generous contribution of rice, made possible through an initiative of the Ministry of Social Transformation, Human Resource Development and the Blue Economy.
This comes as the Government expands its Covid-19 Social support relief programme to institutions which house and care for a vulnerable section of our society.
The donation valued over four thousand dollars was divided among the Fiennes Institute, Clarevue, Her Majesty’s Prison and the School Meals Programme.
Minister of Social Transformation, the Hon. Dean Jonas stated that seven (7) Months into the Covid-19 pandemic, his Ministry remains committed to providing meaningful support to those who have been made vulnerable.
Minister Jonas explained further that his Ministry and the Government by extension have been working closely with the business sector to ensure that food and other supplies get to those who are in dire need with a stronger focus on single unemployed parents, the elderly who live alone and persons with disabilities.
He thanked all the donors to the Government’s Covid-19 relief programme for assisting in making the lives of residents more comfortable, even in these challenging times and also the persons both in his Ministry and Civil Society, who have been working above and beyond the call of duty in preparing and distributing packages across the length and breadth of Antigua and Barbuda.
Meanwhile, when asked about the future of the Covid-19 Relief Programme, Minister Jonas shared that his philosophy is to teach a man how to fish as opposed to just giving him a fish. As a result, he is leading the charge at the Ministerial level in identifying mechanisms through which the nation can become more self-reliant. He promised that such programmes will be rolled out shortly.
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Is this a part of the new norm from the Sir Molwyn Joseph’s and the cabinet notes to fight non commutable diseases?
Rice MP Joseph?
Mr Joseph what is your musings on this development supported by a cabinet that you sits in?
I told you guys they are not serious, just so called good sounding sound bites.
If serpant love this country then he should donate some vegetables to supplement.
@Farmer Browne
What are the Chinese producing?
China’s 100 Year Plan (starting in 1949)
Wake up Antigua. China’s CCP is not our friend. They use greedy people in influential positions of power to further THEIR plans.
Consider this, China uses SLAVE LABOR to grow their economy. I gets worse!
The organs of members of marginalized groups detained in Chinese prison camps are being forcefully harvested — sometimes when patients are still alive, an international tribunal sitting in London has concluded.
Some of the more than 1.5 million detainees in Chinese prison camps are being killed for their organs to serve a booming transplant trade that is worth some $1 billion a year, concluded the China Tribunal, an independent body tasked with investigating organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in the authoritarian state.
Do YOU really want these evil people here in our country?
Perhaps you should add sarcasm to your interpretation skills. Or
Younge and cheek
As Dr Simon opined you are not ready for this class.
****Tongue and cheek
Do you think the actions of the CCP deserve a ‘tongue and cheek’ response?
OK, I see I’m wasting my time here.
I’ll leave you with this – REMEMBER, YOU WERE WARNED !
Did Chinese buy Dr. Heath’s hospital? I wonder what they are going to use it for.
Why do people think it is okay to wear masks under their noses.People if you are going to wear it that way. Why wear one in the first place.Because wearing it that way.Is the same as not wearing one. Where are the masks Police.
It’s ok for them to wear their masks just like that. Let dem catch it and let things progress from there.
Rice? Really? Is this what this great country has come to? Yesterday two politicians were fighting over fans and toilet paper today its rice.
What will tomorrow bring lawd. Paper cups and plastic forks??????
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