LETTER: Disappointing Turnout at UPP Event Raises Concerns for Party’s Future in All Saints West


Disappointing Turnout at UPP Event Raises Concerns for Party’s Future in All Saints West

All Saints West, Antigua and Barbuda – The much-anticipated debut of Barbra Coates as the UPP candidate for the All Saints West Constituency met with disappointment today, as the party lies and trys to to blame weather conditions for the postponement, but a notably poor turnout plagued the event. Scheduled to start at 4 p.m., the rally and concert, featuring the popular local band Cutting Edge, failed to gather significant attendance, with only about ten people present when it was already two hours past the intended start time.

As vehicles drove past the venue after 5 p.m., onlookers were taken aback by the apparent disorganization. Several attendees noted that even as the event time lapsed, crew members were still setting up for the concert, creating an atmosphere of unpreparedness. Moreover, crucial supplies for the event, such as ice, were reportedly missing, further souring the experience for those who did manage to arrive.

The disappointing turnout has raised alarms regarding the United Progressive Party’s (UPP) ability to regain traction in the All Saints West Constituency. Observers noted that the event’s failure to attract a crowd reflects growing disillusionment among constituents that the UPP, under Coates’ leadership, might not be the answer to their concerns.

As hope for the UPP to recapture the constituency wanes, some party members are calling for a reconsideration of strategies and leadership. Speculation is mounting that the party should potentially bring back former leader Harold Lovell if they wish to present a stronger challenge in future elections, particularly in light of the Hon. Anthony Smith’s strong influence in the area.

Political analysts suggest that without swift action and clearer communication, the UPP could face significant hurdles as they seek to rebuild their support base in All Saints West. Today’s failed concert and rally may serve as a wake-up call for the party to reevaluate their approach and rekindle interest among constituents for upcoming electoral challenges.

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  1. LOSER BARBARA COATES 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

    Batow done KICK SHE HARD for ABFA Elections, so now she POWER HUNGRY, DESPERATE self a try she hand at politics 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

  2. “…crucial supplies for the event, such as ICE were reportedly missing”

    All them millions Pringle make under a Labour Party government and he can’t afford to sponsor 2 bagga ICE??????? Wow!

    “Black Hadeed” building house for him and his mama, so he has no time for Wehner. No time for Barbara and no time for UPP

  3. What weather?

    At the time it was abandoned, start time had come and no one was there.

    The field was dry, no rain. Only the shameful realization that UPP flop again!

    Bunch of delusional losers!

  4. @BOGGY PEAK. Nice try but YOU LIE!!!!

    “Several attendees noted that even as the event time lapsed, crew members were still setting up for the concert, creating an atmosphere of unpreparedness.”

  5. Was it Millie Vanille who sang BLAME IT ON THE RAIN? 😆 🤣 😂

  6. Now this is Pringle leaderSHIT on display. Where is party loyalist Charles Tabor to defend his darling UPP from this SHAME AND DISGRACE???? THIS IS THE 2ND TIME UPP EMBARRASSED ITSELF IN ASW.

    PARHAM, PARES, where next?????

    • @Well well well CHARLES TABOR? Them cannot handle and do not like Charles Tabor because he is not a yes man and blind dunce follower. I hear the Chair was even threatening to sue him some time ago for a statement he made. I know him and he does not take shit from anyone so Giselle Isaac with all her balls would be messing with the wrong man.


    Lovell cannot beat Anthony Smith!!!!!

    His old, washed up, badminded, power-at-all-cost, bad heart backside better stay in Canada and volunteer on one of those Apple Picking plantations disguised as human trafficking. A good Ole Jamaican will hold on to his passport in exchange for pipedreams of Canadian citizenship

  8. Barbara Coates, as a female contender is doomed to fail. She is an endangered species among the UPP. Is she refusing to play “BALL” with the ChairMAN?

  9. These photos are somewhat reminiscent of UPP’s campaign rallies in the recent St Peter by-election! Am I missing something?

  10. Power hungry wey???? You obviously don’t know the Barbara Coates I know…

    Did you really follow the ABFA elections?

  11. Put Richard Lewis as leaders you will see the difference, the people won’t lie. We all are good but wrong leaders right now.

  12. I think the upp has bad advisers, there has been a bi-election with upp losing badly with not a word from a so call leader, and you going think the atmosphere would be conducive to launch more upp aspirants on the people, that would have worked had Whenner won, it just look as though it’s an individual party member thong so get by how you can while the leadership and the chair hide in the background, the upp is best effective at fighting Richard Lewis than Gaston and his ALP, the leadership and chair own mouth spews balkanization of the upp supporters, so a clique in the party for Pringle and for Richard Lewis, and quite frankly the man Richard Lewis is better material to work with what we are up against, we can’t have tantrums like Gaston behavior when Pringle storms out of parliament making the upp look as though they don’t possess the academic acumen, I say to this day they should have debated the alpha Nero huffing, and that would have given sherfield Bowen the latitude to take their legallies apart, the the budget too, the upp should be hungry for all on air media debate for their beneficial exposure, to build the party in the public eyes as an alternative, but it’s not going to work at the level Pringle, and nothing is wrong with Pringle he is a good man, but other talents are there in the party for the task ahead, is it that Pringle is entitled to power because he was there first? So if the hon. Baldwin Spencer run again should he be subjugated to Pringle? It’s Pringle self say he live how Gaston take the bull by the horns, and that for sure he is doing by building his party making unpopular decisions, the upp chair fail to do that, and pressured the branches to recognize one candidate at the convention, bringing very old people to vote who just live the color of their party, if things was different even though Anthony Smith was a snitch his hands would have been tied, and create stability in the UPP supporters right now, but with the death of asot the boundaries has been push back further from upp grasp right now. And it doesn’t matter how you talk to the higher ups like the leader and the chair who think she has the superior logics, I am dismayed for a party I brave the radio station for facing pressure on government job etc. some a these new upp just come never associated with Tim Hector they were to scared, and the chair and some of them were more closet intellectual who never challenge the status quo. both political party are centrist by nature of Westminster politics that the colonial has bequeathed to us, so crapuad smoke black poor people pipe, so let’s form our selves in blocks in the constituency and vote on issues that benefit country first then self, instead a voting individually and be taken out by stove and fridge that portend a future on poverty as the colonial left us. So go forward and demand of both party, give respect to czar to get representation instead a alienation from the fruits of Antigua and Barbuda that the whites, syrians,Chinese and politicians a enjoy.

  13. I think the upp has bad advisers, there has been a bi-election with upp losing badly with not a word from a so call leader, and you going think the atmosphere would be conducive to launch more upp aspirants on the people, that would have worked had Whenner won, it just look as though it’s an individual party member thing so get by how you can while the leadership and the chair hide in the background, the upp is best effective at fighting Richard Lewis than Gaston and his ALP, the leadership and chair own mouth spews balkanization of the upp supporters, so a clique in the party for Pringle and for Richard Lewis, and quite frankly the man Richard Lewis is better material to work with what we are up against, we can’t have tantrums like Gaston behavior when Pringle storms out of parliament making the upp look as though they don’t possess the academic acumen, I say to this day they should have debated the alpha Nero huffing, and that would have given sherfield Bowen the latitude to take their legallies apart, the the budget too, the upp should be hungry for all on air media debate for their beneficial exposure, to build the party in the public eyes as an alternative, but it’s not going to work at the level Pringle, and nothing is wrong with Pringle he is a good man, but other talents are there in the party for the task ahead, is it that Pringle is entitled to power because he was there first? So if the hon. Baldwin Spencer run again should he be subjugated to Pringle? It’s Pringle self say he love how Gaston take the bull by the horns, and that for sure he is doing by building his ALP party making unpopular decisions, the upp chair fail to do that, and pressured the branches to recognize one candidate at the convention, bringing very old people to vote who just love their color of their party, if things was different even though Anthony Smith was a snitch his hands would have been tied, and create stability in the UPP supporters right now, but with the death of asot the boundaries has been push back further from upp grasp right now. And it doesn’t matter how you talk to the higher ups like the leader and the chair who think she has the superior logics, I am dismayed for a party I brave the radio station for facing pressure on government job etc. some a these new upp just come never associated with Tim Hector they were to scared, and the chair and some of them were more closet intellectual who never challenge the status quo. both political party are centrist by nature of Westminster politics that the colonial has bequeathed to us, so crapuad smoke black poor people pipe, so let’s form our selves in blocks in the constituency and vote on issues that benefit country first then self, instead a voting individually and be taken out by stove and fridge that portend a future of poverty as the colonial left us. So go forward and demand of both party, give respect to czar to get representation instead a alienation from the fruits of Antigua and Barbuda that the whites, syrians,Chinese and politicians a enjoy.

  14. As I always speak to truth- when I heard Barbara talking on Observer radio last evening and announcing that the event was canceled due to the weather, I was thinking the very same. Yes the weather was not good, it was cold, windy and chilly. Alter a long Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays and partying the timing was not right, also the weather poor conditions must have had negative effects. So I believe the decision was taken to blame it on the weather, which was not totally true.
    The article is also very wrong about Anthony Smith’s influence in the constituency of All Saints West for the poor turn out. This is far from the truth. In fact none of the two candidates are popular in the constituency. Anthony Smith ran the last time on UPP ticket and is still viewed as a traitor. He has not to this day sit with the constituents either in a town hall meeting or one on one and explain what he did. All people are hearing was that he was facing financial difficulties and the ABLP bought him out. Anthony Smith has not even sit with his most ardent die hard Anthony Smith supporters and have a frank discussion. Anthony Smith and Barbara Coates are both not well known and have not built a relationship politically outside of Sea View Farm. In fact after Anthony Smiths went to join the ABLP he seems to become a more timid individual. He was never that bold person and as you can see at the swearing in ceremony he looked uncomfortable. His wife was the one that was smiling from ear to ear. These days he does not speak and look you straight in the eye.
    Barbra Coates have not ceased the opportunity of Anthony Smith absence and frequent travel either.
    Don’t know who came up with the idea of a ground breaking concept. This is not a time that the people of Antigua fete . Again the location Sea View Farm is only a small part of the constituency. If Barbara wants to make a headway she needs to get personal with the people throughout the entire constituency. I am talking about going in person and do a walk through and get to know the people one on one. Just a little area at a time and before you know it you would have covered the entire constituency. Meet the people, the groups, individuals of influence, large family gatherings, successful business men and women from the constituency. Attend funerals , attend churches, graduations . Visit the sick in the hospital and drop off a bouquet. Visit the primary and secondary schools in the constituency. Take time and build relationships
    Talking on political platforms will not help. Talking on the radio will not help. As a woman she needs to start touching lives, meeting young people. You can start with a core group and expand. This fete is impersonal and if I were to advise would have against it at this point. There will come a time when you will be able to pull off an event like on Saturday evening.
    Also at this point the UPP party is at a low. Look how George Whenner after going out on the limb and doing such an incredible campaign was abandoned at the counting. So it would be fool hardy to ask even the die hard supporters to brave these cold conditions and verbal bantering to this type of open air event. You said it was put off until February 1st. I don’t think that time will be good either. All you need to do now is concentrate and direct communication with each and every voter and perspective votes in the constituency.

  15. The writer just crawl from under the rock where he lives. We made a decision to call off the event. Dont ,All Saints West is good.

  16. Although I gave quite a lengthy response to the failed event , a friend added that to have an event starting at 4pm in a Saturday afternoon is not a good time as well. Said that it will exclude these that are working, that it’s a busy day for housewives and family and would need a few hours to recover. The time also ruled out the Adventist members of the community who my be inclined to pass by after Sabbath to buy some food and support. The timing was just bad Barbra and this type of event is not appropriate to meet people. If it was during the Christmas holidays of course it would have been overwhelmingly supported and successful.

  17. The day I have to sell my soul to please a politician is the day I ask God to take my life. The day I have to compromise my integrity to please a politician is also a day I ask God to take me home. How do you so called Journalist sleep? Aren’t you concerned about your souls? A few weeks ago one of Antigua’s richest men was buried. He was buried without a suitcase. He was buried without a dollar. The most expensive thing he left with was the coffin he was enclosed in. You the writer of this article need Jesus. Now. Not later. Long before the scheduled start of the event Barbara called the radio station and said that the event was postponed due to the inclement weather. She even went as far as giving a new date for it. How could you have such little scruple that you could claim that it was due to poor turnout and support?? Will.lies, misinformation, deception, treachery and ass kissing get you into heaven? Will the dollars you will make for lies get you eternal life? Will your children be proud of a man with no scruples? What will you teach your children about honesty? Do you have a conscience? To you the writer of this article and anyone who writes lies and deception just to look good in the eyes of a politician, I wish you HELL ON EARTH. May accident, harm, destruction, danger and death await you at the end of the road!!!!!

  18. ABLP CACKLING HENS and TOP DAWG BROWNE BITCHES are always seeking relevance. The People have already recognized, the destabilising tactics used, by the ABLP, and in particular the Gaston Browne leadership style. Hey, that’s cool because the humble nature, of the People have been trampled upon, and some will pay a price, though PROPAGANDA for return the Nation to a path whereby, #ALL benefit, and not just a select few and their cronies.

    Time is longer than rope and it can be linear, cyclic, or circular. So, what goes around comes around. Lester Bird, Asot Michael two of ABLP stalwarts carried an “air of arrogance,” and of course, we are all entitled to be arrogant in our own way…
    Now, besides those parables of the ancients here are some of the #techno_AI Age…

    …”there’s a thing line, between arrogance and confidence , and their in lies ignorance.”

    The Nation has a quiet energy, like an Army in training waiting to be deployed and is certain of victory.
    Gaston Browne and his administration has the appearance, of being the magnet, the draw which the #true_will of the People is demanding and seeking, and that any in opposition to strengthen the DEMOCRATIC PROCESS, is blind, ignorant, incapable, useless etc, yet, any wise thinking conscientious individual to include many of the RECENT IMPLANTS from other Nations, as ABLP supporters knows that, the game of poliTRICKS can swing or won, on a HAIL MARY.

    Never underestimate, the underDAWGS!

    It’s obvious, that UPP is bleeding; not haemorrhaging and about to have an aneurysm! They’re having some #Conch_Water brain farts.
    It was only a year ago, that Gaston Browne, pm and the ABLP hierarchy were #shitting_whelks like they were #hard_up and #hard_bound!
    Anthony Smith’s bethral of the People of All Saints West – ASW and the murder/assassination of Asot Michael gave Gaston Browne and his Administration a few #lifelines, to hold on to and keep them afloat.


    A…the first category five(5) hurricane to hit Antigua & Barbuda!

    B…the split between Joanne Massiah and the UPP. #The_Earthquake

    C…the split between Asot Michael and Gaston Browne – #The_Student_N_Pupil.

    D…it will not be the UPP which upends the present ABLP Cabal. #The_DAWG_FATHER (the Sequel).

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’Ole Dutty Peg🦉Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  19. ABLP CACKLING HENS and TOP DAWG BROWNE BITCHES are always seeking relevance. The People have already recognized, the destabilising tactics used, by the ABLP, and in particular the Gaston Browne leadership style. Hey, that’s cool because the humble nature, of the People have been trampled upon, and some will pay a price, through PROPAGANDA for returning the Nation to a path whereby, #ALL benefit, and not just a select few and their cronies.

    Time is longer than rope and it can be linear, cyclic, or circular. So, what goes around comes around. Lester Bird, Asot Michael two of ABLP stalwarts carried an “air of arrogance,” and of course, we are all entitled to be arrogant in our own way…
    Now, besides those parables of the ancients here are some of the #techno_AI Age…

    …”there’s a thing line, between arrogance and confidence , and their in lies ignorance.”

    The Nation has a quiet energy, like an Army in training waiting to be deployed and is certain of victory.
    Gaston Browne and his administration has the appearance, of being the magnet, the draw which the #true_will of the People is demanding and seeking, and that any in opposition to strengthen the DEMOCRATIC PROCESS, is blind, ignorant, incapable, useless etc, yet, any wise thinking conscientious individual to include many of the RECENT IMPLANTS from other Nations, as ABLP supporters knows that, the game of poliTRICKS can swing or won, on a HAIL MARY.

    Never underestimate, the underDAWGS!

    It’s obvious, that UPP is bleeding; not haemorrhaging and about to have an aneurysm! They’re having some #Conch_Water brain farts.
    It was only a year ago, that Gaston Browne, pm and the ABLP hierarchy were #shitting_whelks like they were #hard_up and #hard_bound!
    Anthony Smith’s bethral of the People of All Saints West – ASW and the murder/assassination of Asot Michael gave Gaston Browne and his Administration a few #lifelines, to hold on to and keep them afloat.


    A…the first category five(5) hurricane to hit Antigua & Barbuda!

    B…the split between Joanne Massiah and the UPP. #The_Earthquake

    C…the split between Asot Michael and Gaston Browne – #The_Student_N_Pupil.

    D…it will not be the UPP which upends the present ABLP Cabal. #The_DAWG_FATHER (the Sequel).

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’Ole Dutty Peg🦉Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  20. This writer is really seeking relevance. This photo was taken after the lights at night after the lights were turned on
    The decision to cancel the event was made during day light.
    What you should be worried about is where do the resources for the infrastructure in All Saints West go? By the way, DADDY is here for his pound of flesh. Pick sense out of nonsense. Worry about that.



    • Pringle nar study are you. he busy a mek money under ABLP govament

      building a big house, while u remain in ya likkle wattle n daub

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