REAL NEWS: Former Crown Counsel Adlai Smith has been appointed to lead public prosecutions in St. Kitts and Nevis, a reliable source tells REAL News.
Smith is said to have applied for the position – which had been advertised on the Regional Judicial and Legal Services Commission
website – among other persons.
The source says he was interviewed in July and has since been informed that he is the successful applicant.
Reportedly, Smith will soon leave Antigua to take up his new post in St. Kitts, creating a vacancy in the Law Reform office.
In St. Kitts he will work in close cooperation with another Antiguan:
LaToya Lake, who has been head of that country’s forensics department for the past three years or so.
Interestingly, the source says, Smith had also applied for the post of Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) here, in Antigua and Barbuda – but his application, reportedly, was never even acknowledged by
the relevant authorities.
Insiders allege that Smith was snubbed because of previous tensions between him and former DPP Anthony Armstrong and the resulting polarization of the staff, which led to him being transferred.

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Congratulations Mr. Smith.
Antigua public service commission nuh ready yet. People apply for post and not even boo
One call from the politician is the only application some people need then when teeth and tongue fall out no work gets dun
all the best to you. kip farm from BEAK NOSE dwyer astaphan
Apparently you need to go back to ABC classroom as well. You cannot even speak dialect properly. SMH.
As usual Antigua is excellent with exporting brains.
He should be in Antigua with his position, not sending him to St.kitts, really, oh wow, as one comment says,sending all brains to be export,smdh.
promoting this lawyer that made a calypso song against a judgement?? wow! SKN really grabbing up scraps from dem Garretts for real
Congrats Adlai!!!
Don’t follow your previous mentor, and you’ll do well
This AG didn’t want Mr Smith. Why? Because he can’t be manipulated. So they allowed him to leave. Antigua has lost a bright, honest and diligent lawyer.
Adlai Smith is a brilliant prosecutor. Fearless and bold but I guess that is why he could not make it in this “Poor House” where political favours determines everything. And, don’t try to tell me UPP did it too! I feel that generally, there is a culture in Antigua of running away our best minds only to replace them with scraps. But that culture was crafted and honed by ABLP. From Sir/Sirs to “perpetual open-door policy”, and to now ABS newsman, they always believe that foreigners are better than locals.
This cannot be real country; a country wanting to showcase itself and its people. So Godspeed Mr. Smith and welcome to a country trying to be real, willing to run it on national development rather than “creative enrichment”. Antigua will all be poorer for his exit. We would not miss Gaston or any of our politicians as much.
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