Dear Kate, I’m in love with my mother’s man


Dear Kate,

I am in love with my father in law (to be). I know it sounds crazy but here’s the truth.
I am 22 and I live home with my mom. She is 50. She just started dating this man who is so appealing. I would lust after him at home and since he started coming around I never want to leave the house.  Once he was in the kitchen and I went in there and told him I had a crush on him and wanted to “taste” him.
He asked me if I was crazy and he said he loved my mom and would never disrespect her like that. He even said he plans on marrying her. But I still cannot get past his looks and the way he walks and talks and dresses. I even get jealous when I hear he and mommy laughing in the bedroom. I love my mom but she has no right bringing such a hunk to live with us.
Dear kentitta,
If you love your mom like you claim you wouldn’t try sleeping or even crushing on her man.
Your mom has the right to date who she wants and perhaps what you should do is gather your stuff and leave your mother’s house. You are woman enough to try and snatch your mom’s man yet not woman enough to have your own place.
The next time you approach your “father in law” with those kinds of gestures he needs to punch you in the face and then tell your mom. And just like me and everyone who is reading this, I bet they will agree that you are a poor excuse for a daughter.



Real life problems and Kate’s real life responses.

Have a problem? Write to Dear Kate at [email protected]

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  1. Before u try tek ur mother man you might as well learn proper terminologies…… a man that is about to marry you mother is your “step father” not father-in-law!

  2. hahhahahhahahahahhahah. When I am having a bad day all i need to do is come online and read them drama deyah!!

  3. Duty gyal goo wey and have some respect fu big people, you is young go and get your own too damn farse

  4. Kate Best Answer I totally Agree …

    Move out was my first Suggestion
    Them Young Girls

  5. You know i’m really thrown by this post. What in the hell is happening here inna likkle Antigua? What is happening to the moral fabric of our people? It’s like a bluddy free for all around here. Everyday I wake up i’m hearing shit like this. It’s like everybody obsessed with sex sex sex. Damn it man! Gone are the days when young people had to respect big people and wait til dem damn washing mix as my grandma would say. And no talk bout our so called “big people” them trying to fit in with the younger ones too. We are definitely in the last days. Mothers against daughters and fathers against sons. Heaven help us all. It is certainly disgusting, no repulsive, to hear this child gushing about her step father-to-be in this way. Ah wah happen to dem picka nayga yah? The devil has a hand on our young people. We just need to pray for them and hope for the best. Nothing much else to do really.

  6. I have respect for that man. He did the right thing. Young lady have respect for your mother and step-father as he has had for your mother and you. MOve out , move on

  7. What you reap is what you sew. This is the kind of behavior this nation has molded it over the years. We have sewn a variety of Evel seeds in this little island of ours. Hypocrisy is one of them; and check this bars can be booming from what hour they feel like on a Sunday. Now you tell me what should we expect

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