Fled defends UPP’s accomplishments



Mr. Dear Editor you are a liar their has been no greater accomplishment by a single administration in any 5 years than the UPP so Just STOP PRETENDING YOU WERE A UPP SUPPORTER you never were.

Probably one of those that was looking for your box hand and when u did not get it u went back to were u always was ALP.

YOU Mr. UPP supporter, what has this fellow now PM done so great?  In UPP time they gave Customs workers 33% the gave Air traffic controllers 38% they gave police 28% they gave all other civil servants 18% they paid 150million in back pay left by the labour party since 1994, PM Browne has not give a single dollar salary increase to any government, worker.

ALP is collecting over 200 million more than any year of the UPP and yet he has done nothing to improve upon the social safety net, while the UPP introduced a set of social programs second to none.

The ALP have done nothing to improve our Debt to GDP and our debt is over 4 Billion.  So when u talking we know you and person like you pretending to vote and support the UPP and seek to misrepresent the facts.

Don’t Dear Editor Nothing say who you are and stand by you comments with your real Name, I am fled PRO for Finance and National Security from 2005 to 2014 and I can stand by my statement and challenge you or any of the Labor-Rites any day any time in any forum Bring it on we ready for you.  Just STOP THE LIE….

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  1. Yay yay. Well said fled
    Still blaming the previous administration
    He is a failed experiment…
    Time for the old renegades to go!!

  2. Check this out “Fled the Scene” – some ABLP accomplishments

    1.Made shares available to the citizenry from WIOC
    2. Abolished Personal Income Tax
    3. Provided many upscale homes in Denfields, Dredgers & Paynters to the average person
    4. Constructing PLH in Barbuda
    5. Improve the housing of the residents in Booby Alley in Point
    7.Renovated several Gov’t building
    8. Extended & created a 1 stop shop at the port
    9. Relieved customers of arrears for APUA
    10. Improved ABS programming
    11. Removed the $5.00 charge from the school meal program
    12. Paid off the IMF in full
    13. Transformed & expanded St. John’s Harbour
    14. Transformed Heritage Quay to accommodate Oasis class VESSELS
    15. Constructed a university
    16. Granted young & old to own a descent vehicle
    17. Reduced jail sentencing for youngsters who smokes marijuana
    18. Improved the water system.
    19. Masterminded & became a trendsetter to manage Covid-19 virus
    20. Built the Novelle Richard’s secondary school
    21. Improved VR Stadium drainage to avoid another embarrassment of having sand as the foundation
    22 Saved the banks from being sold
    23. Increased the Scholarship program
    24. Initiated a Entrepreneurial Development Fund
    25. Instituted the H.A.P.I. (Home Assistance Program for the indigent)
    26. Constructed polyclinics in Glanvilles & Villa
    27. Constructed the Friars Hill & George Walter Highway
    28. Instituted the 2nd Chance program
    29. Created a new runway in Barbuda to accommodate bigger aircraft
    30. Rescued the Barbudans from the Hurricane
    31 Reached out & Granted amnesty to the non nationals
    32. 1. Ensuring that profitable State insurance was not sold
    33. Renovated existing government buildings instead of turning one for eg into a parking lot as was planned by the former admin
    34. Saved former ABI Bank depositors
    35. Property tax debt forgiveness for home owners
    36. The Global ports deal which will ensure A&B starts receiving profits from its port investment
    37. Changing Barbuda from a ghost (PLH investment, airport project, alt energy project)
    38. McKinnon’s Upper Gambles, and York’s communities climate change adaptation project
    39. Banking policy which ensured assets for intl banks came to local ownership (Scotia & RBC sale)
    40. Equipping Sir Lester Bird hospital (30 million) with diagnostic equipment
    41 . Friars hill and airport road project

  3. Food for thought:

    ” … In UPP time they gave Customs workers 33% the[y] gave Air Traffic Controllers 38% they gave Police 28% they gave all the Civil Servants 18% they paid 150 million in back pay left by the Labour Party since 1994, PM Browne has not give[n] a single dollar salary increase to any government worker …”

    It seems like Gaston Browne and the ABLP are left wing in their THINKING, but right wing (like Trump and the UKs Johnson) in their ACTIONS … THE PROOF TO THE ELECTORATE IS NOW UNDENIABLE!

    We suffering – call the election nah man!!!

  4. I challenge anyone to read this letter and seriously tell me if this guy Winston “Fled” Henry was suited to be a public relations officer. Then we wonder why the UPP failed so miserably. Why not let us speak about when the UPP were paying salaries with religious lateness, sometimes up to the 15th of the next month? Do you know how many people’s homes foreclosed and had to be sold under the UPP? I know quite a few people who were affected. We can also speak about the prohibitive cost of constructing roads around the Sir Viv Stadium, roads that have not stood up well. Also, let us speak about the MILLIONS wasted on the voluntary separation package that drained the public purse and facilitated the departure of some of the government’s most talented employees.

    So do you really want to go back down memory lane, Fled?

    • Agreed. But it is still better than having the CONVICTED PEDOPHILE, IAN MAGIC HUGHES as the UPP Frontman/Campaign Manager

      “Two years in jail is the time former sports reporter Ian ‘Magic’ Hughes is to serve for the sex crime of indecent assault on a 13-yearold girl. High Court Justice Keith Thom imposed the sentence yesterday after hearing from Hughes’ lawyer, John Fuller, who was AT PAINS TO GET HIM TO APOLOGIZE for his actions. A social inquiry report painted a NEGATIVE PICTURE OF THE MANNER IN WHICH Hughes socialises with women.”


      As an Executive Member of the UPP, do you think Charles Tabor and the FEMALE Executive Members should endorse having a CONVICTED PEDOPHILE to be a mouthpiece for the UPP? Sherfield Bowen took a life, but Tessa Barthley was not a *13-yeard old* at the time of her death.

  5. Fled it seems the meego man clothes too tight and a squeeze ya brain cells. The people will never forget Mr. IMF ROMANTIC RHYTHMS WADADLI POWER CAN’T ABST HOTEL RIPOFF ABIB COLLAPSER BANKING-SECTOR COLLAPSER, KING LYADD LOVELL LIMPY JOE and the SCARS he left on our country.

    Baldwin “blood-in-hotel-lobby” Spencer aka Sharpen-You-Cutliss-Back-And-Belly-Chap-Dem-Up aka “NEW” ENGINES aka “Why Are You Laughing? I’m Giving You The Figures” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 “zero zero zero zero” aka “Ah FU Me Decision” aka “ASHE LIED” aka “Front pocket, Back pocket” aka “18-6″ aka Didn’t Do Shit for Grays Green Community”

  6. “Mr. Dear Editor you are a liar…” EDITOR, is Fled calling you a liar or he too like the UPP bunch lacks common sense and reading comprehension skills?

    “14. They purchased old power plants that could not be maintained”
    In chronicling the lead up to the shutdown of the plant, Matthias said that the 30-megawatt plant which housed six units already had rusting before the point of its commissioning in 2011 and was decommissioned 5 years later.

    While the electricity business unit manager stopped short of giving an amount, he said Antigua and Barbuda is STILL REPAYING DEBT FOR THE PLANT.



  7. UPP has one common factor “Failures” both in representation and minions. Harold Lovell as a leader has selected a bunch of incompetent persons to govern this beloved country.
    I strongly believe if the selection was of standard, the ABLP would NOT have been a choice.
    I am sadden that my representative is a BIRD led by a child molester. I WANT BETTER REPRESNTATION UPP. WE DESERVE IT!!!!!!!!!

  8. Let me first start by dealing with Winston’s bad logic: During Cort’s & Lovel’s tenure the goal post was debt to GDP ratio. This was used to determine whether your debt level was sustainable. Fact is this current admin brought our debt to GDP ratio below the 102% it met when the UPP left office. Subtracting the debt forgiveness they received for bad debt’s (eg Italian loan) the UPP actually increased our debt burden. This admin before covid, brought it down to 74 % of GDP (as of the end of the 2018). Central bank (via its current governor), IMF have congratulated this administration for its handling of its debt situation. The suggested ratio by central bank is 60 percent or less and ECCB countries have been given the task of making this happen by 2030. IMF in its last consult made clear its satisfied that the government is serious about handling the debt situation, which was worsened due to covid.

    Tellingly the person throwing stones is someone who its well known cannot handle money. There has been times when the police had to get involved due to the brethren’s being deemed untrustworthy. How many businesses have put up sign’s warning persons not to do biz with Mr Williams? Recall seeing a sign on Percival Service station window issuing said warning. This may explain why the UPP rebuffed his request to be a candidate for the 2014 elections. In the past, before the desperate times, they also divorced themselves of him being a spokesperson (he tended, like now, to often speak out of turn)

    • Winston Henry has some nerve to come here with his nonsense. The problem with the UPP is that they think people forget.

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