Everton Jeffers to Be Appointed New Police Commissioner


Acting Police Commissioner Everton Jeffers is set to become the new Police Commissioner, as confirmed by Prime Minister Gaston Browne on Saturday.

Jeffers has been serving in an acting capacity following the resignation of Police Commissioner Atlee Rodney, who accepted a role as Deputy Director with the Regional Security System (RSS) in Barbados—the first Antiguan and Barbudan to hold such a position. Rodney, currently on leave, endorsed Jeffers as his successor.

Jeffers, who joined the Police Force in 1982 and became Deputy Commissioner in 2019, has held various key positions, including in Immigration, Narcotics, and Police Training. He has undergone extensive leadership training and is a qualified Polygraph and Lie Detection Examiner.

Recently honored with the King’s Police Medal (K.P.M.), Jeffers’ decades of service have earned him recognition as a dedicated and respected law enforcement officer. His appointment is expected to bring promotions for younger officers poised to lead the force in the future.

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  1. What a day!!!! I thought the retirement of Rodney was good news for the force. I cautioned that this could be a very bad thing if the political directorate didn’t make the right choice. They have. This is the worst news that any police officer could wake up to. Rodney had made Mis Christopher looked like an angel. Now we have appointed Jeffers and made Rodney look like Mr Peele. This without a doubt is the WORST decision concerning the force ever to be made in its history. I am saying it now and time will prove me right. A first year state college student would have been a better choice than Jeffers. The political directorate have overlooked Mr Wade simply because they want to be the defacto commissioner. Jeffers does not have policing knowledge. He does not have leadership knowledge and experience. He does not have administrative knowledge. If the public think Rodney was like a black, stranger lost in the Chinese capital then Jeffers is WORSERER. I thought for the love of Antigua and in the interest of public safety that the politicians would put aside their hatred and fear for Mr Wade. However it is obvious that their political blindness is greater than their love for country. They are happy to have another toy to push around.

  2. Labourites will dance to any song played by Gaston Browne and tell you it’s the best music that they have ever heard. The appoingm of jeffers is the worst decision made by this cabal in its eleven years. Is jeffers being appointed as police commissioner or pastor. I do not have a problem with a police commissioner being a man of God. However Jeffers much “chose ye this day whom ye shall serve”. Acting as commissioner for a few days in the absence of the commissioner does not qualify one for the job. Jeffers is the absolute worst choice and it will be brought to light very shortly. The politicians must do what’s best for the police force and the appointment of Jeffers is certainly not the best. If jeffers is the “man of God” who he claims to be he will know that he is not prepared nor deserving of that job. However it is not all those who say “Lord, Lord” are saved and ready for the kingdom!!!

  3. First Indegenuous Antigua / Barbadian to Lead the Force in Decades ! Long overdue and it is asinine and a National Security Risk to have Non Nationals in Charge of Our Police Force. Remember Robinson Now Alexander …,

  4. We are taking a backward step to appoint this man to be the Commissioner of Police.The Crimirals are laughing at this decision.This man is not Suitable for this Position.Time will tell.The Police Force is at a all time low in Policing this Country.Time will tell concerning this decision.

  5. Let’s now see how good you are in turning this force around in terms of moral, and fighting crimes, especially these unsolved murders and missing persons

  6. Congratulations Mr Jeffers. You have very big shoes to fill and I wish you the best in executing your duties with dignity

  7. Isn’t the screening and recommendations made by The Police Service Commission?

    The bias and the naive will say no politics is involved.

    The separation of powers is a falicy in Antigua and Barbuda. There is no such thing when it comes to selecting The Police Commissioner
    The Legislative branch are a bunch of yes men and a woman, called The Cabinet; and The Police Service Commission is just window dressing in this case for Primer Minister Gaston Brown.

    In reality it’s the Executive Branch choice, and at the end of the day that and only that factor will determine what the Antigua and Barbuda Royal Police will be like in the near future.

  8. My take on this breaking news that Mr. Jeffers will be the next police commissioner. Mr Jeffers is a man of integrity and he is not a corrupt officer. He is an ordained man of God and a devoted Christian. To be a,Commissioner of Police you have to be a strong man and not a soft one. You must be a man that nobody can push around. Playing little JESUS cannot help him navigate that crime situation in Antigua. You have to be tough. Unless he is holding the seat and certain politicians will run the force. My best choice for Commissioner of Police is Deputy Commissioner Albert Wade or Colonel Croft.

  9. Straight shooter made a comment and I must agree and comment to it. The crime of Antigua and Barbuda is increasing and the public is not safe if we have a weak leader. These politicians with their politricks are using these weak so call leaders for their dirty work. We cant have leaders so easily manipulated and persuaded by sweet mouths. We need firm leaders like Donald Trump to stand up for what is right and do according to the books. The Royal Police Force failin because the previous commissioner is a failure who mostly interest in China and overseas than the safety of the public and officer. We need experience leader who knows policing, who is not afraid to take risk for safety of the public and his men. We need a defender not a preacher but someone who will execute his duty. Look, we should give everyone a chance but DC wade is well experienced and a tactical officer with training from the defence force. Anyways, Straight Shooter makes a valid point.

  10. It’s a very good decision to have chosen Mr.Jeffers as the commissioner of the Antigua and Barbuda Royal Police Force.
    Mr.Jeffers is a man of integrity and is a serious minded individual.
    The entire Gray’s Green Community says congratulations Mr Jeffers and we know you will make us proud of your this remarkable and prestigious appointment.

    May God Almighty lead you sir in all your endeavors and I know that you will be a successful leader dear brother of the Gray’s Green Community.

    As I told you privately sir , and I will say it publicly now, let Matthew 6:33 be your words guidance and admonition.

    God Bless


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