First Grade Teacher Designs Website For Her Students


As schools are forced to close amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Sacha Mills finds a creative way to teach her students during these difficult times.

“I believe that every crisis is an opportunity for an opportunity” said Mills, a first grade teacher at TN Kirnon Primary School.

For many parents of primary school students in Antigua and Barbuda, having their children learn from home is uncharted territory.

Therefore, when schools were forced to close, Mills said she knew her students needed her.

“We had to give out these worksheets and I’m like we might not be able to do these worksheets forever, so I have to get my first graders online in a creative way” she explained.

Mills taught herself how to design a website so that she could continue teaching her students online despite schools being closed.

“I utilized the web services and the tools ranging from social media, contact management and call services and built my site and I used it up to suit Sacha Mills and her first grade students” she added.

The website designed by Mills is outfitted with reading materials, assignments, worksheets as well as self-made educational videos to keep her content interactive.

The creative classroom has now expanded beyond just her students especially since it has been shared on social media by a number of persons including the Education Minister.

Mills also highlighted that there are a number of students who do not have access to internet and commends those parents who are going above and beyond to provide their children with the content on her site.

She noted that one parent got cellular data to access the site, took screenshots and then hand-wrote the reading material for their child.



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  1. Well done she should be knighted, first ever teacher to respond to crisis with a product that’s very essential to the educational system in this time, contributing to society in a magnificent way

  2. That is a teacher to my heart. Don’t just sit and throw your hands up in the air. Be creative and use your God given talent. Kudos to you madam teacher Sacha Mills. I hope your Principal will appreciate your effort

  3. Thank you Ms Sacha Mills, teacher and innovator, for your productive performance! When challenged to solve the problem of your students, it was that moment, as in the scriptures you were asked: “What’s in your hand” and you responded by producing a product that benefits ALL your students and others.
    May you receive an award to advance your teaching and technical knowledge and skills. You are a shining example of what we NEED in our education system to take the best advantage to learn, teach and solve our nation/village A&B and the world problems.

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