DNA: Systemic Problems require Systemic Solutions: A Word on the Water Problem


Solving long-term issues like the Water Crisis in Antigua and Barbuda need more than just surface-level solutions.

These systems must be deconstructed and rebuilt in a sustainable and manageable way.

The Democratic National Alliance will ensure that the broken and rusty pipes across the island are replaced and maintained to reduce the wastage of desalinated water which is now at over 40%.

Additionally, water storage facilities will be built; Potworks Dam will be repaired; new dams will be constructed across the agricultural belt and water services will be installed in all communities.

A DNA Government is committed to tackling the water issue head-on and devising sustainable strategies that feed into our long term National Development Plan for Antigua and Barbuda.

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  1. “The Democratic National Alliance will ensure that the broken and rusty pipes across the island are replaced and maintained”

    This is what APUA is CURRENTLY doing!!

      • Not only should she be the leader but the entire UPP needs to be replaced. Richard Lewis & Shawn Nicholas should join them…. DNA will be the best opposition for Antigua. They are more objective and they more focus on the nation issues rather than focusing on hate, jealousy and VENDETTA……

        • well Lovell BADPLAYED Joanne for party leadership so that is why he is catching hell right now – reaping what he sowed. Had he played fair, the UPP would have been in a better position today.

          He has no one to blame but himself!!!

    • Harold Lovell has already lost the hearts and minds of the people and as Cleon Athill said he is just praying for the vex votes. Its time to reunify the opposition and bring back in charismatic and dynamic leadership of the future.

  2. As y’all demonize the opposition, the ALP machine moves ahead.

    If this continues to be a fight about PERSONALITIES, then this contest to elect the BEST PEOPLE to shepherd this country into the future is doomed.

    If UPP and DNA can’t iron out their differences, then how can you expect them to sort out our COUNTRY !

    Do y’all really WANT 5 more years of the Browne and buddies dictatorship ?

    REMEMBER: All politics are LOCAL. What has the BIG government done for your community lately? Do we really even NEED them?

    Patriots… You should organize your local communities to fulfill the wants and needs of the people who live there. GRASSROOT POWER.
    Start simply… put out a bulletin showing where people can buy food grown from local farmers in your community. Build from there. Take control over your own life first, then help your neighborhoods.

    It’s a simple as that…. it’s amazing how far we have fallen into bad mindedness. That is the root cause of all our selfishness and miserly.

    • Gisele Isaac-Arrindell the DICTATOR of Lovell and the UPP will be R-E-J-E-C-T-E-D!!!!!

      Lovell cannot even sneeze without permission from Gisele Isaac-Arrindell.

      All of them need to drive off into the sunset in the Wilmoth Daniel STRIPPER POLE BUS 🚌

  3. As a UPP voter. I will make a suggestion. UPP should DISASSOCIATE from KNIGHT on Observer. KNIGHT is not helping US. This Guy CUSS the same thing over and over and plays recording. Knight is a LIABILITY for UPP.

  4. Get rid of Anthony Stuart as a spokes person. Her is not helping.. Emotion and feelings don’t run politics facts and pragmatism do… He is clueless and clearly not a rigorous thinker!!!

    • He is still wayyyyyy better than CAUGHTrite Marshall a.k.a “Dumbo Circus”. He admitted to Darren matthew-ward that he had not been to the clinic, but yet still was spreading lies about the clinic. What a “dammarse”

  5. I am at a loss to understand why the EXECUTIVES of the UPP don’t call a meeting with Harold Lovell and take a HARD NOSE decision that We cannot win the election 2023 with Harold at the HELM. This should be done IMMEDIATELY. All data showing that Harold lost 7 elections. It would be CATASTROPHIC that all the UPP Candidates campaigning so hard and They know that They would not win the election. Please be guided accordingly.

    • Didn’t you hear Missa Knight advice to Lovell to come from under the frock or the pants suit? Lmao 🤣😂😆🤣😂😆

  6. @ BLENDEN

    Move to the head of the class . I have been stating this for months. Harold Lovell is a ” SPENT FORCE “. Why these Candidates are running on the same ticket with Harold knowingly that ABLP will win the election. UPP will have a better chance of winning with Richard Lewis.

    • Richard Lewis would make a decent volunteer for community events. I don’t see him as an MP or potential PM.

      He is “soft”

      Lacked the balls and courage to stand up to Lovell Limpy Joe King Lyadd for party leadership

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