Dwayne George Defects to ABLP, Citing Lack of Support from UPP


Dwayne George’s switch from United Progressive Party (UPP) to Antigua Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) has sent shockwaves through the political landscape.

George’s recent endorsement of UPP’s Kelvin “Shugy” Simon added to the surprise. He cited UPP’s shifting administration and lack of support as reasons for his move.

Despite rumors, George denied receiving gifts from ABLP. With by-elections approaching, UPP faces questions about its ability to retain talent.

ABLP sees George’s move as advantageous, while UPP assesses the impact on its stance in St Mary’s South.

The situation underscores political volatility as both parties prepare for the upcoming polls.

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  1. You keep dancing to the Prime Minister’s tune you turncoat, but what happens to you if you don’t win St Mary’s South?

    Surely, even you realise he’ll do anything to win?

    You think the devilish and devious Gaston Browne will stick with you?

    You’ll disappear as fast as you appeared on the scene, then you’ll witness the true colours of the Prime SINISTER.

    • @ BRIXTONIAN…I have never seen a person who is more jealous of Hon. Gaston Browne than the NOTORIOUS BRIXTONIAN. This Guy follow the Prime Minister postings to the minute. I am quite sure that BIXTONIAN did not enjoy carnival. You must relax my Brother . Stop fighting so hard for a Senate seat that will never happen. BRIXTONIAN wake up and smell the roses.

      I can remember when you were a supporter of ABLP and now you crossed the floor to UPP. This happens in politics.Hon. Gaston Browne will take all the talented / young persons from UPP and leave you Guys with SERPENT and PRINGLE ( DUMMIES ).

      • Always good to hear from you @ GORD.

        Yes, you are correct that I was once a supporter of the ABLP, but thankfully I saw through all his waffle, bluster and mistrust.

        Here’s a question that I put to YOUR leader way back in 2014/or 15 in a Q & A session, earlier in his Premiership:

        “What is the current situation with the ongoing problems with the carpark in town, and can you give an update on completion?”

        Your Prime Minister promised that the issues – though difficult – would be resolved, and completion forthcoming @ GORD.

        Fast-forward now to 2023, and look at the carpark today, it’s a downright eyesore – and nothing seems to have been done since he entered office.

        This is just one of his many broken manifesto promises that made many independent thinkers like me stop supporting the ABLP, Gaston talks a lot, but just can’t deliver the goods!


  2. I just don’t get it.

    Six months ago this person is telling the electorate how bad the Labour Party is and six months after he is telling the electorate how ‘good’ the labour party is?

    This guy cannot be right in his head. He must have mental issues.

    • Shouldn’t surprise u. We have seen ppl like Erol Cort and Tamo jump from the top of one party to the top of the other without missing a beat. Neither political party has any guiding principles that would hinder them from doing anything. A&B needs a 2nd political party so that the voters have an option.

    • A sinner is not converted slowly over a period of time. It happens instantly. Saul was on the way to Damascus when he met the Lord and was converted instantly.

  3. No matter how the Gastonites try to justify this betrayal{dont think the Labourites are in full support of this treachery}no rightful thinking individual with any inkling of integrity would support this. People are so selfish and greedy, they will sell their souls for a circle of tainted gold, but a true patriot will reject this inexcusable deception. Gaston Browne is behind this people. The man continues to make decisions that brings his mental stability into serious questioning. Is this idiot fit to lead anything? He forced poisons on Antiguans and Barbudans in the most vicious, barbaric way, found it amusing when citizens gathered to stand up against the tyranny and were tear-gassed and rubber bulleted; he ranted and raved like a madman when citizens asked for stimulus during a horrific economic time worldwide; he raised gas prices to exorbitant levels without a second thought and refused to reduce the price when the cost of a barrel or crude oil fell below $70; he promised raises to civil servants leading up to an election but quickly reneged on his word shortly thereafter. Antiguans, the list of failures and mismanagement of the country’s finances is long. Now we are in danger of loosing our seaport because he cant pay the Chinese. For a finance minister who collected in excess of 14 billion dollars in 8 years, this is unacceptable. But, people took bribes and trinkets to put this idiot back there to continue his disaster. What else can I say? Antigua is some sort of twilight zone.

  4. To deny he received gifts from ALP is a joke. He was parachuted into a seat in the Senate ahead of many faithful Laborites and some of the flip-flops who must be very disappointed. That is a very big gift.

    But to go to the statement made in this story that the UPP has problems holding onto talent, that is a very valid statement. Take a look at persons who were very much a part of the party and have now receded or been pushed into the background.

    The word is that the just-comes, especially the chairman has bulldoze her way into the party and has not been taking any prisoners on her way to the top. The strange thing is in the first place she had no intention of joining UPP and was to be with her best pal in DNA until her best pal chose someone else for chairman and not her. Whether so or not, persons who left, or went into the background, have said that her ambitions have forced these people out and the leader could not tell her to stop even though he knew he should tell her so.

    Well, it appears he too is a victim of her ambitions. The word is she did not see it necessary to file an injunction on his 6 votes loss, even though some higher ups in the party wanted to do so. The word is that she wanted to be pulling the strings of a new puppet. But the plot thickens. It appears that puppet is no longer the favorite and the youngster in the other Saints is the new favorite.

    UPP, quo vadis? What is happening with you? Your members confuse. People confuse.

  5. A Judas is a Judas no matter how nice you dress it up, period!
    It’s like divorcing your wife because you came home and she didn’t feel like sex and you go out and slam the first woman you saw shaking her ass. 🤣 😂. This fool will not win this seat, he cannot be trusted just like you can’t trust his New Master.

    Shuggy is the right man for SMS people, you choose him overwhelmingly the first time because you trust him.

    This man call George cannot be trusted, along with his leader who is running the countries finances to the ground 🤯.

  6. Do I have to be a Member of Parliament to represent people? I don’t think so.

    I know a few of the persons who have left or were thrown out of the U.P.P. and are now singing loudly for the A.L.P.

    Each of them ‘wanted to me Members of Parliament’ or ‘thought that persons who came into the U.P.P. and occupied a position they thought they should have occupied’.

    Now, if one is really about working for people, don’t one use whatever position they occupy to help people?

    The same goes for the recent flip-flopper from U.P.P. to A.L.P. He so want to be a Member of Parliament that he has to walk on what he said to people to realize ‘his dream’ with his ‘political enemy’?

    Take a look at Senator Mary-Clare Hurst. She ‘was’ undoubtly one of the most powerful and influential person in the A.L.P. before she was ‘cut down’ by her leader and friend.

    Senator Mary-Clare Hurst has helped many persons (on both sides of the political divide). I never hear her bitching about her not being a Member of Parliament.

    In my opinion, all these flip-floppers are selfish and about themselves and not the people.

  7. @ Stevie Wonder can see ….
    But you are not able too
    Senator Mary-Clare Hurst may not be in Parliament, but she is benefiting financially more from politics than most Members of Parliament.
    It’s all about the route one takes to getting their piece off the table.
    Some people go to Parliament and others become the Prime Minister’s bag man/woman

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