SamuelFields Consulting Group (SFCG), a private consortium of business and finance experts, will host its first virtual Financial Empowerment Conference on Twosday, February 22, 2022. The LIFE (Lifestyle Influenced by Financial Empowerment) Conference will promote a happier, healthier and wealthier lifestyle through improved money management, by shaping positive attitudes and behaviours to reduce financial stress.
Known for Community Education and Outreach Initiatives, SFCG will empower citizens and residents to make smarter decisions about how they save, spend, invest and protect their money, particularly during the pandemic. “We have picked the most magical date of the century and we will utilize the theme ‘Putting 2 and 2 Together: It’s About Mindset and Lifestyle’ to bring greater attention to financial wellness. We acknowledge that money means very different things to all of us and that our financial situations, goals and motivations vary widely. Conference participants will be encouraged to assess their personal values, beliefs and lifestyle choices to make financial decisions that are best suited to them. Our sessions will present a range of financial wellness topics to engage our audiences in an interesting, relevant and relatable way,” said Megan Samuel-Fields, CEO and Senior Financial Coach of SFCG.
The LIFE CONFERENCE will feature masterclasses and networking sessions followed by a FREE Fin Fête — a forum featuring 7 Well-Being Empowerment Zones with financial strategies to address every lifestyle. The line-up will feature over 20 dynamic local, regional and international speakers, entertainers and influencers and 15 sessions that center on banking, budgeting, savings, credit, debt and investing, some of the key pillars that underpin the most important financial decisions. SFCG will also offer customized tools and financial wellness resources to address the complexities of the current financial climate.
Designed to deliver financial education and entertainment, the conference will put real-life scenarios into an educational context to help improve participants’ financial capability, self confidence and knowledge.
“No 2 ways about it. Talking about money can be tough and 2021 has tested our financial resilience. This event is designed to help everyone overcome big financial hurdles, by taking small steps guided by knowledge, professional guidance and informed decisions,” said Megan Samuel-Fields, CEO and Senior Financial Coach.
Registration for the LIFE CONFERENCE and FIN FÊTE begins on January 22, 2022.
The LIFE CONFERENCE (Masterclasses and Networking Sessions) will run from 8:22am – 2:22pm and the cost is $120USD.
The FIN FÊTE (Well-Being Empowerment Zones & Workshops) will run from 3:22pm – 6:22pm and is FREE.
Visit samuelfieldsconsulting.com to learn more about Group Rates & Early Bird Specials.
About SamuelFields Consulting Group (SFCG)
SFCG’s dedicated network of experts provides a wide range of professional services, including financial planning, accounting, auditing, management and marketing. We help our clients maintain financial security through sound investing, saving and lifestyle choices to achieve financial independence.
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