UPDATED: Eight new cases, 25 active cases of COVID-19 in Antigua & Barbuda


(Dashboard Update for July 30, 2021)

The most recent report received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment from the Sir Lester Bird Mount St. John Medical Centre has revealed eight (8) new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Thursday 29th July 2021 at 6pm.
Six (6) of these cases were recorded on July 28th and two (2) on July 29.
Five (5) of the new cases are non-imported and three (3) imported.
One hundred and fifty-two (152) samples were processed at Sir Lester Bird MSJMC.
Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is one thousand three hundred and three (1303); which is inclusive of twenty-five (25) active cases.  There are three (3) mild hospitalized cases.
Meanwhile, thirty eight thousand one hundred and forty-six (38,146) first doses of the Covid-19 vaccines have been administered of which thirty thousand seven hundred and four (30,704) received the second dose.
The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.

*Please note the dashboard is inclusive of information for July 28 and July 29, 2021.

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    • @ Betty C, I have been asking for that as well. I think that would be important information for both the vaccinated and unvaccinated and for the health officials campaign.

      1. For the vaccinated, it may help to save their lives if they become fully aware that they can still catch it.

      2. For the unvaccinated, maybe it could convince them to get vaccinated if only the unvaccinated catching it.

      3. For the health officials, if you are proud of the figures, it may make your argument more compelling.


    • Question ? Is that little dot . supposed to represent the size of your brain ?
      Use your time to educate and contribute
      So many people would give anything to speak to their love ones for 5 more mins .
      What a waste of space
      Waste of life

  1. I stand to be corrected
    If persons to be fully vaccinated or have a negative covid result then why are there so many imported cases. I think the PM is intentionally bringing covid here to force us to take the vaccine.
    How is it so many tourist here with covid and you now saying go beach.
    This is all a set up to let as much people as possible get covid and then say youall should have taken the vaccine.
    Enough is enough antigua people we need to stand up for our rights

  2. And the CASEDEMIC continues. Folks, stop worrying about how many people test positive with a fraudulent test (cycle threshold too high).
    How many people are truly infectious that where the concern should be. It it highly unlikely for asymptomatic people to spread the disease… Some of those testing positive are false positives, some are positive from dead viruses but the test can tell the difference. Asymptomatic spread is NOT the driver of a pandemic. SICK people with symptoms are.

  3. imported vaccinated move around freely without quarantine and the top stat analysers cannot see where what the cause of a spike in the spread. guess the numbers have to be pushed for the mandatory vaccination. some see then turn their head. some see yet they blind

  4. 25 Cases of Covid-19 and counting. I wondered if the former Chief Health Inspector is responsible for this increase. Gaston Browne are you responsible for this sudden increase,inna Antigua? Are you going to take responsibility for this. Not pawn it off on one of your cronies.

  5. When the cases are low the government is doing a good job, when it is high the citizens of Antigua are responsible, but it is ok for visitors to bring it to our shores, some people need to realize the PM only care about his pocket not the people of Antigua. You cannot expect to have no cases and people are coming to our shores, it is best they stop publishing the dashboard since they have not been transparent from the onset.

    I would like to know from the onset before vaccination was administered, how comes the leaders that reject this experiment is dead but the ones that move forward with vaccinations is still alive when none of them was vaccinated as yet? This virus seems like it respect the leaders that pushes for the vaccine

    The first time in history every country is in agreement but when it comes to war they never pursue peace, people need food ,clothing ,shelter i never see them push to make sure their is provision for the basic necessities but one must believe they love the people that much, its only about vaccines that man should be save by.

    The leaders uses fear tactics and some people let fear govern their decision making, Fear of death will not stop one from dying it will stop you from living, build your immune system and live life to the fullest and stop worrying about every pin or leaf drop on the ground.

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