Digicel has issued a strongly worded press release in response to statements by Prime Minister Gaston Browne that he wants to buy out the company.
Digicel says that it has not received any approaches of any kind at any time from the Prime Minister or anyone in the Government of Antigua & Barbuda on the matter.
“For the avoidance of doubt, any assertions to the contrary are complete fiction and represent part of an ongoing campaign by the Government of Antigua & Barbuda to distract and disseminate false information,” the company said in a release.
It called the PM’s statement a distraction saying that the real issue is the illegal actions by the Government of Antigua & Barbuda in seeking to confiscate Digicel’s legally allocated spectrum for the benefit of the state-owned operator, APUA.
The company said, with the matter before the Courts, Digicel will fight vigorously to defend its customers and its business in the interest of fair and healthy competition in Antigua & Barbuda.
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And the battle rages on. It is tough when a major local business entity calls the Prime Minister a liar. This matter would most likely be settled in courts and perhaps not anytime soon. In a previous piece, I suggested that both Digicel and Flow have deep pockets and they are prepared to fight this matter all the way to the Privy Council if needs be. I had previously suggested that the government should desist from playing this out in the public arena and in fact seek a negotiated settlement. But then again, the water might have been already too muddied and matters already too bitter to talk about.
Which part of “I want to buy out Digicel” is false?
Or did I miss the part which said “I already bought out Digicel”?
The PM said that Digicel is inclined to have a 51-49 deal but APUA would prefer a majority stake in the company.
The article is still up on this web site.
Digicel has rubbished those claims and have called the government assertions a bunch of lies. They have said in no uncertain terms that the only place this matter would be settled is in the courts as they will fight to protect their spectrum allocation. And I gather from the press release that they have Never discussed any matter in relation to a sale. The gloves are truly off and a battle is waging.
Digicel can tek them s*** a** service and go😡. Peolle paying their hard eran money month time for s***ty internet and people cant even download one image pan whatsapp. Them full a f***. But the mouthpiece A***** nah see that
You pay good money for digicel internet and its piss poor. Wtf is wrong with this country
Interesting case that can bring some major changes. In most countries, spectrum is not given or sold to companies. Usually, spectrum are leased for a finite time, say 5 years and then must be renewed.
It is a great flaw for a company, especially a foreign owned entity to feel that they own a spectrum. If digicel close it doors in Antigua, will it still own that spectrum? Which means, it can then rent the spectrum to another company and make lots of money.
Before guessing, perhaps we should find out the terms of the spectrum allocation, including the allocation period.
So what Digicel is saying is that once you have given me something you cannot come and take it back. So they would hold on to the Spectrum in eternity.
Doesn’t that seem like crazy. Everything should have a term limit. And any government has the right to reclaim back assets they once had dispose of. The question is at what price. I mean we remember Half Moon Bay. So does Digicel want the government to go to Parliament and take back their Spectrum and then divide it how they seem fit. Are they hoping to then cash out big time.
why this garbage network fighting for spectrum?
Some people believe that they are so educated and cantankerous that they alone can understand what is being read/spoken. “The Antigua and Barbuda government says [it remains committed to buying out the operations here of the Irish-owned telecommunication company”] Where in that statement did it say the government approach or bought the foreign company? Who is disseminating false info now?
That’s the same thing I asked in my post above.
What is “false” about expressing a want/desire/wish in and of itself?
The article refers to the PMs interest in buying out Digicel. So did the PM whisper to someone that he changed his mind about being interested in said purchase?
TEEFIN DIGICEL. Lub fu rip arf neargah. Charge too much for services that do NOT live up to the hype of a “Bigger, Better Network”
The CEO needs to quit smoking (literally and figuratively).
The fight continued between the Top Dog and the Pit Bull. I don’t know who to put my money on because both are very strong component.
The success of a Government is neither measured by the melody of praise-singers nor the melancholy of naysayers but by the comparative impact its policies have on people and business and the symphony of sincere voices who sing it as it is, when it is good and/or bad.
Do not let the Slave Master use as their mouth piece. You will have eggs in your face sooner than later. Take warning…
Sincerity of voices could be disharmonious musical notes termed as NEGATIVITY for those whose ears don’t like it.
For all I care, they can all go down because none of those internet service providers are better than they other. They all agree on one thing. To rob us of our network posing some kinda fake 4g for so much money. Only in Antigua
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