Dr. Joey John Refutes Misleading Claims About Clinic’s Care for Terminally Ill Patients


Dr. Joey John, a dedicated medical professional for over 30 years, has issued a statement in response to a recent article that contained inaccurate and misleading information regarding the care provided at his clinic.

While Dr. John is limited in his comments due to his commitment to doctor-patient confidentiality, he strongly refutes the claims made in the article.

The clinic and the entire team uphold the highest standards of medical practice. They are widely known for the compassionate care offered to all patients.
Dr. John stated, “In the instance of our treatment of terminally ill cancer patients with multiple, complex medical challenges, our team of highly qualified doctors and nurses provides the best possible care with the highest degree of professionalism.

We take great pride in our work and the positive impact we have made on thousands of lives, even in the face of difficult circumstances. It is also instructive to note that many patients treated in this instance sent us messages of gratitude and complimented us on the diligent care that they received.

While I am sympathetic to families who have lost loved ones facing terminal cancer diagnosis, allegations that we provided anything less than stellar care are systematically untrue.”

Dr. John re-emphasized that both he and his medical team offer highly competent, quality care in facilities that are known to be of the highest standards and have contributed to saving many lives over the last 30 years.

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  1. I will never doubt your professionalism and success.What I do know that the only thing that drives you is the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. You don’t know anything about saving the lives of the poor and vulnerable not even a poor child. That is why I don’t think you are deserving of any national award. Again if someone has money and a good backup I will never say anything to prevent them from going to your medical center. They can get results for there money. I believe that you over charge people especially when their backs are against the wall. I blame the government of Antigua for that. They promised the people to turn medical benefits into a medical insurance and have not delivered on that very important promise. A medical insurance would save lives.
    You tell people one cost for a procedure and when you are finished with them your fees triple plus.
    Again I will say that with money one can get results at your medical center. However if you don’t have a bottom less pit and you are sick stay away because there is no empathy at your institution for the poor. It’s a rich people institution.
    Don’t tell me that you bring in top doctors and that is the reason. I had a family member that had a surgery at your medical facility. The doctor that you brought it was shocked at your charges. However all he did was to say it’s your business and all he was here to do was to save lives and live comfortable.

  2. NY Times Journals are well trained journals and know that falsehoods can lead to lawsuits. In Antigua we can say anything we want without been checked. Tell Joey lets set up an interview with an independent investigative journalist and we will decide on who is telling the truth.

  3. Dr John save my mother’s and my cousin’s lives I will trust him with mines. Money wasn’t even an issue in both cases

  4. Went to a dentist on friars hill road. Was told that the extraction would be about 900$ because of the procedures tha might have to be administered. Wife was told that she may need a Root Canal because she was having some sensitivity with one of her tooth, which will cost 3000+. Travelled to Santo Domingo with my wife for a second opinion as advised by my son.
    Tix 99 USD each.
    Dentist: She did NOT need an RC, deep cleaning for both of us. Three extractions and a root canal for me > 1500USD.

    Folks, these doctors and medical pracs. are RIPPING OFF Antiguans.


    Indeed, ‘…DR. JOSEPH ‘JOEY’ JOHN,’ a renowned, dedicated and well-respected member of the ‘…MEDICAL FRATERNITY.’


    Those guiding the purportedly ‘…Authored Response,’ to the allegations, ‘…FOUNDED OR UNFOUNDED,’ may have been more mindful of the contents of: ‘…PARAGRAPH 5.’ Such may have implications for ‘…LITIGIOUS CONSEQUENCES.’



    Even as there has been no development of ‘…EFFECTIVELY CURING’ those diagnostically afflicted:

    (a) ‘…MEDICALLY: or

    (b) …SURGICALLY,’ for the ‘…INCURABLE DEADLY DISEASE,’ the real issues may not necessarily have been the ‘…CARE AND SERVICES’ offered.


    Seemingly, more fundamental to these may have been the ‘…PRACTICES,’ allegedly obtained at the ‘…MEDICAL FACILITY.’


    With the inescapable and unavoidable intervention of the ‘…EVENTUAL COURSE OF NATURE?’



    Now, as opposed to a ‘…MEDICAL CLINIC: ‘…THE QUESTION’ is:





  6. Anything goes in Antigua !!
    When this experimental procedure was being introduced, did it go through the Chief Medical Officer. Is there one BTW, cause it was a MP who gave permission to use an expermental cream on diabetic wounds.
    At slbmc, there is a Chief Surgeon who has much less years of experience than most other antiguan surgeons, a Medical Director who had never had to Direct and everyone is congratulating them.
    For sure if you brown nose, you are rewarded, so Sir John will continue to do what he always does and the noncritical thinking people of Antigua will continue to bury their loved ones having spent their last dime.

  7. @My 2 cent….You trust him with “mines”. Well maybe he will just blow all of us up. The word is MINE. I trust him with MINE. MINES are things that blow up. There is no such word as MINES when showing possession.

  8. Trying to find the paragraph in the article about the experimental device and or procedure…….

    There was nothing in the Times article about the quality of service or care……..

    Dr John please reread the Times article and refute the subject of the article next time.

  9. Where is “TURKS LEE” to blast this all over Facebook and in her typical style “EXPOSE” the clinic????? MARY JOHN u are very quiet on this one. A wah happen??

    Pearl “FOOTS” Quinn hab she FOOTS on ya neck????

  10. When the previous administration brought the now defunct medical centre that stands like tombstone on prime property, the reception was great! Finally the then PM Spencer and his team of incompetent appeared to work miracles in the Health environment and that of the world under the guise of Health tourism. The plan, likes those of the former jokers failed. If all of our just-come sofa-savants had demanded the scrutiny of the so-called miracle cancer center we would not be in the position we are in with the former owners along with their opposition promoters and friends demanding an arm and a leg and other more expensive body-parts to bail out these crooks and their enablers. Dr. Joey John is an Antiguan born and bred Physician and Surgeon, well-renowned locally, regionally and internationally. Cancer we all know is a disease for which there is treatment but unfortunately no cure. We should be grateful (and greatful) for Dr. John’s presence and work among us. But like typical Antigua nearga , (the reference here is cultural, not racial) appetites are being whetted to destroy another one of ours. God is indeed a patient and merciful God.

  11. Frankly Speaking please STFU with ya bitter hatful begrudging missinform comments. U always on here talking shit. Dr. John and his clinic have treated a lot of vulnerable poor people without taking a dollar and I can talk because I know this first hand!!! U always writing some shit on here showing how envious and badmind ya rass be For other people success!!!! GYPG ya badminded scunt!!! Tap watch people and way people live them life ya scunt and envy people for what they have!! Sick one marga dawg tommack!!!

  12. This was an excellent investigative piece, lots of ethical issues that needs to be addressed by Dr. John’s peers in Antigua. He did not do his research before signing on with the company, this was not just simply fixing a hernia or removing a gallbladder. There were no good clinical trials done regarding the modality of treatment. The N was too small (think about the Frmingham study that had 90,000 subjects or the COVID vaccine safety study included 99 million subjects from 10 collaborator sites across eight countries). Under normal circumstances a board of medicine would investigate and more than likely Dr. John would lose his medical license.

    As a physician in the United States who was born in Antigua, I am really disappointed. This is truly medicine at its worst. We take a pledge to do no harm. This is really bad.

  13. I heard a lot of stories about the greed .. the Article was not only about the person coming to Antigua to have the procedure done it was also about conditions etc .. some people only care about there family and I learned alot doing COVID how selfish humans, can get .. it’s no lie Greed, Greedy people who as spon as you say know to them they cancel you !! Because they believe they are above… HUMBLE YOURSELF … some people are so poor all they have is money…

  14. @ Faithful Nation
    You are one of the reasons someone can spit in an Antiguan’s face and they say, “Thank you.”
    Y’all put people on a pedestal to the point where you don’t hold them accountable.
    Asking the tough questions does not mean you are tearing anyone down. Sometimes, a person’s own actions are their downfall.

  15. Take the head of the class Doc. Our little Antigua is sinking under the weight of powerful greedy men. This Clinic would have lots to answer to in the US where you’re practicing. Anyone can experiment on medical medicine and/or devices in our little Antigua. Truth be told, I would not be surprised that local Shareholders of that Clinic are roaming the halls of the Antigua and Barbuda Parliament. Anything unscrupulous and unethical happening any way, Antigua in dey, we in dey, we in dey.

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