Directorate of Gender Affairs Statement on Gender Based Violence


The Directorate of Gender Affairs would like to express its condolences to the family and loved ones of Ms. Althea Henry, who lost her life at the hands of gender based violence. We also wish her son, Mr. Tajma Francis a speedy recovery from the injuries he sustained during the unfortunate incident.


Gender based violence continues to be a persistent affliction that affects many individuals in Antigua and Barbuda every day. The Directorate of Gender Affairs has recognized this and continues to take a proactive approach towards raising awareness on the issue and implementing programmes and policies geared towards eradicating it completely.


The Support and Referral Centre continues to serve as one of the national coordinating mechanisms to gender based violence, and is open to provide support to individuals who need assistance.

Gender based violence comes in many forms such as verbal, emotional, psychological and economic abuse. It is important for persons to recognize this, as these forms of gender based violence can also have detrimental effects on a person’s well-being and can impede upon their ability to function effectively and to have healthy relationships with those around them.


Additionally, these forms of gender based violence often precede physical abuse. We encourage the general public to look out for warning signs that someone may be abusive, as this can help reduce the likelihood of the relationship escalating to a level where gender based violence occurs. Some common signs that can be looked out for are jealous behavior, possessiveness, a temper, controlling behavior, consistent verbal insults and attempts to encourage isolation from friends and family.

It is important to recognize that individuals who are experiencing gender based violence all have their own unique challenges and experiences that may contribute towards how they cope with it and if and when they seek assistance.


If you know someone who is experiencing gender based violence, you can support them by making them aware of the resources that are available to them whether it be police intervention, accessing the support and referral center, legal aid, or receiving psychosocial support. This approach should help to assure the person and lead to them getting the help that they need.

The Directorate of Gender affairs operates a 24/7 national gender based violence hotline at 463-5555 and trained professionals are there to offer assistance to all. We encourage the general public to focus on fostering positive relationships and to promote positive and violence free conflict resolution.


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  1. Are they implying the female gender will be treated better or given priority over the male gender?

    All them people that love take advantage of others need to be put in their place.

  2. The name should be reverted to Women’s Desk. They offer absolutely no support for abused men. All cases should be treated equal.

      • We too shame to do so because when we go to the police station to report that de woman “slap me cross my face with the frying pan” we see them other police men dey in the back giggling and laughing.

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