Former Funeral Home Staff Picket Straffie’s


About 20 former staff members of Straffie’s Funeral Home are picketing the company’s offices.

They are joined by church members.

They gathered over a  hour now to protest the manner in which they were let go.

Management says the staff were let go in keeping with established industrial relations practices.

However, the former staff, some of whom served close to three decades with the company, say their dismissal was harsh and cold.

They accuse management of lying.

In addition to that, staff are demanding to see the will left by the late proprietor.

They have also made allegations about the church which some of them attend.

In an email response to the protest, Administrator Naadia Saunders said only 9 employees were not re-engaged by the estate participated in the picket.

“We did previously communicate to the former employees that the issue of outstanding entitlements would be addressed upon completion of the necessary review of the employment records and the accounts of the estate.  We are also currently in discussions with their Union representative in that regard. There has been no breakdown in the discussions with the Union therefore I am not in a position to comment further on this morning’s picket,” she said.

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  1. There is not gentle way to terminate an employee. Taking an employee out to dinner with all the trimmings and congratulating them on the fine work they put in then hand them the dismissal letter will not make it any easier.

    No employee ever contemplate getting terminated. Perhaps the employee can give suggestions on how it should have been done that would make them accept it.

    It is a sad situation losing employment at this juncture is devastating. The quicker one accept such situation and move to mitigate financial fall out the better

    • There was no will. She died intestate which is why letters of administration had to be applied for. It is not a company but a proprietorship.

    • In what country can an employee(s) demand to see the will of their former/current employer? Absolutely ludicrous, these employees needs to stop embarrassing themselves.

    • In what country can an employee(s) demand to see the will of their former/current employer? Absolutely ludicrous, these employees needs to stop embarrassing themselves.

  2. When a company plan to terminate staff they should consult legal counsel or an HR consultant to review the separation strategy. This would alleviate the appearance of a blood bath and being mean spirited. A good HR consultant could have made the dowsizing or terminations less stressful. Making this abrupt decision during a pandemic reflects very poor business judgment.

    • How do you know counsel was or was not consulted? As an owner of a company there is no good time to terminate, however, a company can not control how disgruntled employees will react to the decision.
      In addition, clearly the company felt the termination was just cause and therefore, the general public are not privy nor should they be privy due to privacy as to the reason(s) the company has chosen to terminate.

  3. Why they do not come together and hire a Lawyer.The Estate has to go into Probate.What ever the late lady left for anyone would be given to them once the Estate has been settled.Here we again a Church is involved.When would it end?

    • How do you know the estate did not go into probate? It has been in the paper for several weeks prior to this happening… no one contested

  4. About 20 former staff members of Straffie’s Funeral Home are picketing the company’s offices.

    hmmmm…You all probably only counted 20 in person.

  5. Im not sure if they can ever run that place the way Ms. Saunders did. I’ve already experienced the unprofessionalism that is present there within this short space of time. The way they answered the phone and the tone of voice is like they don’t want to welcome any business. They lack customer service and people skills.

    Dear Ms.Saunders you were a lovely woman sleep in peace.

  6. What the heck is REALLY going on here? There has to be more to this story. For God’s sake, what kind of a CHURCH is involved in this mess? Church, if you are involved, then just GET OUTTA HERE. This is a business matter, between the owners and their employees.

    • The church got involved because they accused us of stealing and robbing Elizabeth millions of dollars. Once you attack us we will fight you spiritually and with action.

      • Stop that nonsense. There is NOTHING of a spiritual nature here. NOTHING. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, cease and desist. What kinda church is this anyway. It sounds so stupid. You don’t need a church, you need a lawyer…otherwise just take your licks. Remember, this is a private business you are messing with. The Heavenly Father cannot be pleased with you trying to drag Him into this. I have no connection of any kind to this situation, but I do know right from wrong, and I’m not convinced that the church should be drug into this. Chuptz.

  7. We have the right to ask for her WILL because of Elizabeth’s own confession and testimony. We don’t need anything from Naadia but she should respect the will of her mother. Life is about principles.

    • Does this ‘church ‘ have a copy of the will, that there so concerned about? Were they named executor? Look like the ‘ church’ is more concerned that their monthly income, that they likely depended on is/has been cut off!

  8. It would appear that Naadia Saunders, the deceased daughter has been appointed Administrator of her mother’s Estate. If that is in fact the case, it means that her mother died intestate i.e. without leaving a will. In that case the call by the former employees to see the will could never be satisfied since there is no will to see.

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