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Advertise with the mоѕt vіѕіtеd nеwѕ ѕіtе іn Antigua!
We offer fully customizable and flexible digital marketing packages.
Contact us at [email protected]
Strong, powerful and beautifully written, if only it was for a better cause. Think about what you are fighting for…your individual ‘right’ to perpetuate this disease within our community?!
Sadly, people can’t be left to make the right and responsible decision to vaccinate. Why not make it mandatory? It is a privilege to be a citizen of a country…read that again…it is a privilege. We are members of a state, we owe allegiance to our government to be entitled to the rights, privileges and protections from it. We enjoy individual “rights” unless they interfere with the common good of our community, the Public’s health and safety trumps all. Mandatory vaccination is not new. Small pox was eradicated because of a mandatory vaccine. Children receive mandatory vaccines in order to attend school. This is a dense but interesting and appropriate read: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-managers/guides-pubs/downloads/vacc_mandates_chptr13.pdf
Stop being so selfish. Get vaccinated. No one is safe until everyone is safe.
DOTSIE looking NOTORIETY. She is a waste of time. She is known for destroying RELATIONSHIPS. DOTSIE go and hide your face.
‘ wat was the man part in all this
CDC on the payroll. My body my choice. You want to get raped with vaccines, your choice.
Death is inevitable whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, let not fear control your minds in decision making build your immune system and make a choice you feel is best for you, no one can choose for you. Vaccination is not new but a new virus and the shots are in the experimental stage
DOTSIE looking NOTORIETY. She is a waste of time. She is known for destroying RELATIONSHIPS. DOTSIE go and hide your face.
PLEASE write a POEM how you destroyed a FAMILY by taking away the Husband’s Wife. That is the type of Person you are !!!!
I hope you closset have no skeletons within,
Less you be judged by the things you’ve done wrong
Nobody can be taken if they didn’t want to leave int the first place smfh
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