Chearvel Smith was fined $10,000 in the High Court Monday after pleading guilty to a charge of death by dangerous driving.
The then 28-year-old Smith was the driver behind the wheel of the Toyota Platz vehicle that struck and killed 23-year-old X-Saphair King on September 21, 2016.
The woman, who only had a driver’s permit, lost control of the vehicle and struck the pedestrian from behind.
The car belonged to the woman’s boyfriend who had not given her permission to drive the vehicle.
King was pronounced dead on the scene.
In addition to the fine, Smith was disqualified from driving for one year.
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wow I remember this sad ordeal. A young man ripped from life because of her actions. $10,000 is what his life is worth? Have mercy Jesus.
This justice system really sucks
Have mercy for real
She not be able to hold a drivers license at all. Nonsense.
If it was a man driving that car, it would have been fine and confined, this deserve jail time, driving without a proper driver’s license and kill a human being, this judge needs to be removed and apply for a job doing construction
LOL! from the bench to a workbench in the hot sun? LOL.
No, he needs to go and serve the jail time she deserves with hard labour.
A teacher was fined $20, 000. 00 and a one year jail suspended sentence for wounding and this person took a life and while driving illegally and was fined $10, 000. 00. This judge must be on drugs and needs to be confined.
One never really understand what goes behind the sentencing of a convicted person. It is such a inconsistent thing and hard to comprehend. It is the very same case that came to mind when I read this. Firstly, I thought the $20K fine imposed on the teacher was very harsh. And this $10K fine is such a slap on the wrist. So much for equal rights. I really do feel that judges have no proper guidelines by which to impose sentences. It is just a matter of which side of the bed they wake up on any given day.
I thought the same thing, but had a conversation with a friend of mine who is lawyer. In short the main difference is,
1) the teacher paid compensation to the child while the lady is paying a state fine,
2 the teacher has nothing else to pay while the lady can now be suede by the family.
Hopefully they do. It then made sense to me.
Imagine that
This is such bullsh#@ I can’t believe that she was charged justv $10000.00 & a 1 year bann of of a drivers license that she never had already… smh.. Antigua’s Justice System is Wack..
wait! Hold up! so if she did NOT receive permission to drive the owner’s car, why wasn’t she also charged with LARCENY? She’s been watching too much Grand Theft Auto?
Foolishness the teacher got fined twice that amount and the person still alive! Smh
Joke country with joke justice system. The teacher was fined twice this amount for wounding a student. The prosecutor should appeal this sentence.
I can’t imagine what the poor boy’s family must be going through having to relive this tragedy and now being slapped in the face by our so called justice shitstem.
Why don’t you move to lets say Ireland? But wait:
“A man has been fined €4,000 for careless driving causing the death of a mother-of-one in a “tragic” incident involving a Luas last year.
Sergeant Karl Mackle said Quentin Hannezo broke a red traffic light and collided with an oncoming Luas tram before going into a skid. The silver BMW car hit Yao Webster (35), who had been walking on the footpath, killing her immediately. ” see IrishTimes, Fri, Jul 17, 2015, 17:12″
Again, magistrates before you do the usual of pissing at your country, try and get all the facts. Note also that just like everywhere else in the world, our judges /magistrates are human being, hence fallible. Anyway brethren your feelings of disrespect for your own is well known.
really???? 10K for taking a life. give me a break, makes me wonder what kind of justice we offer in this country. This is a joke system indeed.
So the family of the deceased is still grieving and perhaps trying to pick up the pieces and move on while she is probably at “$2 Tuesdays” have a grand time.
The system continues to fail our society time and time again.
A school teacher f**ked up yes but his punishment was excessive and this woman took someone’s life through her careless behavior and she got a “Get out of jail free card”
Our justice system sucks, I don’t have faith in police, lawyers nor the judges!!!!
I guess questions should not be asked what about the killing of Andrea Hughes. She was struck down by a driver whose name everyone knows and up until today had not seen the inside of the court to answer for this accident. This happened in March 2014 and she left behind nine children. It seems like our reporters are helping to kill this story. Shame on the entire police hierarchy.
The Most High neither slumbers nor sleeps. The driver in question may think they have “gotten away” but “time longer than rope” for real.
@ really am with u on that
Well this a JOKE his funeral cost more that what she paying. Send her back to her country and she need to spend time in jail. I wonder who the hell she is sleeping with to get away with this murder. She hit him from the back and she usually take her boyfriend to work so that’s a LIE. His family need to do something about this.
People that have driver’s license pay more or even get time in jail…and that’s all she gets…
Were all the appreciate charges applied?
1.Vehicular Homicide
2. Driving not Covered by Insurance
3. Driving without Permission
4. Driving without a valid Licence
5. Driving without Due Care and Attention (Reckless Driving)
If these charges, #2-#5, were applied, the $10,000 would be appropriate…. but for Vehicular Homicide, that requires jail time.
Its obvious that the sentencing guidelines were not applied. Indeed, another sad day for justice in Antigua.
BTW… will she be deported?
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