Defence Force Holds Training Exercise


On the 15th of June 2020, the ABDF in collaboration with the RPFAB Fire Brigade embarked on a week long training exercise to refresh the skills and equipment of the ABDF USAR- Urban Search and Rescue – Teams. The training successfully concluded on Saturday 20th June 2020.

The Collapsed Structure Rescue Course was aimed at preparing the soldiers not only for the 2020 hurricane season which is now upon us, but for any other occurrence that could potentially endanger lives.

The course was led by Cpl Tuitt along with Cpl Bowen and Cpl Fredrick all of the RPFAB Fire Brigade along with instructors from the ABDF, namely Ssgt Charles, Ssgt Gasper and Sgt Cornelius.

Areas covered on the course included, but were not limited to:
-Introduction to Search and Rescue
-Understanding and use of extrication equipments; namely the jaws of life
-Extraction of injured victims from simulated collapse structures as a result of natural and/or man-made phenomena.
– Pateint packaging and Casualty Management during emergencies as first responders
– Identyfying Acute and Non Acute victims
-Triage of victims
– Reponse to Hazardous Materials upon arrival to an incident
-Identify the degrees of building Damage

Mr. Ward of NODS was also on site instructing the attendees in communicating with radio equipment whilst ensuring Safety, Accuracy and Discipline.

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  1. Next week itinerary:

    1. Urban search and rescue
    2. Capture and restraint
    3. Strangulation 101
    4. Suitable hiding places
    5. Forensic evidence evasion.
    6. Cooperating with the police.

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