Man Deported from Antigua as Sexual Offender Arrested in Jamaica for Teacher’s Murder


JAMAICA OBSERVER: Deputy Commissioner of Police Fitz Bailey says the suspect believed to be responsible for the kidnapping and subsequent murder of St Catherine teacher Danielle Anglin was arrested back in 2015 on sexual assault charges.


“I want to point out that this specific suspect was arrested and charged sometime in about 2015 for sexual offences. He was also convicted in Antigua for sexual offences and deported to Jamaica,” Bailey said, noting that the suspect has already given a statement professing his involvement in the crime.

Anglin, who worked at St Peter Claver Primary and Infant School in St Andrew and lived in the Hellshire area of Portmore, St Catherine, was last seen at about 5:50 am on Monday, May 13 while on her way to work.

Skeletal remains, believed to be those of the missing teacher, were found in Salt River, Clarendon on Monday afternoon.

Police say their investigations so far indicate that the suspect is employed through a rideshare service and was believed to have picked up the deceased on the day of her disappearance.

According to Bailey, detectives were able to identify the specific route travelled by the suspect through the help of Jamaica Eye and believe Anglin was taken to the area where her remains were discovered and killed.

Lamenting that the police do not have any local-based association or organisation through which to establish a line of communication with rideshare companies, Bailey said he will be working to ensure there is more structure in dealing with these organisations.

Bailey said the lack of communication between the police and rideshare companies “poses a serious challenge to our investigative efforts.”

Bailey said he is convinced the suspect in custody is the correct person responsible for Anglin’s death and expects charges to be laid momentarily. He shared that the motor vehicle driven by the suspect on the day in question was processed by the police, and investigators are now awaiting results from the lab.





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  1. So what is the name of the suspect? Absent that piece of vital information, this article is useless.

  2. A lot ppl that are entering into the country are murderers and hardocre criminals………we need more checks and balances at our borders.

  3. The Jamaican police has not yet named the suspect but confirmed that he was previously convicted of sexual offenses and deported from Antigua to his native Jamaica.

  4. Well…. You would think after that brutal horrific murder of Althea Joseph

    Gaston would STOP ALL JAMAICANS from coming ANTIGUA oh no … they come to VC speaking nicely & politely and their heart & mind is full of evil….

    I was visiting Antigua last carnival and right opposite flow on market st next to the library there’s an yellow house type like store on the opposite side there’s a man standing I OVERHEARD A ( by his accent) JAMAICA SAYING “ listen dawg careful how you ah tark to me na ah 2 ppl me kill ah Jamaica and come Antigua fe kool out” I look around to see if I c a cop.., I was so dam scared and frightened for what I jus overheard not one cop …. For days I couldn’t sleep…..

    Nowww what could this lady do that he jus had to kill her WHAT!! …..jus existing!

    I’m so heartbroken for that lady’s family

  5. So this info, which is vital to the article, should have been included in the article. The article as is begs the question, why is the suspect not named.

  6. And when we post that Antigua accept the scum as immigrants, you hear, oh they don’t like foreigners. Question is, how many more do we have here? Another question, how much of the ever growing list of unsolved crimes/murders are committed by the criminals we let in to pad the voting list?

  7. @Elizabeth Scrooge. Who cares about the name. END THE NEVER ENDING OPEN DOOR POLICY AND HAMNESTIES NOW!!!

  8. @PUFF ….. his name isn’t necessary at this point he is deported from Antigua and killed in Jamaica which means he ain’t going nowhere soon

    What is the issue NOW is GASTON NEEDS TO STOP THEM FROM COMING ANTIGUA BY AIR & SEA………..Periodtttt

    Look at Jamaica weekly murder rate and tell me is it jus gangs related these ppl are evil

    Antigua DNT need no more barbers hairdresser nail tec foot tech or jerk stations or whore house workers sex workers or strippers here……

  9. Jamaica and Jamaicans have already shown their contempt for the rest islands in the Caribbean by exiting the Federation. Now things are bad in Jamaica they want to implement the misery loves company to other islands. The other islands are foolish enough to accept them and their wicked ways so they are getting what they deserve. Every time a Jamaican commits a crime in Antigua it is Antiguans fault until they put an end to the problem.

  10. open door policy just allow criminals to move around freely from other islands including jamaica, santo domingo, haiti, trinidad, st lucia etc as they escape from their crimes

  11. Visa restrictions now! These people need to be vetted before they are allowed into the country.

  12. I agree that the rate from these Caribbean islands, including Santo Domingo, Haiti, Jamaica, Guyana, Saint Vincent, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad, should be very low. Antigua and Barbuda are small, and how many of these criminals can be housed as they run here to hide? Antigua and Barbuda have become a safe haven for these criminals until they’re ready to strike again. 

  13. The Prime Minister is already talking about free visa access for Caribbean islands to Antigua and Barbuda because they are low-risk islands. All this man cares about is non-nationals voting to stay in power and, on the other hand, destroying Antigua and Barbuda. I love my country and I don’t want to share it with outside criminals.

  14. This is such a sad story. Condolence to the family of the deceased!
    If he’s found guilty, he should never have a moments peace in jail!
    I don’t understand how people can be so wicked!
    Help us lord!!
    The things we do for votes!😪

  15. @Bilbo, I have never been more attracted to words like I am to your words. Brilliantly said.

  16. And all the politicians must stop say our Caribbean brothers and sisters both white black ,syrians and Chinese and look at Antiguans that go back 3 generations, their family suffer to build here, when the other Caucasian race comes here they don’t want to live among us, they romance our black politicians to give them lands with buffer zone with blue economy potential by the sea, and the black Caribbean do the same by alienating themselves from true integration by forming their own society clique, none of these people show love for Antigua they fly their original country flag and keep their vernacular, the politicians on both side hastily gives concession to the foreigners first before even the born Antigua after the election, it hurts. And now that is influencing the young people into strange behavior pattern. We need to stand up for Antigua & Barbuda.


  18. Y’all got what y’all voted for.
    Nothing surprising here, that most of the gun crimes and vicious crimes in Antigua are carried out my foreigners.

    Only a very few Antiguan’s have the guts to carry out such crimes..many Antiguan’s and small island people were not brought up that way, without any moral code or disregard for human life.

    Many Jamaicans and big island people believe in voodoo, and if y’all don’t think that has a lot to do with the violence in these islands, y’all better think twice.

    And about the government doing nothing..why would they when they are benefitting from it? Look at what happened with the Africans..someone please explain that to me. They brought in over a 1000 undocumented immigrants, only for them to just disappear.

    When Any Government is so lackadaisical on immigration, then undoubtedly crime will go up, because the element of surprise in doing the crime is tantamount for the perpatator to pull off the crime, and if you don’t know who your next door neighbor is that just popped up out of nowhere,then of course finding that person is almost impossible, since it takes a close community to combat crime.

  19. He is a convicted felon.How did he get into Antigua and not stopped by Immigration.Then again,the Administration went into bed with a convicted rapist,Mike Tyson.Remember that marijuana deal to set up a nursery,etc.

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