Fauci: Pfizer booster likely ready by Sept. 20, Moderna may need longer


NIAID director Anthony Fauci told CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday the Pfizer coronavirus booster shot may be ready by the date the administration has aimed for, while Moderna’s will likely need more time for approval.

The backdrop: President Biden said last month the government will offer boosters beginning the week of Sept. 20 to adults who got their shots of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna at least eight months prior.

What he’s saying: “We were hoping that we would get the, both the candidates, both products, Moderna and Pfizer, rolled out by the week of the 20th,” Fauci said. “It is conceivable that we will only have one of them out, but the other would likely follow soon thereafter.”

Fauci added that the delay is because the administration wants to get “the appropriate FDA regulatory approval and then the recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.”

“Looks like Pfizer has their data in, likely would meet the deadline,” he said. “We hope that Moderna would also be able to do it, so we could do it simultaneously, but if not, we’ll do it sequentially.”

“So the bottom line is very likely at least part of the plan will be implemented, but ultimately the entire plan will be.”

Driving the news: Health officials have warned that the administration would have to scale back plans to unveil the third dose by that date to allow for more time to collect and review data for the Moderna booster.

Of note: “It looks good,” Fauci said when asked about the data that officials are still seeking from Moderna. “I think it is going to be at the most, a couple of weeks’ to a few weeks’ delay, if any.”

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  1. And after Biden’s announcement, two of the FDA’s top officials handed in their resignation letters…unofficially citing they’re being pressured by the White House to give the OK for boosters before all they data is in and fully analyzed.
    How many boosters will people have to take before they stop this experiment? It is clearly obvious that the vaccines are failures. No coronavirus vaccines have ever worked before. ADE has always caused them to be abandoned. The Belgian scientist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, WARNED them that this was going to be the outcome.The more they vaccinate the more mutants they are creating. Israel is already preparing its people for the 4th booster.
    Since it’s obvious that the Pfizer vaccine protection wanes so quickly, why would you want to give it to children? They have no idea of any long term SAFETY issues.

    • Is true,I agree with you….we need to find out how much money was pocketing for certain TRIATORS of mankind in we BLACKY SOCIETY from the big genocides mo… Fu… The big pharma.

      Their get today and by tomorrow someone in their family will suffer

  2. Just watch this man’s face. I want to know how many vaccines we would have to take to get this virus under control? Now, they’re talking about a booster for the Delta variant. Another deadly variant found in Africa name “Mu.” Lord Jesus, only You alone can help us and keep us 100% safe from these variants. Lord Jesus have mercy on us. We need You, Father God.

  3. FAUCI – is he part of Skull n Bones secret society too?

    Remember the devil doesn’t have horns and a pitchfork. He appears as an “angel of light” to deceive people. Nice smile Dr. Fauci – looking like an “angel” indeed.

  4. Fauci is another pawn protecting his paycheck. He authorised the financing of the gain of function research and look what happened.

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