Former House Speaker Threatens Legal Action Against PM Browne


Prime Minister Gaston Browne’s recent publication of personal information of  United Progressive Party (UPP) Chairman D. Gisele Isaac has not gone unnoticed.

On Friday the UPP Chairman said she has already responded to Browne, adding that there’s more to come as the matter is now in the hands of her lawyer.

“The prime minister has said a lot of things in that particular post. I consider that I was defamed. He’s made some terrible untruths in that statement and I have consulted my lawyer,” Isaac said on Observer radio’s OBSERVER AM programme.

“The matter is in my lawyer’s hands. He has exposed me to harm by publishing my private information, my social security number, my medical benefits number, my bank account number.”

In the post on Facebook, Browne accused Isaac of collecting multiple checks from the Treasury for the past two years.

Along with the post, the prime minister published a letter from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition Jamal Pringle. That letter, which was addressed to the Treasury, contained the personal information of Isaac and three other employees of the Opposition Leader.

“I know that the prime minister as the minister of finance knows better, so I think he intends to harm me out of malice and probably frustration. But I am not the kind of person who would take something as this sitting down,” Isaac said.

“I am going to answer him. I have in fact answered him in a letter and that matter is right now with my lawyer, Jutin Simon, QC.”

‘It has to be politics’

Asked why she thought the prime minister did it, Isaac replied: “It has to be politics, it can’t be personal anymore. We’re not friends and he is not a person with whom I come into contact or have any kind of relationship or interaction.

“I think what he did last Friday was a direct attempt to divert attention from what had happened in the parliament — the prominence that it gave to brother Jamal Pringle; the siding with brother Jamal of a lot of young people. I think he wanted to just divert attention and throw another red herring on the path so to speak. Maybe he saw brother Jamal star rising and he said ‘OK, what can I do to derail this process?’

“I guess because I work with Jamal. I certainly was not in parliament, I certainly am not running for anything but I guess he figures maybe collateral damage will slow them down a bit, so I just have to assume that’s why he came up with this nonsense,” Isaac added.

Antigua and Barbuda Opposition Leader Jamal Pringle.

Additionally, Isaac said what the prime minister is purporting now not to know, he does know.

“I have heard him on his radio station made fun of me, ridicule me — the little salary that I’m making now you know, how far I’ve come down in the world and this is what has made me bitter — I’ve heard it,” she said.

“This is just a red herring across the trail. Brother Jamal star will continue to rise regardless of what he throws at me,” the UPP Chairman added.

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    • If what she said happened it is wrong.Regardless of the person it happened to.The Prime Minister as Minister of Finance.He has a lot of information at his disposal.He cannot use that information at will.He cannot put your personal information to the public on any medium.Your social security number,medical benefits number and or bank accounts numbers are not public information.That is why I closed my account at a certain Bank in Antigua.If he put those information on his Facebook page as alleged by her.She has the right to pursue legal actions against his backsides.She should also notify Facebook about what happened.

    • Good question. She is even more vocal than the DULY ELECTED Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. With all this self-imposed attention, when does she get time to cook Mr. Arrindell a hot barl a funjee and chappup?? Always ranting and stealing the limelight, as though she is running in a constituency.

  1. Gisel Isaac ( POOR BABY ) Now the shoe is on the other foot You are looking for SYMPATHY. When you were Speaker of Parliament You Gisel Isaac were sooooo BIASED that it was not funny. Talking about Suing the Prime Minister is a BIG waste of time. KARMA has caught up with You. You should be guiding Pringle to do the right thing and stop EMBOLDEN Him down the wrong path.It is nice to see an emotional side of Gisel Isaac. She is looking for PUBLIC SYMPATHY.

    • She is NOT interested in “guiding Pringle” one bit. The goal is to undermine him so that Lovell can run in that constituency next election. Dem bex Pringle win – especially since he’s a first timer and the old darg Lovell got whooped. The snobbish behaviour towards Pringle is no surprise. I just wish Pringle would speak up more and not allow himself to be puppet-ized by the expired, wash out and tun dung reprobates in his party.

    • This woman should stay away from Pringle. She is not elected. He is. He should “guide her” not the other way around. Pringle is the only legal LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION in the Parliament of Antigua and BArbuda. Everybody else is just wannabees, who should mind their own business.

  2. “Maybe he saw brother Jamal star rising..”

    A joark. Did I read that correctly?? What star? What rising? Well played Gisele. Kudos to you for attempting to convince Jamal that you are in support of him. Most people done peep the shot that you and Lovell trying to play.

  3. @ WOW

    You are so correct. All Executives in the UPP are playing Jamale as PUPPET.Why the HELL Jamale don’t speak out more. It is besides me why Jamale could not find Someone in our Constituency to do the job. Antigua People would not reach out to you. Stay with Tabor , Knight ,Serpent and the Gang from Observer. SHAME. SHAME

  4. That is one of the reasons I moved my family from Antigua.I am reading your ABLP comments and they fall along Party lines.Most of you are ignoring the facts.She alleges that Gaston Browne,Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.Published on his Facebook page.Her personal information,to include social security number,medical benefits number and Bank account number.That is the crux of the matter.He cannot do that without consequences.What would have happened if he had done that to one you Red Kool Aid Drinkers?Would it be okay then.I say hell no.He crossed that imaginary line.

    • We don’t miss you Starkish Tuna Fish. That ah all aru r***hole do go ah forgien and then stay on social media and wash ah mouth on the 268. Have fun with Trump the Dump. Drink some bleach while you up there up there.
      Signed a “Red Kool Aid Drinker

      • He and Knight nak wan head. Two loyal TRUMPets that sell out dem flag and pretending to care about A&B. Knight is on record saying that an Antigua passport is of no value to him because his allegiance is to Donald trump. He said so on radio that he has his U.S. passport and doesnt recognize dual citizenship. Imagine that. Then have nerve to be moonlighting as a patriot.

      • Bwoy you are a bonafide idiot. Drinking the red kool aid is just as bad as drinking bleach.

      • I am the owner of four beautiful houses on the north side of Antigua.They cost me a good chunk of US$ to build.The men who worked on those houses were well paid.I made sure of that.You all nasty rhetoric would not move me one inch.Because while you people are buying used cars and wrecking them.I bought lands and saved my dollars from my youthful days.My late Mother made sure I saved my money every month.So that rainy days like these.Would not affect me financially.I do not depend on politicians for one darn thing any where.I do not know Knight. Gaston Browne would throw piss on you people.And you all would say it smells like Chanel Perfume.

        • And what is your point really. You seems to be a pressed punani about it. Stay in Trump land and tap wash ya mouth pan the 268. We don’t miss you Starkish Tuna Fish.

  5. This has nothing to do with whether she is working with the opposition leader in parliament but the fact of invasion of privacy .clear and simply .you don’t put people personal financial detail or any personal information in the public domain plain and simple .its a breach of privacy law at least in any real country .

  6. Pringle should cross the aisle and join the ABLP majority. I am sure he would be well rewarded. He has a good future if he stays away from those who are plotting his down fall. They are all unelected people who have an agenda that doesn’t include Pringle.

    • @Conrad. Your last sentence sums it up perfectly. Same way Lovell badplay Joanne Massiah for party leadership. Now watch as he continues to unravel and disintegrate politically. Btw saw him recently and he looks owl and weary. He looks stressed and worn out. Dunno if he has the vigor and vitality of a youngster like Jamale Pringle to go the distance. He should try some yoga and a black stallion drink.

  7. @ CONRAD
    Totally in agreement with You. Jamale Pringle should CROSS the AILSE to join the ABLP and His Political future would be wonderful.

    I am appealing to Hon. Gaston Browne to offer Jamale Pringle a Cabinet e.g ( MINISTER OF YOUTHS and GENDER AFFAIRS). Hon. Prime Minister please give some consideration to the above mentioned.

    • I would suggest to put him in CBH as junior minister, in charge of removing dead dogs and other dead animals from our roads

  8. Would first state the (PM) should have hidden her #’s . However, I recall her defense of Wilmoth Daniel when he included the PM minor son (her Godson) on a poster. Her defense essentially makes clear its fair because the PM had brought him to election events. She is the chairman of the UPP and is so by choice (PM son is a minor). Her own party leader many times has said, “play ball, take rubbers” Why cry? Again, the PM should have hid her SS and MBS#’s. Can’t see why it should be hid from the public who the leaders of the opp. research officer is. One would think such a person would have some form of legal training. Then again we know Miss Isaac enjoys biting many a thing..

    • @Tenman
      Why is the PM using his position to dig up people’s private and confidential information? This man doesn’t know right from wrong, or even what is illegal. He behaves like he is above the law and his she epees cheer him on.
      Think he needs to see a psychiatrist.

  9. Is he Eating or “eating”?? I’m sure it’s neither lol. Which book she wrote? “How to manhandle Lovell” or “How to Undermine Progress”

  10. Are bloggers missing the point when it comes to the OL/LO? He is only a MP and should/must represent the party’s mandate in Parliament. The party doesn’t need him to fail to replace him in that constituency however should he do otherwise it will make the replacement much easier for the executive body. He was just a UPP filler in a stronghold constituency. That title was conveyed upon his as the lone MP of the main opposition. People may be asking (not expecting) too much from the OL/LO?

  11. Can’t believe what some of you dumb a
    Antiguans are writing. Is Antigua a free for all where there are no laws and the emperor can behave like a ghetto bully? Antigua will never be a world class country until you people learn common sense. Stick to the issue.

  12. @ Shame.

    That’s what they are paid to do and they can’t under stand the article anyway cuz they can barely read.

    I say they loosely because it is usually one person using different monikers, they post and then answer themselves – just check the spelling and grammar.

    • @Dessalines -Look at you, Harold Lovell ‘Mini-Me. Recall back in the CA days when you would tell us all what a great job UPP was doing. Back then you were clearly prostituting yourself to let your bosses feel good. It was telling because you would always find a way to attack the poor ladies, some who did it simply to put bread on their table. Was like your conscience was bothering you or you felt they kept you from expanding your reach. After all your hard work, recall how UPP deserted you regarding that land near the school you were complaining about on CA. You and Brother B, my gosh. Seems the experience has made you even more jaded, though labor came to your rescue. Not surprisingly you try to now bite the hand that feeds you

  13. TENMAN surprisingly you have made some sense when you said that Giselle Isaac’s confidential information such as bank and social security numbers etc should have remained private. This is not the first time that the Prime Minister has done that. He also did it with Richard Lewis and his financial information with the Board of Education. The Prime Minister really seems like a loose cannon with his mouth and it should stop. It is not about politics but common decency and business confidentially. Tenman you showed an iota of sense on this one since I understand you work or is in some way attached to a financial institution, however, you had to destroy that little exhibition of sense by indicating that Pringle’s research officer should be legally trained. Please stop disappointing me with your regular nonsense.

    • @Tabor, you so into Miss Isaac that you will on purpose harm yourself? Someone with your background is better suited for that role. She provides research to the a member of parliament. Is his main purpose not to debate laws? What is she researching dead dog? Isn’t that a separate job that has nothing to do with her role? Pringle role as leader of the opposition in parliament is related to laws hence his research officer should have a background to aid him in that purpose. What it now appears is that her role has noting to do with assisting Pringle, hence helping to ensure out laws are proper. This seems all about Miss Isaac. As far as your statement re the PM, he has made clear he simply shared a document that was sent to him by one of your aggrieved supporters who is the fatigued by the situation where only Isaac can eat.

    Stop talking about spelling.I saw some of your spellings ( AWFUL ). DESSALINES are You on the UPP payroll. The blue KOOLAID has damaged your brain. Hope you get over it soon. You will have the next 30 years to complain. UPP will never win another seat in ANTIGUA. Stop drinking the UPP blue koolaid .Not good for your health.

    • That is where he needs to stay. He reminds me of “jeb”

      TUNA behave like he fryken he day a ‘meriKKKa the land of slavery and oppression of “coloured folks” even in 2020. He thinks it’s the land of milk and honey. He thinks being able to buy $0.99 bread at Wal-Mart makes him superior to us locals who buy the Brownie bread.

  15. @ Shame
    You should not attacking Persons for Their opinion.If you cannot take the HEAT stop contributing to this page. All UPP supporters are very annoyed when ABLP supporters presented solid contributions. Put on your BIG MAN pants.Show some courage and stop complaining.

    • @ON POINT
      When non Antiguans read these stupid comments I can imagine what they think of Antiguans. You may think that you are singing to your Antiguan audience but the rest of the world is listening. Do you believe any other leader in a democracy, with laws, could have done what Gaston did and the people not demand his resignation? Gaston may be a big fish in a small pond but the rest of the world wants nothing to do with him. Antiguans will suffer because of who they elected as leader. Why do you think Antigua received no financial help during this crisis?
      Waiting the outcome of Gisele’s lawsuit.

      • Fact check here:
        Guy you seem to have an issue with the PM but any unbiased person would point out that our PM who is currently the chairman of the OECS, is well respected see
        A&B received moneys for this covid crisis from the US (about 70K usd), Caribbean development Bank (some 60 million usd), Venezuela (sent Covid test kits), Cuba (sent Medical personnel), India (US 1 million), UK (5 million pound grant to the region A&B is a part of). China (2 billion usd to the Caribbean region)

        • @tenmam

          He got cash of 70k from UK us and 60m us loan from CDB. Very little cash if you ask me. Most seem to be sending masks and other medical help. Believe Gaston will be investing the CDB loan, because as he said, he will not be giving financial aid to Antiguans because they will spend the aid in beauty salons. When Antiguans get hungry, I guess they can eat all the medical donations to Antigua.

          • Guy let me remind you that this was your false comment:

            “Why do you think Antigua received no financial help during this crisis?”

            Clearly you told a lie. You now continue to tell lies by ignoring the fact that Ministry of social transformation has been providing food packets to persons. The funds we have garnered will be utilized to help keep us going until things recover. It will do things like continue to pay public sector workers, fund healthcare, fund education etc

  16. GISEL
    Give back Government Their. In this GUAVA time You are receiving THRee pay cheques. Shame Shame

    • Midst
      Are you asking the MP’s to give up a part of their salaries? How about Gaston and his wife giving up one of their salaries? Are they not making $600,000 per year from South Mall? By the way, are the Cuban medical personnel staying at South Mall?

    • Midst
      Are you asking the MP’s to give up a part of their salaries? How about Gaston and his wife giving up one of their salaries? Are they not making $600,000 per year from South Mall? By the way, are the Cuban medical personnel staying at South Mall?

  17. I already did! I already left a reply! Obviously, not surprisingly, it did not pass inspection. The other commentators did, however get the general points across. The pulse of the nation should concern you.

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