Dotsie Isaac responds to PM Browne about Sir Viv in Spoken word


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  1. You anti- nationalists are always trying to sow discord. Why you don’t you quote the good the PM said about Sir Viv. The PM did not lie on Sir Viv he said that Sir Viv has shown no appreciation for what the government has done for him. Sir Viv is a national hero and he has not risen from party politics. The PM simply highlighted the fact that as a national hero you have to rise above party politics. Sir Viv have the right to support the political party of his choice but whether Sir or hero he needs to respect our Honourable Prime Minister . He can’t be calling our Prime Minister a crazy man. Although we value Sir Viv’ s contribution and are proud of his accomplishments, his accomplishments benefited him personally. His accomplishments have not put food on tables and created jobs for Antiguan’s and Barbudans , so the Prime Minister the Honourable Gaston Brown contribution is to the benefit of all Antiguans and Barbudans and serves as nation building. Sir Viv accomplishments though admirable only serves to benefit himself and his family, so Dotsie can lay off of our PM . Our PM cannot speak in peace for you all . All you guys do is to drive a wedge if division in this nation every chance you get. And Lay off our Prime Minister he speaks truth.

    • @ Antigua full a spin doctors

      What the hell you talking about you ass licker.
      Government is not owned by Gaston and ABLP. It is owned by us. Gaston has not done anything for the benefit of Antiguans, instead he and his ministers have raped this country with their self-enrichment schemes. That’s why the country is dam well broke and in a failed state.
      How can men who were dirt poor and writing bounce cheques when in opposition but once they were elected became rich from June 2014, including Gaston, Cutie, Chet, Melford, Lenox and Molwyn. Leave Vivi alone, because he gave up millions in order to bring the suffering of South Africans to the world.
      So continue chatting crap because no one apart from you ass lickers will listen to your crap. All caps off to Dotsie.

      • What the hell you talking about? The truth hurts Vivi has done nothing for the development of Antigua and Barbuda no disrespect to him but it’s the truth.. The Prime Minister did not say anything bad about Sir Viv for any of you to be eating up yourselves. The Prime minister cannot speak in peace for you all.

        Don’t tell us about what Albp doing as far as enrichment because you have no proof . The UPp was in govt for 10 years and the evidence is there to prove all the thievery and wastage that took place under their administration. Give us an aspirin. Albp under Hon Gaston Brown is the most transparent government this country ever had. You all think people stupid and blind?
        The biggest thief that was in ABLP suddenly is buddy buddy with the Upp do you think anybody in the Upp current camp virtuous? Upp coping the man money all in the man house they reach. You think Upp members not looking to rape the treasury once again. But not dem again!
        Give us an aspirin we are not fooled. Stop watching what people have and go empower yourselves at least Gaston Browne administration is creating many jobs for Antiguans and Barbudans along with helping ordinary citizens to be home owners , what the hell has the UPP done other than took us to imf and left us in debt up to our necks. Two viable banks went into bankruptcy under UPP, Gaston Browne administration had to get Antigua and Barbuda out of the trenches that Upp dumb us in. Even in opposition they stealing. Pringle making up false invoice for picking up dead dogs raping this country treasury and you have the nerve to be pointing fingers on ABLP.
        You all want to rewrite the history of this country with lies but as long as I live the truth will be told because are you have no use for Antigua and Barbuda, bunch a badminded , greedy power hungry and bitter people you all are

        • @ Antigua full of spin doctors

          Any sensible person reading your diatribe will know that you are a pure minion that just repeat ‘talking points’. You and your minions must be the only blind ones in this country to not see the state of Antigua, dirty, smelly, awful roads, pot holes all over that create walking havoc for tourist and locals. Ordinary people can’t buy food, people hungry and have become a nation of beggars. Everybody begging, but I guess you’re not aware because we are in a land of Milk and Honey.
          You want proof of theft: again Cutie that couldn’t even pay his house rent, Chet and Gaston the kings of bounce cheques who all of a sudden became wealthy from 2014,isn’t that enough tangible evidence? He clearly admitted that they would enrich themselves with the resources of the state.
          Antigua is perfect, there is no crime. A rise in crime is clear indication that this nation is in deep deep CHIT.
          I pity you, you pathetic soul that sings for supper.

        • So @ spin doctor, according to you, 10 years of unproductive UPP governance is terrible for the country, but 40-odd wasteful years of Birdism and Browneism is fine by the likes of you???

          Remember @ spin doctor, be careful of what you say, before you choose to repeat it.


    • @ spin Doctor, u are clearly delusional and dunce just like the arrogant PM! Sir Viv has a dam right to express himself how he feels fit as a born Antiguan! He has earned that right because he has singlehandedly place Antigua on the map with grace and humbleness, something that your arrogant PM will never achieve! Gaston feels he can speak to anyone anyway and no one should rebutt him. You are so biased in your thoughts that you can’t even interpret what Gaston is insinuating. He is basically telling Sir Viv he should shut his mouth bc of what labor party gave him…. let’s see if u turn on Gaston your tail part will get the same treatment!! I am sick and tired of u fools get on here and try to justify Gaston statements, he has gone to far now and he needs to apologize!

  2. The author of this poem is missing the point & allowing politics & hatred to cloud her brains..

    Everyone in Antigua 268 recognizes & respects Sir Viv for who he is. He is our national hero and has us proud but he is not a national perfect being.

    Not saying a simple ” thank you ” for what he has been awarded & nominated for by the nation’s prime minister is disrespectful to the people of Antigua & Barbuda.

    If the nomination was made by ” a UPP’s Prime Minister ” (which unfortunately will not be seen in Antigua in the very near future) there is no doubt he would publicly say a thank you. Is this not hypocrisy?

    To the author of this poem I quote from Abraham Lincoln ” Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt” – It’s better to keep your mouth shut than to open it and then appear stupid.

    In addition The great Martin L King Jr once said “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” –

  3. @Antigua full a spin doctors.
    1. Describe in your own words the meaning of ” anti-nationalists”.
    2. Where is discord, as you say, being sown?
    3. If the government has assisted Sir Viv in any way it does not mean he should lie prostrate before Gaston Browne and thank him. You might do so but Sir Viv will surely not.
    4. Say if you think the prime minister should be thankful to the people of Antigua and Barbuda for the bounteous gifts accrued upon him since becoming prime minister. Poor man yesterday, wealthy man today. Not bad at all.
    5. The leader of a nation however small should earn the respect of its citizens. The prime minister falls far short of this requirement. Say if you agree or disagree.
    6. Food on the table? The prime minister is paid handsomely in salary and perks to enable his people to put food on the table for themselves and their families, that is not, repeat not, the responsibility of any sportsman whoever he may be.
    7. Ham and turkey time arrivng soon. Enjoy, you’ve earned it.

    on his knees

    • Wow wow wow I am amazed reading some of the response Right Honorable Doctor Sir Alexander Vivian Richards had the right to criticize anyone who are going contrary to the laws of Antigua and Barbuda likewise he is not above criticism do you want him to see our country going down and say nothing like those Men who speaks to us from the pulpit Imran Khan former Priminister of Pakistan a National Hero saw his country under Coma date Mousharif and he Imran rise Sir Viv have a right

  4. What the hell is going on in Antigua. Sir Viv is a National Hero but He must be RESPECTFUL and stop playing politics. There is only one God ( The Creator ).

    • @ JP
      Respect who?

      Respect is earned and given to those who respect themselves and others. The PM does not fit in this bracket.
      One of the vilest human being alive.

  5. The truth Hurts VIV absolutely hates the labor party and no matter what they do he’ll never be grateful,remember during UPP days his buddy Harold never did as much for him,so the reality is as much he’s one of the finest batsmen ever,he just can resist the daily temptations of being politically silly,I guess he’s only human that’s why am justified in saying he’s am ungrateful UPP sour loser,keep taking care of him PM 👍🏽

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