Delay in swearing-in Simon appears to be political, Symister says, and a time frame for oath-taking needs to be established


The delayed swearing-in of Kelvin “Shugy” Simon, the recently re-
elected representative for St. Mary’s South, is as a political move by
the Gaston Browne Administration, as far as attorney Leon Chaku
Symister is concerned.

Simon made history by becoming the first candidate to win two
elections in one year, when, on October 24, he trounced the Antigua
Labour candidate by 174 votes, dashing Prime Minister Gaston
Browne’s hopes of capturing the seat.

Despite the time lag, says Symister, Simon automatically became a
member of the House of Representatives once the Writ of Elections
was returned to the Governor-General on October 25.

However, he notes that, based on the Standing Orders of the Lower
House, the oath of office must be taken before a new MP is allowed
to participate in parliamentary proceedings.

According to Symister, the current political delay appears to be in
line with what took place following the January 18, 2023, General
Elections, when the Opposition MPs were not sworn in until mid-

Symister, the United Progressive Party (UPP) spokesman on legal
matters, says the Party has been “dancing on a stage of popularity”
over the past several months and the people remain “hyped up.”

To have the swearing-in take place now, and to bring scores of
people to the Parliament to witness Simon’s oath-taking, would be
another slap in the face for the Antigua Labour Party government, he

Meanwhile, he explains that when a person is voted in at a by-
election, the Parliament is already in place; so it is basically a matter
of having the new member sworn in at the earliest possible time.

However, Symister says there is absolutely no legitimate excuse for
the length of time it is taking to have Simon officially seated as an

According to the attorney, this action by the Government bench
clearly shows that there is a need for Constitution reform – and for
the establishment of a time frame in which a newly elected MP
should take the oath of office.

To underscore his point, he notes that senators can be selected and
sworn in on the same day.

In this regard, the UPP spokesperson says, members of the Lower
House should be accorded greater priority, since they were elected
by the people and not selected by any particular entity.

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  1. More proof that something has gone seriously awry with our politics here in Antigua. 🇦🇬

    If Dwayne ‘The Muscle’ 💪🏾 George had won in St Mary’s South, he would have been sworn in by now (and more than likely the following day in Parliament).

    The ABLP are trying to stymie or draw out the process for the Honourable Kelvin Shugy Simon’s after his historical and amazing double win, by delaying his swearing-in ceremony.

    In recent times, I’ve highlighted two by-elections in the UK that took place around the same time as our St Mary’s South by-election; and guess what my fellow Antiguans?

    Yep, you got it right, both new parliamentarians in the UK have ALREADY been sworn-in.



    • @ Brixtonian: Don’t you think the longer he has it will be better for him? Shuggy would have more time to prepare himself from preventing himself to look like fool in parliament. His debating skills & eloquence needs improving

      • @Bluddy Joke

        Dwayne George sounds so stupid and difigated- that’s why Gaston has kept him from the press. What a disaster the ABLP has on its hands. The guy cannot even speak or utter a sensible sentence.
        And you want to compare that with the brilliant Shuggy- you ABLP minions always trying to work reverse psychology.

      • All joking aside @ Bluddy Bloke, and despite our obvious political rivalry, even you cannot believe that any delays in a Parliamentary swearing-in ceremony for any winning politician is ok?

  2. Gaston the clown and ALP are sore losers…. a deliberate delay in trying to prove you are in authority is so childish on the ALP part. It is very clear Gaston and his clowns has no respect for the people in the south! They’re a bunch of users

  3. Rather unusual indeed. The losing candidate of the recently held by-election was already sworn in as a Senator and rewarded as junior Minister in the Ministry of Finance while the winner is out there waiting to see what next would happen. Like losing has its benefits.

  4. Smh.. many times I’m so ashamed to be Antiguan. This country is so corrupt. I lived there as a child and life was much better .. much better quality of life .. now the corruption, the politics, the roads are horrible .. the medical system is horrible .. basic needs like water aren’t nearly being met … I’m so ashamed..: living overseas .. my country is a big joke .. the politicians are a joke pay for play is what’s running the country .. everyone is greedy.. I donated items to a facility and the workers stole most of them .. it’s just a shame … if someone one the election then let the man have his time .. this is unethical and illegal. It’s such a shame.
    You have to know somebody to get piece of land .. you have to know somebody to get a job .. Antigua politicians and government steal so much from the country and make so many corrupt deals and give nothing to the people .. may god help that nation of mine
    I really wish I could be more proud of Antigua

    • Why don’t u shut up anywhere more corrupt that America and them other big countries. If u don’t live her don’t talk about here I’m tired of yall turning a blind eye in the country yall currently and wanna wash yall mouth on the country of birth knowing it isn’t half as bad as yall talk about, smfh

  5. We need to do better, The young man should have swear in already this not rite, we need to do better. The people of St, Mary’s south have spoken. Let’s get it rite. Do the rite thing soonest!!

  6. Just shows how petty and Not suited the Alp is to be a government. I guess Gaston is so low minded that he doesn’t know how to rise above the trenches. This only reinforces why many Antiguans do not respect you or the Labour Party.

  7. This is I can say, I could never vote for ABLP. Everywhere you look it’s just greed and “Badmindedness” with them. Further, Just cannot understand how right thinking Antiguans can’t see that! Whether it’s Lester, Papa or Gaston that culture of ALP always comes through.
    Can’t wait to see that party placed on the dustbin of history.

  8. The same thing happened after the General elections. It took a whole month to swear in the Opposition MP. So disrespectful!

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