Dry Hill Bomb Threat
St John’s, Antigua, January 16, 2023 – Tonight, 15th January 2023, the Dryhill home of Asot Michael, the independent candidate for St Peters and his business place at High Street were the subject of a bomb threat. The incident occurred just before 10:30 pm where the Police, Ambulance Service and Fire Service arrived on the scene.
This incident occurred at the end, another day of hard campaigning. The independent candidate, Asot Michael reported the matter to head of the Criminal Investigation Department Assist Commissioner of Police Mr. Cabral.
The commitment for a prompt investigation never materialized. This incident comes upon the recent report of drones flying over the home of the candidate less than a week ago. This occurred while close to 80 of his campaign workers were conducting campaign duties.
A request was made by the candidate to trace the calls made to his cell number. The candidate even went further and reached out to Attorney General Hon Steadroy O. Benjamin, Minister responsible for Justice and National Security.
An assurance was given by the AG that the CID would conduct an immediate investigation. At the time of writing this press release, however, the candidate was still waiting to give a formal statement on the matter.
The candidate is therefore calling on the Commissioner of Police Atlee Rodney to provide the necessary security measures for his life, family and his many campaign workers. The candidate assures the public his mission of representing the good people of St Peters will not be derailed.
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This is an abomination! Silence is giving consent!
It is high time for the so called leaders and wannabe leaders to speak out against this idiocy.
Asot today — you and or I tomorrow. It’s coming!
Voters need to pay attention to the fact that nothing is being SAID or DONE by ANY side to dissuade these behaviours; it’s a clear indication that NONE of them care about the country and its people. Their real intentions are about achieving power, and the opportunity for self enrichment… Arl Ah Dem!
What kind of Antigua do we want to leave for the children?
@Next Level
I agree with you 100%. They ALL ARE FOR THEMSELVES
and Remember,
Saul became Paul.
Asot maybe having his fight now, but may very well be the person to revamp A&B
@ANR, it’s EDITORS etc…I, Vere Cornwall Edwards will guarantee the Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA one thing, ASOT MICHAEL is not the saviour for some of the Nation’s ills which he help to orchestrate. While he has evidence(s) and knowledge/information that would cause law enforcement at home and abroad to investigate the actions of our parliament, its representatives, supporters, facilitators etc, in their criminal activities, one thing is certain ASOT MICHAEL will go but so far, to give up his colleagues freely, since, he too will be implicated. Of course, he can be given IMMUNITY, but he’s still as guilty as his crooked cronies #WHO’RE screwing him relentlessly with a stingray’s Lance and cactus🌵.
Time is longer than rope, we all grow old, we all die but how ones golden years are spent mentally is punishment to some like, they’re experiencing #HELL FIRE FIRE on EARTH.
By The Way, I too am a sinner but rest assured, it’s not against the poor, less fortunate or destitute that I would have made promises to.
The fictional Robin Hood is one of my #IDOLS, get the drift.
The HOUNDS are breathing down Asots neck, as they follow the blood 🩸 trails from the CROSSROADS PULPIT/SHRINE.
Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
De ‘ole Dutty Peg Foot Bastard
Very C. Edwards
@ Ras Smood
Asot may not be the ultimate saviour but he’s the one fighting the demons at this time.
So change back your tune towards the disco dumplin because its,
@TRANALATION…I want Asot to win! He needs to redeem himself, and hopefully, the Nation will have better accountability, in the public sector.
I am neither surprised nor excited, as to what is transpiring between Gaston and Asot.
I know, of The Makings Of A PM…from Bloomcooper to S.H.U.T. #pumping him up all the way to Throne. Remember, Uneasy lies the head which wears the crown, for The Hounds are on the prowl, and Mr. Browne could be chauffeured around town, by #John_Crow and crew!
Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
De ‘ole Dutty Peg Foot Bastard
Vere C. Edwards.
By The Way…@ANR and its EDITORS, you can slow down the truth, but you can’t curtail it. Just like the split betweenfrom Gaston and Asot was inevitable, so to will be proper accountability in the public sector!
We demand a RWANDA in the Caribbean from cleanliness to accountability.
@TRANALATION…I want Asot to win! He needs to redeem himself, and hopefully, the Nation will have better accountability, in the public sector.
I am neither surprised nor excited, as to what is transpiring between Gaston and Asot.
I know, of The Makings Of A PM…from Bloomcooper to S.H.U.T. #pumping him up all the way to Throne. Remember, Uneasy lies the head which wears the crown, for The Hounds are on the prowl, and Mr. Browne could be chauffeured around town, by #John_Crow and crew!
Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
De ‘ole Dutty Peg Foot Bastard
Vere C. Edwards.
By The Way…@ANR and its EDITORS, you can slow down the truth, but you can’t curtail it. Just like the split betweenfrom Gaston and Asot was inevitable, so to will be proper accountability in the public sector!
We demand a RWANDA in the Caribbean from cleanliness to accountability….
They are all no good vagabonds. We need limited terms in power .Antigua tax payers should not have to pay anyone full salaries after serving 12 years, while our teachers , policemen and women , civil servants and nurses have to work for donkey years and they just added in more.
I will vote any day for a government that will change that. People first- country first.
ASSot will NOT win a damn thing!!!
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