Defence Force Has 18 New Soldiers

Front Row (seated L-R): CSM K Joseph, Commanding Officer 1ABR Major T Lake, Course Officer BRC 01/2020 Lieutenant J Cannonier, RSM K Edwards. Front Row Standing (R): SSGT L Grant, CPO R Meade, Cpl K Phillip, Pte George (Medic). Standing (L): L/Cpl Riley, L/Cpl Daley, L/Cpl Meade, PFC Appleton. Center: New Recruits (Dark Green uniform) — at ABDF Crabbs Training Area.

Eighteen young Antiguans have answered the call of duty in service to the nation.

This album reflects their journey to join the ranks of the Antigua Barbuda Defence Force.

Even amidst the Global Pandemic COVID 19, the ABDF continues to train, in preparation to provide continued service to the people of Antigua and Barbuda, whenever and wherever needed.

The 18 Recruits standing at ease awaiting the commencement of the Course opening ceremony. With the Training Team in the supernumerary Rank (At the rear). — at ABDF Crabbs Training Area.

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    • Most likely cause the women cannot handle the training. Most our women wants to be pampered and still want equal rights.

      • They can handle just about anything. When relationships end, they are NOT the ones to drink break fluid and want to kill themselves. Women are strong.

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