Farmer Browne thanks George Wehner for publicity of his farm


Prime Minister Gaston Browne has responded to opposition activist George Wehner who raised questions about the presence of a Chinese company on his farm.

This is how Browne reacted to the video below: “I  thank Mr George for the farm publicity. Actually, it’s shaping up to be the most beautiful and productive farm in the OECS sub-region.”

In another post on Antigua Newsroom Browne said a restaurant could be his next project linked to the Farmer Browne brand.

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  1. Must be nice when you have access to government resources to build up your business. Imagine if our local farmers had similar access to build up their business. And I don’t want to hear that he paid the Chinese for their services. With all these contractors in this country that are struggling and many are owed by the government why not spend your money on them. As usual Gaston doing well, while ordinary people continue to catch hell. Nothing last forever!

  2. Isn’t this a conflict of interest?

    If not, I’m hoping that the prime minister is doing the same thing for other farmers and agricultural developers on the island.

    I hope this is not a case of Gassy nyam some, and LEF NONE … TARL!

  3. Looks like serpent needs to hand over his 26acres to the pm so that we can have some more locally grown food.

    • You SHOULD really be shame for this utterance. You people too like deflect. DO YOU KNOW OTHERS IN REAL COUNTRIES GO TO JAIL FOR THIS KINDS OF BEHAVIORS IN PUBLIC OFFICE?? This GREEDY MAN has a hand in just about EVERY SECTOR in this country, Construction-Tourism-Entertainment-Farming you name it. STOP DEFENDING WRONG because you like someone’s personality or because you “owe allegiance” to a party. A patty I might add that doesn’t give a shit about US yes US because until a change is made I suffer along with you. Difference is I CAN BOLDLY STATE IM SUFFERING but the ones like you TOO SHAME TO SAY IT OUT LOUD, you “followers” congregate and whisper among yourselves because of SHAME. Sick of y’all right now. OPEN YA YIIII AND SEE THIS MAN DUN DET UP HIMSELF, WIFE, BABY MOTHERS, CHILDREN RIGHT DOWN TO THE TODDLER BY NOW MUST HAVE MILLIONAIRE STATUS and aryou a struggle dey supermarket ah put back one one items dey cashier because the goods total more than wa in ya wallet. SERPENT AND HE FARM NA IMPORTANT BECAUSE HE A STRUGGLE LIKE ALL THE ORHER FARMERS BECAUSE THE COUNTRY RESOURCES ARE SEEMINGLY CHANNELED TO FIX UP THE JUNIOR MASSA. I FXXKING HATE IT HERE because if people like you and HE. DONT CALL WRONG RIGHT

  4. Whenner move to the head of the class. Investigated Journalism at its best. A Grab, grab Prime Minister, how do you sleep at night, a we ketch hell and you busy competing with the local farmers.
    When you a go stop and think that you should put dem first, we gave you the job and you have failed us time and time again. Whenner more tings a guarn, keep them videos coming.

    • Dalzareen Kalteek just one thing; Whenner is spelt Wehner.. Please get the spelling of his name right. WEHNER not Whenner. Thank You. I know because I’m family.

  5. De man that won the Garbage prize at crown is at it again. Spouting so much ignorance and nonsense daily. Boi he must hab a miserable life.

    • Colombo, try and save some of the crumbs that was thrown at u because the gravy train is very low on oil, it’s going to come to a sudden halt soon.

      • Wow.. Do you get some crumbs from Ms. Foots, Mr. Greatful, Mr. Maskes, King Liard, De rapist, De woman killer, De Con man, De man who enjoys cussing and abusing women etc? All you guys are bunch of hypocrites spouting foolishness and nonsense daily. Don’t worry about others. What are you doing to be constructive and positive in building Dadli? By the way you know one of the best that thing to happened to poor people in Wadadli is the five islands University. Please sign up so you wouldn’t be infected with Politicalitis. FYI. I wil be happy to assist with you in stimulating your thoughts process and knowledge. I don’t need anything from any Politician or Political Party. But I have no tolerance for sanctimonious hypocrites liars.

  6. Dear Mr. PM

    Their are hundreds of farmers you are responsible for, they play a great roll in our food security. I am sure they would love amenities like your farm, access to Roads, Lights, Green House the works it is the responsibility of Government to assist these farmers and in turn they will provide food for the nation.

    Why do you think that it’s kool as the PM to focus on your farm your private business and neglect the greater good of all other farmers? Whom is it that without a moral compass could tell you this is ok? Clearly they too have lost their way.

    You Sir have a responsibility first to ensure that all farmers has the necessary tools and resources to provide food for the nation. You Sir have a duty to assist with funding and technical support and technology in bettering their crop production.

    Your given the Job as Chief Servant not to feather your nest but to develope the lives of the people you serve. It is very evident that you and your Ministers are only looking out for yourselves and to hell with the rest of the people.

    Self enrichment I believe you call it. I am sad that having had so many conversations with you in the lunch room of parliament and listening to you I truely believe that if there were ever to have come a time that UPP is not in power you would had been a progressive leader the nation could rally behind. I honestly thought that inspite the Party you would have rose to the occasion. We spoke many times you told me that “everyone can’t be UPP and every one can’t be ALP but we all must be Antiguans and do what is in the best interest of Antigua”.

    I can tell you I was inspired by those words and even though we were on different sides I felt honestly that you were sincere and I respected that about you.

    Mr. PM you have lost your moral compass, you have trampled on integrity and decency. You have spat in our faces and try to tell us it’s rain. You have belittled us and disgraced our Nation. You have undermind our sovereignty when you ask the Chinese to come colonize us.

    Mr. PM it is not money that is at the root of evil but the LOVE of it, that drives us to hate and betrayal and envy and greed it is this love of money that is evil this self enrichment evil you have been consume with.

    I pray you find your path because no one party will govern this country forever but we can all agree that whom ever govern, we as a people will require standards and principal and moral of them.

    I beg you to FIND YOUR WAY AGAIN, Know this, “It’s appointed unto man once to die but after death comes the judgment” what do you want there to be said of your name? that you love money or that you were a Good and Honorable and Just Man.

    You know Sir that a good name is worth more than all the treasures stored up.

    I pray for you, the Nation prays for you…

    Find your way for all our sake and your FIND YOUR WAY BACK TO DECENCY.



    • I agree with you 100 percent!!
      Upp needs a national day of prayer to
      Be rid of the pm and his croonies.
      The followers of his party need to read your article carefully.. and ponder what you are saying.

  7. Truthseekers- Well written. I do not have to read anything else. Just a little addition. Pm has the market for his produce also. He doesn’t have to catch hell like our local farms to get their produce sold. He is the minister of finance that sign duty free concessions. So do you think any of the major supermarkets are going to refuse purchasing from him? By the way who is responsible for signing duty free concessions for Farmer Browne farm and his other business ventures? If PM signature is even found on any document giving duty free to himself or any business that he owns or even have shares in , don’t matter how legal the business is, he should be charged for conflict of interest. Same if any minister of government signs any for him. See when you becomes the leader of a country it is – people first, second, third down to last. Not about self- braggart. Check Volodymyr Zelenskyy

    • Before any politician can be charged with conflict of interest, you need an independent judiciary, including a non political police force. Too much corruption in Antigua.

  8. Truthseekers- Well written. I do not have to read anything else. Just a little addition. Pm has the market for his produce also. He doesn’t have to catch hell like our local farms to get their produce sold. He is the minister of finance that sign duty free concessions. So do you think any of the major supermarkets are going to refuse purchasing from him? By the way who is responsible for signing duty free concessions for Farmer Browne farm and his other business ventures? If PM signature is even found on any document giving duty free to himself or any business that he owns or even have shares in , don’t matter how legal the business is, he should be charged for conflict of interest. Same if any minister of government signs any for him. See when you becomes the leader of a country it is – people first, second, third down to last. Not about self- braggart. Check Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

  9. Gaston can do whatever he wants because he knows a lot of his supporters neither read, listen to radio or know what is happening in Antigua. A lot of the poor ones like lining up for the free handouts and say all of them are the same. They have been disrespected but as one labour supporter phoned in a radio station to say, they will even vote for a dog in a red shirt.

  10. There is a Book entitled:My Life In The Mafia,written by Vincent Theresa. Buy that Book and read for yourselves. What he had to say about that little island,Antigua in the West Indies.

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