Family Seeks Justice For Woman Who Died After Medical Procedure


A petition created by the family of the late Esme Stevens who died following a medical procedure has amassed close to 1500 signatures at the time of this publication.

The petition states that the woman “unnecessarily lost her life” on September 11, 2018, as a result of a routine medical procedure gone wrong at the hands of a licensed and experienced medical practitioner in Antigua and Barbuda.

The text of the petition states that “the doctor’s failure to act as any ‘experienced’ doctor would in this situation, significantly altered the outcome of the routine procedure and can only be considered as gross medical negligence or mal-practise.”

The petition is calling for licensed medical practitioners in Antigua and Barbuda, to be held accountable for their actions. It notes the Government of Antigua and Barbuda’s ‘Medical Practitioners Act of 2009’ and the section that speaks of the formation of a Disciplinary Committee to investigate and punish any wrong doings on the part of medical practitioners in the twin island state of Antigua and Barbuda.

“To date however, 9 years after its proclamation, this very important aspect of the act is yet to be implemented,” it added

The petition seeks support from all interest groups and individuals hoping to bring about the long overdue Disciplinary Committee, and the restoration of faith in the medical fraternity in Antigua and Barbuda.

The petition also seeks to bring about quality healthcare in Antigua and Barbuda.

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  1. So I’m confused. Forgive my Ignorance. I’m an Antigua that has lived in Chicago since the age of 16. I am now 43. Although I visit I am not familiar with the intricate details of
    My fair nation. Please pardon my ignorance. I’m
    Confused as to why the family needs petitions. Should they just be able To sue the medical clinic for mal practice. And even have a criminal case opened for a criminal suit. Surely doctors can just go around killing people and hen just go about their merry way. Any other country, this dr.would have been already served with a civil suit and probably going through criminal investigations. Based on what I heard about this case it was blatantly a case of the doctor being negligent and this was a very routine procedure. It’s sad that the woman’s family have to ‘fight’ for justice. Smh.

    • @Caribbean Queen- Yes the family can sue the Clinic if they so desire. The petition is for a medical act to be enforced where there is a disciplinary committee sitting on a board ,where in cases like this one can go to for redress…The problem here is the committee were to include a few Medical Doctors and others from society-to date no Doctor has decided to sit on that committee .. As i said before,its universal that Doctor’s do not easily go against each other,they protect each other.. I Don’t think its unique either that the family has to fight for justice,and by all means they should keep on fighting-i do hope they get the justice they deserve.A young lady left Antigua last year to have simple cosmetic surgery at a clinic in Florida,she came back in a Casket. From what i know the Clinic is still in operation,no one license has been revoked. I am pretty sure there are many persons all over the US who had to fight for justice in cases of malpractice.We do not always have to make it sound as though these things only occur here in Antigua,because they do not.

  2. Diana JnPierre also lost her mother due to negligence. My heart broke for her when I heard her recount of what happened on the radio.

  3. This is a regular practise in antigua especially at MSJ …so many families have buried love ones because of doctors negligence only to be told sorry……

    what the hell is sorry …..they should be sued ….Antiguans love to emulate America then emulate on suing policy on “doctors negligence”

    To many deaths because of a DOCTORS blatant negligence…
    Some dnt even read properly patient medical history or even ask how many medication patient taking ……my grandmother was hospitalized 3 times this year when we went to check on her we found her to be very unresponsive n loggie….she was actually given wrong medication had they read her chart they would have seen she was allergic to that particular medicene again ….they dunb azz excuse was SORRY….if it wasnt for god she would have been DEAD ….

    Noone holds these doctors acccountable….
    Many need their license revovked no petition should be need the Medical Board need to investigate and revoke….
    how many more to die

    • D’nice-Mt St John’s has no blame in this particular matter..And do you think it is that easy to revoke a license? Although we may all suspect and are aware of deaths through negligence ,it still has to be officially proven. Maybe if we as a people would stand up and decide to fight to the finish when things like this happens,then we would see results-but we’re usually always only very ready to make a political circus out of everything..


    These are the critical issues for resolving that which appears to have become a very thorny issue – ‘…death of a loved one.’

    Since there has been a burial, logic dictates that the ‘…Cause of Death’ had already been determined and recorded in the ‘…Registers of Births and Death.’

    Reasonable inferences may have been drawn that the bereaved have not accepted the undisclosed ‘…Cause of Death.’

    Health Minister Molwyn Joseph has today, ‘…distanced the Mount St. John’s Medical Center (MSJMC) from the death of the deceased’ [Parliament: November 20, 2018].

    The particular issue not only demands ‘…expeditious investigative action by the Police,’ but also ‘…an urgent necessity of the conduct of a Coroner’s Inquest.’

    The latter would look into circumstances surrounding the death of the deceased, particularly as they affect that which has ‘…provoked concerns and prompted the Petition by the bereaved family.’

    • Not so sure its a case of not accepting the actual cause of death,but rather the events leading up to the cause of death..The family knows the cause of death,not in my place to state it.The accusation is,that Negligence was the factor that led to the cause of death.The family is mainly asking for laws to be in place that you can have a medical board to turn to for redress and hold a medical Practitioner /institution accountable for a death through negligence or incompetence.

  5. Antigua is disgustingly corrupt. I was born here but I will eventually leave. It sickens me how things are done in this country. Just the thought that no doctor is willing to be on the disciplinary committee is serious cause for concern. I tip my hat to the family of this lady for exercising such restraint. I can’t say I would be able to do the same.

  6. Every story has many sides….
    BUT, dont believe that doctors in antigua all conspire, many of the lawyers do, but not all the doctors do. That being said, Mr.Cutie don’t change the game, simply change the players.


    Do understand your concerns’

    In your apparent exuberance to ‘…respond to my comment and not the news story,’ it is obvious that you have completely ‘…Missed the Final Paragraph.’

    It tells even a Grade Sixer at Green Bay Primary School what ‘…Coroner’s Inquisition’ do. As part of the circumstances surrounding the ‘…Sudden/Tragic Death of persons, it makes determination as to whether, in the instant case, the Surgeon had been ‘…negligent in the procedure performed on the deceased.’

    You should know that Rawlston Pompey Writes from ‘…professional knowledge and practical experience.’ Right up my Street.

    Not ‘…speculatory; …unfounded belief; …guess-working or accusatory.’

    Without facts, ‘…Naaaaaah!

    Even at this stage, it might be better to provide a ‘…procedural explanation’ to the readers that they may have a better understanding than my previous comment.

    Tongue in cheek: ‘…Been there, and done that. ‘…What have you done?’

  8. Mr Pompey with all due respect,i never attempted to dispute anything you wrote.,so why the attack on me? All i stated was that the Family is fully aware of the cause of death and have accepted such. I respect everyone to the extent that they respect me,and for you to be asking me what have i done without a reason for doing so is taking it a bit overboard.. Egotism is written all over your comment,and there are two types of people i dislike- Narcissist and Egotist..I just lost all respect for you..

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