Corruption has no LOOK?
We often think that corruption has a particular look or maybe even a color. Sorry to disappoint you it does not. We elect officials into office and just simply believe they are Saint Peter or Saint John but they are not.
We require handouts and want easy things as citizens and expect them to meet all our needs, when ever and however those needs arise. So they in turn tries to live up to what they themselves want and the lifestyle they want and hopefully have enough to please us all.
That becomes the basis for public corruption, wanting what u did not work for under the guise of helping my people, but in fact it’s more for you than them.
So when do we have enough? When should we be contented in the things of life? Or is there an enough line for us?. When we as a people elect our officials we should hold them accountable. We should NOT let them feel like they own us and not accountable to us. We should not let them believe that we are going to turn a blind eye on what they are doing.
Truth be told most political corruption is facilitated by we the people. We encourage it, we say nothing about it, we profit from it, we love it. We the people love corruption. Now this is not a broad brush but think hard about it, in recent times we the people have elected and re-elected some of the most openly corrupt people to head government.
Now take that into context that we are also a “Christian Society” so how is it possible for this society to get it wrong repeatedly? and why are we nakedly blind corrupt people, while we go to church and praise God for chasing the gamblers out of the church but we welcome the corruption into our homes and our lives?
The simple answer is this WE THE PEOPLE ARE CORRUPT. We pretend like we are so concern but we are only concern about our self interest. We want others to believe that we have integrity and morality but we condone the worst of behaviours from the people we stand in line and vote for. We speak of morality but we are ok with the most immoral behaviors from our leaders.
We speak from both sides of our mouth, the Bible calls us a generation of vipers. If we want to see good people lead us then let’s start with ourselves. Let us set the bar high for us and then hold those who want to lead to the same standards we set for ourselves and our families.
We cannot ask our children to be honest and just and hold fast moral values and build strong character, when we are showing them for a few dollars we are prepared to sell our very soul. We speak words with our mouths but our heart is not true.
If we truely want to stamp out corruption in all its shapes, colors and race then we must begin with us. Hold ourselves accountable for our decisions as to who we vote for. Don’t make excuses to justify our decision, (all of them corrupt, All of them are the same, better the devil I have than the one I don’t know) all foolish and evasive statements to make us feel good with our corrupt decisions.
Hold whom we elect PRESENTLY accountable for their actions regardless if we support them. Remember whom the Lord love he chase after. Holding them accountable does not mean you don’t love them it simply means you want better for them, and the country. Sticking your head in the sand is really not an acceptable position because your behind is still expose. Do not feel you owe no politician blind loyalty because he got u a job. It is his job to find you a job, oh he fixed the road, that is what u are paying him to do.
We elect people to do the work of government you do not get brownie points for doing your job, you are expected at bare minimum to do your job. If you do not do your job then we move you and put someone else there. That is our job as voters, don’t bring your freebies, or ur handouts or you bribes, send your record of accomplishments and me and my family will use that as a basis to elect you again or not.
School send home report cards of our children’s performance during the term, does the principle sends a turkey or a ham or an envelope with money or a job? NOPE she simple sends the REPORT CARD and we as parents asses our children’s performance on that report. We tighten up what needs to be tightened and take away any device that is distracting then from accomplishing the task. Let the politicians send home to you their REPORT CARD NOTHING ELSE.
We are by no means perfect but we all know what corruption looks like, feels like, and sounds like. You can dress it in what color u want it would still be corruption through and through. ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD.
Much love FLED!!!
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The only establishment in the world that IS NOT corrupt is the UPP. They are all a set of honest men and women. They are holier than even the bible.
Come on now JUST SAYING how could you have got that so wrong? I thought according to comrades Iike you, FROM THE SIDELINE, ERIC (THE RED), PETE, TENMAN, HMMMMMM and SMH that the ALP under Gaston Browne is the most non-corrupt government in the world. I am sure you have heard Gaston Browne from time to time taking about the uprightness and honesty of himself and his colleagues.
Generally speaking, the arrest of the ‘BVI PREMIER’ may come under the umbrella of ‘CORRUPTION.’
From a different perspective, it is really a ‘…TARGETED STING OF ENTRAPMENT.’
More about ‘…GREED’ and wealth acquisition.
He, and his co-accused will not be indicted on ‘…CORRUPTION CHARGES.’
Just passed by.
Interesting article.
Saw the name ‘…Charles Tabord.’
Perhaps, ‘…an IMITATOR.’
The engines are “NEW”
Blood-in-hotel-lobby infamous press conference
FLED how is your WIFE???? Is she happy?
Man in the mirror, like the glass break? The boss Fled is projecting what he has done on others. Recall when he accused ALP of selling lands which the facts show were sold under UPP for a hotel project that never happened. His brethren Dave turn over the receipt yet to MBS for his overseas treatment? This man while the UPP spokesperson, saw no wrong with the fencing scandal, the WPP scandal, the John Ashe scandal, stated by WD attempts to bribe him, contacts breached and given to companies tied to elected UPP officials where legal affairs had to compensate the original contractors (we paid at least twice for the same job). Hearing him talk on Dave’s show, UPP was the best thing A&B ever experienced(as if cancer is good). The main issue I hear from Fled is he is no longer getting piece hence there has to be corruption.
Corruption looks like🥸
Corruption looks like “Spencer said: ASHE LIED”
r.i.p John Ashe. No more kickbacks for the cooks pond water ppl
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