Blades which will be used to power wind turbines have arrived in Antigua and Barbuda.
They will be installed at Crabbs as the government seeks to increase its use of renewable energy here.
“This has moved on beyond the talk,” said Environment Minister Molwyn Joseph.
He indicated that more equipment will arrive in coming weeks.
In January 2018, the government of Antigua and Barbuda signed a $15 Million USD renewable energy deal with the French-based global renewable energy solutions provider, Vergnet Group.
The deal inked in 2018 will see the country becoming equipped with high tech wind hybrid and wind only interactive power grids.
The government also announced last December that the Green Climate Fund earmarked the financial resourcesAntigua and Barbuda to plant windmills and to move towards the production of more energy by non-polluting sources.
Joseph said installation will begin later this year but did not specify.
He said in the event of a hurricane the wind turbines are capable of being dismantled and reinstalled.
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I hope residents within a two mile radius have ear plugs because those things make noise day and night.
From working overseas around them, they do make loud noise from miles away.
The closest that a wind turbine is typically placed to a home is 300 meters or more. At that distance, a turbine will have a sound pressure level of 43 decibels. To put that in context, the average air conditioner can reach 50 decibels of noise, and most refrigerators run at around 40 decibels.Aug 2, 2014
Another photo op for this inept administration no thought out plan just like the Tesla that is parked in an air condition garage. You all will see the big ceremony to install the wind turbine just like the Peter Virdee solar power plant that just sits doing nothing. Question to ministers what is the finders fee on this one?
And while the dogs bark the wagon moves on.
It does nothing? You mean the project which won best PV in the Caribbean and generates electricity for the airport (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjlGyJIIm8E )does nothing? It is now owned by the people of our nation. I will concede they are working on completing another project (Bethesda) but to suggest his projects are doing nothing, is a lie (see Work on Bethesda solar energy plant to resume, May 2018
In a hurricane zone how dumb y not use the system that is powered by the waves…
how do wind turbines survive hurricanes?
That’s right, wind turbines have a hurricane mode, designed to let them ride out major wind storms without damage. Basically, the blades get pitched to neutral so that wind forces them to not rotate, then they are locked down facing into the wind.
Use the internet wisely so you do not have to show your ignorance of things.
It’s a good idea to have them install on the island to help generate low cost energy. I hope the government realized that they have to be install miles away from residence homes. The constant maintenance of these wind farm are costly.
It’s a good idea to have them install on the island to help generate low cost energy. I hope the government realized that they have to be install miles away from residence homes. The constant maintenance of these wind farm are costly. Antigus & Barbud government don’t maintained anything they constructed.
O&M costs average between $42,000 and $48,000/MW during the first 10 years of a wind turbine’s operations, IHS Markit said. However, costs vary widely depending on age, location and O&M strategy. U.S. wind farm owners are expected to spend over $40 billion on O&M over the next 10 years, the report said.Nov 22, 2017
APUA should start using wind energy to assist farmers with renewal energy and to pump water to their lands. Much cheaper than RO plants.
Renewable energy is definitely the way forward. Hopefully this contract is with an ethical company that doesnt pay “finders fees” or other bribes to ministers like the previously mentioned solar installer.
Well you can always hope I guess, but I wont be suprised to hear later that someone in power got a nice taste of that $15 million tax payers money contract
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