(Pointe Xpress)
Debate is underway in the House of Representatives on whether Barbuda should secede from the unitary state of Antigua and Barbuda.
The debate started on Thursday when Prime Minister Gaston Browne tabled a resolution on which members were invited to speak.
He indicated however, that at the conclusion of the debate on the matter it is his intention to call for a ‘division’ in which each member of the house will be required to individually vote ‘for’ or ‘against’ secession.
PM Browne began the debate by providing historical context to the issues at the heart of the problems between the Barbuda Council and the Antigua based central government. Browne said his government has only one aim which is to see that development in Barbuda stays apace of that taking place in Antigua.
Despite his efforts, he continued, the Barbuda People’s Movement led Barbuda Council has chosen a path of confrontation with the government rather than joining hands to advance the interests of the people of Barbuda. He complained that many administrations have attempted to ignite Barbuda’s development, however they all encountered resistance on the part of the Barbuda Council.
The prime minister also addressed the divisive Barbuda land issue which has been at the centre of the most heated disagreements between the central government and the Council. He said the Barbuda Land Act, which was introduced by the UPP administration did not confer any rights to the land as it was then suggested by the UPP.
Rather, Browne said, rights to the land are vested in the crown. He stated that the decision of his administration to enable Barbudans to purchase lands for the symbolic amount of $1 was meant to empower the island’s people.
In his rejection of the request for separation, Browne called for the cessation of hostility between the Council and the central government rather than secession.
The Barbuda representative, Trevor Walker, gave a spirited, and at times emotional rebuttal of the issue, detailing what he viewed as the ‘bad’ treatment that the island has received from the government.
He highlighted issues including the contribution of Barbuda to the national treasury by way of taxes which he claimed is sufficient to run the affairs of the island. He claimed much of the money raised by the island ends up in the national treasury and should be used for the island.
Walker also noted that over the years the island’s sand has been exploited to the benefit of elements in Antigua to the disadvantage of Barbudans. He said he will continue to fight for what he believes is right for the people of Barbuda. The debate continues today.
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Indeed it was a high spirited debate.. It seems as though Mr. Walker’s presentation began to be a thorn in the skins of the ABLP parliamentarians. The chronological facts that Walker presented during the debate was very agitating…. Clearly, Robin took some things personal to the point where he retaliated and chose to take it to another level, which was certainly uncalled for……
Clown how was it uncalled for? I’m upset he left cause more could’ve came out. Open your eyes Antiguans and Barbudans both sides are the same, some take more because of the time spent in government.
Funny Robin said brown paper bag and Trevor said he didn’t get money lmao.
You got that right. Robin never said he took money. But when you’re guilty tory jump out your mouth so quickly.
Yes Joker …. This is why people like u cannot make much progress in life bcuz you can’t see much further than your nose….
What about the envelope Robbing the hood gets from a certain supermarket?
I support Barbuda…..
This Trevor man does not represent the feelings of ordinary Barbudans, for sure. He would be another TRUMPer with that same right wing ultra capitalist ideology.
How you know? You asked Barbudans. Barbudans can’t stand Browne.
Who then were the Barbudans that welcomed him when he came back from the UN. And who were those Barbudans that welcomed him when he went there right after the hurricane. Guess you don’t speak for those Barbudans
TREVOR WALKER is the MOST SELFISH Person that I have ever met. Trevor is for HIMSELF only . He does NOT give a DAMN about anyone including Barbudans. Trevor has the only Gas Station and Grocery Store in Barbuda . He does Not want the Barbudans to get a head. Thank God for RICARDO NEDD and the Young Barbudans who see the WRONGS Trevor is doing.
Hon. Robin Yearwood Exposed Trevor Walker in Parliament . He reminded Trevor of the BROWN PAPER BAG. Trevor could not take the heat . He walked out of Parliament. Whenever I see Trevor I would remember the BROWN PAPER BAG.
From this day forth he shall simply be known as: BROWN BAG TREVOR!!!!!
I am sure if there was really a brown paper bag it did not contain anything near the $400 million from sand mining that Robin and his gang reaped. Did the sand belong to them? No wonder Antigua is in this sorry state with no visible development. And Gaston run to the Chinese for every thing.
As far as Barbuda is concern, there are less than 2000 inhabitants. All the island needs are two large hotels to provide employment for the people.
How is turning part of Barbuda into a gated community for the rich helping Barbudans? Building a golf course on the island will only result in the killing off of all the marine life in the nearby seas from all the fertilizer needed.
Gaston talks about developing Barbuda but I suspect all he wants is getting his hands on the prime real estate in Barbuda for him and his people to continue their enrichment schemes.
Gaston should concentrate on developing Antigua. It is funny he wants to develop Barbuda when Antigua is a dump. Develop Antigua first and leave Barbuda’s lands alone.
Heard the debate especially when Walker claimed Barbuda is a net positive contributor to our nation. He then claimed they provide some 5 million yearly to our 4 billion GDP. I then recollect Walker when he was part of the Cabinet pre 2014 stating (according to Daily Observer)
“Barbuda’s Representative Chides Residents for Dependency: (May 29, 2010, Antigua Daily Observer)
“Member of Parliament (MP) for Barbuda Trevor Walker yesterday lashed out at Barbudans for their dependence on the Barbuda Council.
Walker accused Barbudans of not doing enough for the sister-island while relying too heavily on subsidies from the central government in Antigua.
“It’s so amazing to me that 1,500 people cannot get together to try and organise themselves in a way that they can help themselves, and I take blame for that too,” he said. “All that we do is to go to this broke Barbuda Council that has no money, borrow everything that we want, and the same Barbuda Council depends on the central government every week every month for transfers. It’s just not sustainable.”
“At the end of the day, we cannot have it both ways. We cannot want to live the Antigua life and want to have the Barbuda lifestyle … and so let us wake up,” Walker said. “I mean this might cause me some political problems but at the end of the day, I want to be recorded as the person that moved the country forward in a positive way.”
The Barbudan MP also suggested that Barbudans have FAILED TO MAKE PROPER USE OF THEIR LAND to EMPOWER themselves.”
He and Lovell are the same. They have split tongues. You just cannot trust what they tell you today, they’ll turn around tomorrow and deny having told you so.
I cannot stand such people and therefore stay far from them.
I have always warned Gaston about both of them. They are dangerous set of people. Trevor knew he had to walk out of parliament as soon as he got a change. Because he doesn’t want to be on record to have voted for cessation. He did this before the other day.
Yep I pretty much figured as soon as he had his turn to speak, he would leave. Its been that way for years. Admittedly he tends to stay a bit longer than the dog under taker. Man, leadership has a high level of tolerance for bull. No way someone can be in my house telling me they plan to leave and I don’t help them (Walker and the BPM) pack. They can secede , via the intl. airport with their name being listed as persona non grata.
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!” @ Ten man you made use of your mother vacant lot on lower church street as yet? I hope your mother never take your advise to sell her family land to the Chinese. You are a dam hypocrite.
Chinese and land? Stop lie, I have never advocated what you falsely claim (why bring my mom in this?). Boss I have Chinese persons who are members of my family. I know for power you guys have no problem being racist. If one were to approach and make a good offer (no matter the race), I would have no problem advocating for it based on its merits. You wish to make a offer? By the way its not the same Lovell just days before the 2014 election advocating for YIDA to get lands in ANU?
Finance Minister Harold Lovell said Yida International Investment Antigua Limited, led by Yida Zhang, is seeking approval under the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) as well as incentives under the Business and Tourism (Special Incentives) Act for a mega resort and residential development on Guiana Island and surrounding areas.
“Government has approved the project and is willing to give the necessary concessions,” Lovell said.
“We have done everything we can to facilitate the project and get it moving,” he added. “The possibilities exist that we do what is necessary in order to ensure that the project comes off the ground.”…Lovell said the government has been doing its part to ensure the mega project can move ahead full speed, but is waiting for the group to finalise its purchase from the Stanford liquidators. see Gov’t keen to offer incentives for Guiana Island project
Article Published: May 9, 2014, Daily Observer
Knight you are the BIGGEST Hypocrite. I know you very well. We grew up together in Ovals.
Knight you are always a Person who like things to go your way or that Person is
the worst Person in the world. I hope someday you find yourself and stop behaving
like a real JERK
Isn’t it also true that Asot was kicked out of Parliament by the Speaker. Where is that story????
@ tenman
Please don’t waste your time on bloody blokes who arrive in shining armour like BLACK-MAN and Company Limited. Not worth the effort!
However thanks for the very timely reminder, B. B. TREVOR’S OWN WORDS, in the May 29th 2010 article in the Daily Observer! He gave us quite a mouthful then accusing his “beloved” subjects of being lazy and unenterprising preferring to live as leeches on Central Government. Today, despite all his Emmy-worthy passion and theatrics, B. B. Trevor has not changed. Did he not recently castigate his beloved subjects calling them lazy, covetous, bad minded, corrupt, sinful…..? B. B. Trevor, do your words mean nothing? Were you lying then? Or are you lying now concerning the Brown Paperbag Drop-off. Cry cry baby who can’t take what he tries to dish out! What a riotous joke!!!
ANR it would appear that you are now actively practicing a policy of censorship. I have posted twice a response to Tenman’s nonsensical post that the UPP is racist re the Chinese and you have refused to print it. Nothing in my post is defamatory, however, you continue to allow all sorts of comments (from people operating under some ridiculous pseudonyms) which borders on defamation. I will later in the day repost my comments to test my assertion.
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