Embarking on a New Journey: From Senator to Diplomat


By Caleb Gardner

I extend profound gratitude to Honorable Prime Minister Gaston Browne for entrusting me with the role of the youngest Senator in Antigua and Barbuda’s history.

Today, I’m thrilled to announce the next chapter in my journey—a new role as a diplomat at the Washington Embassy of Antigua and Barbuda.

As the youngest Senator, I’ve diligently carried out my responsibilities, tirelessly working towards our nation’s betterment.

My time in the Senate has been defined by active legislative engagement, championing crucial initiatives, and advocating for the interests of our people, especially the youth.

From the “Let’s Get to Work: Self-development Workshop,” empowering our youth for the world of work, to my literacy campaign in rural primary schools, and motivational speeches at graduations, I’ve ensured developmental opportunities are accessible to all.

Believing in diplomacy as a potent tool for international cooperation, I’m excited to embrace this new role in the Washington Embassy.

I intend to strengthen diplomatic ties, promote bilateral relations, and effectively represent Antigua and Barbuda’s interests on the global stage.

I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for the unwavering support, guidance, and encouragement throughout my journey.

To my esteemed fellow senators, the cabinet, parliamentary staff, cherished friends, and family, your belief in me has been my strength.

Serving our nation alongside exceptional individuals has been an honor, and your support continues to drive me.

About Caleb Gardiner: Caleb Gardiner is a dynamic, driven individual with a deep commitment to public service.

His leadership, evident in initiatives such as youth awards in Barbuda, reading programs, and empowering workshops, has earned him recognition as a promising leader and an asset to our nation.

Upcoming Contributions: Caleb Gardiner is committed to donating to the Department of Youth and Sports in Barbuda and supporting the UWI Five Islands Campus Guild Council.







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    • @Sielines: Is he related to Gaston Browne? There are hundreds of very smart /bright young people all across Antigua and Barbuda.So why was he selected to that position? Did he go through a testing process and he came out of that test with flying colors.I am just asking questions.The truth always rises to the top.

  1. So this is what passes for diplomat these days?

    Talking about being in the right place at the right time. So we just pick up any body and make them diplomat. Gaston will make his mother a space researcher if it suit him. He wanted the spot cleared for George so he just simply moved Caleb from the Senate to the “diplomat” position and slide in George.

    The day might come when we will hear that he trade in Pixie for someone more expedient. What a fella. There is none like him, except big brother Trump. Their type comes along once every five generations.

    BTW, George. If I had any sympathy for you I change my mind. You telling some big big lies and everybody could see right through them. Besides, you are a badminded, traitorous fella. One day you will get it back.

  2. GB. Is a dictator. He got rid of Samantha since he don’t think she can serve his purpose anymore. Calvert Aaron are you going to vote for this new candidate? Then as part of the bribe package he appointments his new candidate to the senate. Soon to resign in order to participate in the By-election. Then out of no where in an unstable mental decisions he turned young Gardener into a diplomat.
    Seems to me that UPP is the training for ABLP. Chet was UPP and after getting beaten my Mama Adams – he jumped ship. Winston Williams, Ever Greene , Lammin Newton, Dorel Mathew and the money part two – Cool and Embarrador Baba and much more.
    I am calling on the UPP MP’s to come public whenever you are approached with bribes by this ABLP GB Administration. The relentless efforts that are being made by ABLP to woo UPP MP’s and supporters are unethical. Offering them money, big Jobs and position.
    Blind followers – in the mean white GB in dictatorship manner is destroying the ABLP organization. ABLP was a very strong organization and had its own training ground. ABLP also was able to recruit bright Antigua that had no political affiliation. Today under GB. It’s about buying out the UPP operatives, with financial rewards.
    APLP use to use a phase “From the bowlers of LABOUR in reference to its candidates. Cutie came up in ABLP youth arm , Hilroy Humpherys , Samantha Marshall, Gail Christian and Mary Clare Hurst and of course Max Hurst are all from the “Bowels Of Labour. Today GM has eroded the building process . He has destroyed the Bowels Of Labour and now replaced it with Gastón Buyum.

  3. No formal schooling in DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS or is he gonna school in the USA on the Antiguan government dime and since he will be going school jus mek me a diplomatic one time….. they get a stipend from the USA & ANTIGUA they get a social security # from the USA that only good for taxes he cannot work outside of the consulate/ embassy and hrs a jr ambassador….they wait until u were accepted into college in the USA to make this move jus like ANTIGUANS KNOW GASTON IS BERY STRATEGIC this jus proves it.

    It must be nice being YOU

  4. As an overseas Antiguan in the US, I’d like to say congratulations and welcome! I hope that you can help both our countries to work together for the betterment of our citizens.

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