Disgraced crypto king and FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried has been arrested by authorities in the Bahamas after apparent charges were filed in the US.
The Office of Attorney General in the Bahamas said on Monday night that Bankman-Fried was detained following criminal charges filed by the US Justice Department and the office is expected to aid his extradition.
The shaggy-haired former billionaire witnessed his empire collapse when his FTX exchange had a massive run on assets and imploded.
“The Bahamas and the United States have a shared interest in holding accountable all individuals associated with FTX who may have betrayed the public trust and broken the law,” Bahamian Prime Minister Philip Davis said.
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Gaston’s buddy!
Another one of Gaston’s crooked friends.
Why does Gaston like to hang out with people who end up in jail.
Peter Virdee
Saab Moran
Xiao Jian hua
Just do not drop the SOAP or else your arse would be FRIED.
Let’s see how this story going to unfold. The almighty Minister of Finance already start fling all his peeps under the bus saying he don’t know what is happening. They didn’t have a license to operate but yet they still operating here. As usual Gaston Browne, PM and Minister of Finance trying to fool us playing he dumb and don’t know shit what a happen. All that fall under his jurisdiction. Why are our tax dollars being wasted on Gaston? He nar work for ah we. All he do is practice creative self enrichment. He and all his regime.
All Bullshit Lying Politicians must be voted out and brought to justice. Gaston meet he match. All we tax dollars gone with Sam Bankman-Fried.
When they find the other Indian for FTX and he start to ‘Singh’ about the money loaned and donated to an individual in Antigua of high canine favor and identity, those people go come right here for their millions and the lands bought.
Corrupt billionaires and corrupt politicians are best friends and pretends to be squeaky clean. The days of your corruption are numbered.
The “Self Described DOG” and “Fake Banker” is bitterly learning what bankruptcy is all about from the FTX BK filing
While the LIAT pilots and and the other workers should have had non dischargable debts against LIAT (1974), the “Self Described DOG & Fake Banker” is bitterly learning what real bankruptcy filing is all about.
If wages and taxes were not Trust funds in the LIAT bankruptcy legislation then The slickster Cutie pulled another fast one.
To the degree that the legal professionals have not raised that issue it should that they are just a part of the suction brigade offering incompetent advise or not offering any.
The real issue here is that some notable locals made their way to FTX doors; write big investment cheques and it’s all gone agussa.
The lesson to be keabed is is that all most of the assets accumulated by legal and questionable means and methods is gone in the FTX bankruptcy filing.
Antigua and Barbuda will have to make up for this should they choose to give the ABLP another 5 years
The heat is on “The Self Described DOG& Fake Banker”. Late payments even in personal insurance is a worrying thing.
Watch your pockets folks, they have lost the fortune in BTX that they had acquired.
You thought it was bad before, should you make the grave mistake of giving them 5 more years, might as well say “rape me now and just let me suffer”.
The day before SBF was to testify remotely before the US Congress he’s arrested in the Bahamas. SBF made sure to donate millions of $$ to Democrats and also to Rebublicans but on a smaller scale.
The Bahamian Attorney General Ryan Ponder was previously employed by FTX — as Head of Wealth Management at e-banking Deletec. (Deletec was listed as a bank of FTX in it’s bankruptcy filing).
SBF is a well connected ponzi schemer/fraudster.
Unless Caroline Ellison, CEO of Almeda Research, already made a deal with the US Attorney in SDNY, SBF may get away with this — because there are too many of the higher echelon (political fraudsters) involved and or benefitted from his ponzi scheme.
Here’s to hoping the whole truth will be revealed and SBF not suicided while all the guard’s are asleep and the prison cameras malfunctions.
It is not a coincidence that he was arrested the day before he was to testify before Congress.
Politicians have no loyalty — they know there are no future donations from SBF coming. At this point SBF is too toxic for them to consider helping. I don’t think his political connections will save him — Their goal now is try to keep previous donations…
Let’s hope they’ll be forced to cough up the SBF/FTX donations to the bankruptcy trustee or to charity.
Correction: Ryan *Pinder* *Alameda* *Deltec*
While the headline
“Disgraced crypto king and FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried has been arrested by authorities in the Bahamas after apparent charges were filed in the US”.
What does it mean for Antigua and Barbuda? The parent company was registered here in Antigua and Barbuda with prominent individuals sitting as corporate officers, but the were not approved by the regulatory authority.
Antigua and Barbuda dodged a bullet for previous Administrator & CEO is still sitting in a jail in Texas. The country has not overcome the reputational damage.
The losses from the meltdown of FTX here in Antigua will result in a buzzoka pointed at Antigua and Barbuda resulting from the need to make up the FTX losses.
That buzzoka has landed already on Barbuda in the form of land registry, the Police and the Coast Guard.
The cource guards is responsible for flying over the island to conduct arial surveys as well as to circumvent the island to identify the white sand coves and other desirable Coast lands.
Someone and someway the FTX losses has to be made up.
In Antigua from Red Hill, to Monks Hill, from Cherry Hill, to Barta and most of Saint Paul’s will be foreigners.
You give them another 5 years and you are digging your grave.
To be forewarned us to be forearmed
Where are the usual proponents of the party. Are they hiding? Someone correct me please. Not sure of the lyrics “any corruption that happening ANYWHERE bet you life we in deh, we in deh, we in deh!”
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