Dear Kate,
My sister and I have always been very close. I have done things with her, that no one knows to this day it was her. She is my best friend, my partner in crime. She had a baby last year for a well known older guy in Antigua. We found out that he had a girlfriend all the time and was lying about it, but he seems to be really into my sister
The girlfriend (now ex) is a young professional person in the medical field. Anyway,
My sister called the girlfriend anonymously and broke the news to her, then covered it up and pretended it wasn’t her. My sister made the call to create an upset between him and the girlfriend, as would be expected. To this day, he doesn’t know it was my sister who made the call and the many other underhanded, and manipulative things she has done to him. She has sent photos etc. to the ex-girlfriends home of him and her.
She has keyed the
It was fun
My sister pretends very well to be an innocent, sweet girl, that doesn’t talk much, but trust me Kate, she can kill, as people would say. At one point, she was not even sure, if this guy was the father of her child, or her secret lover. The secret lover has a woman and children who he lives with. So they are both very secretive. They argue and fall out, but they always make back up. With neither of their partners knowing.
Kate, I happen to like my sister’s boyfriend as a person, although most of the family doesn’t trust him,
Should I stay loyal to my sister, or let him know he should not have let his woman go for her? Should I tell him he is being played, or let the chips fall where they may? Or should I just stop helping her cover things up, and leave her to live her life and mind my own business?
Guilt Ridden
Hello Guilt Ridden
Your sister seems to be in a messy situation and while I understand your predicament, you should probably stay out of it, lest you end up being burnt.
Nothing stays the same forever and dirty secrets have a way of coming out somehow.
If you feel you need to talk to someone then it should be your sister. Let her know the detriments of her double life on herself and especiall6y her child.
And if she doesn’t listen then leave it alone. Let the chips fall where they may.
She will suffer the consequences of her actions and when it happens make sure that you are blameless.
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cheating on this guy for some time now. Even through her pregnancy, to which he has no clue…….always trying to figure how is the partner to know never understand that if people trust u y would they be checking to see if you getting your back blown out is beyond me……..2 u should follow your nature of woman and betray everyone that is close to u or u depend on nothing is new here.
If he reads this the cat is well and truly out of the bag, dumb ass.
Mind your own business.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive. This story made my head hurt just reading it. Everyone in the story is an adult and what is done in darkness ALWAYS comes to light. I don’t suggest you being around for the fireworks
Mind your business woman, you well want your sister man
So me see it to she sound badmind
The police has some work to do malicious damage. There is enough information to take both wonen before the court.
Perhaps Kate did not realise that criminal activity was admitted to and this letter should remain in confidence to protect the stupid criminal for incriminating THEMSELF.
Obviously the writer is jealous and is ready to take over her sister’s man.
If a paternity test was not done how would they know who the father is?
Her mother must be so proud of her two wonderful deceitful off springs. Hope their children do not follow their foot steps
What a mix-up! Guy #1 thinks he gets girl #2 pregnant and has to break up with girl #1. Meanwhile girl #2 is the one who secrwtly inform girl #1. All the while girl #2 is not even sure who the father really is. So girl #2 is still sleep with guy #2 who is in a relationship with girl #3. Meanwhile, guy #1 probably has a new girl on the side girl #4 that nobody knows about. Thats 6 people having unprotected sex, might as well be an orgy.
They are so many people with sick minds out there.
Well Well Murder She Wrote
Ppl in Antigua MUST be bored. When it’s not orgies out East, it’s everyone having a Deputy. The HIV department here should really look to discover if the numbers of positives on paper are truly factual. Maybe the persons who need to be tested are not being tested. Anyway as one lives so shall he die… BTW guilt ridden sister, you are not fooling anyone, ‘u r trying to out ur sister on ANR’. BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER!!!!!
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