Former Minister of Gender Affairs Arrested:
Former Member of Parliament and government minister Dean Jonas was arrested this evening, according to reports reaching Observer.
He was apparently arrested following an altercation with police who arrived at his Scott’s Hill home in response to a report that he had threatened to kill the mother of one of his children.
The officers were allegedly attacked by Jonas when they attempted to arrest him. He was taken to the St John’s police station where he was reportedly charged with disorderly conduct, threatening language, resisting arrest and battery of a police officer.
Further reports claim that he is currently out on station bail and is receiving medical attention following his release.
We will provide further details as they become available.
Police have been contacted for further comment.
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Be prepared!
All o dem go tun crazy pan arwee!
Police can only arrest them when they are not ministers. History is on record of government officials (ministers) breaking the law and are untouchable by police…smuggling, threatening citizens…slapping police. Forcgery etc and remain above the law. Police can only touch when they become ordinary people.
If you think me lie read that last book written by FORMER POLICEMAN BURNETTE.
@Dion Pelle: Perhaps u r right but can’t u see the hypocracy of such an author if now he’s out the force he’s speaking about that. Was cheese in his mouth or was he a part of the system why they choose not to apprehend ministers. Anyway tell those UPP parliamentarians to Becareful bcuz their reputation is not the best. If they slip they may get a very hard fall.
Great point.
Well well well
Hes a piece of shit
I completely agree. He is a piece of shit. He has been married to an exemplary woman for years and doesn’t seem to have a lick of respect for her. In the least he should consider how his actions affect her. It’s bad enough that he stepped out on her and breed another woman. He is human, but seems to prefer acting like an animal.
He should never have been allowed back in government after he was suspended, much less to be placed in charge of Gender Affairs and Social Transformation as an obvious womanizer and an abusive one at that. Maybe he wants to follow Sherfield, but what will save Sherfield may very well hang him.
Why he decide to follow his former leader examples, what save one will hang the other, we have some violent people In politics, some want to tump in face, some want to kill. Let us put away these behaviour
Karma is a bitch, they say. A young man was arrested by the Police in the Potters area.He and Dean Jonas had some issues over their farming lands.Now Dean Jonas is arrested. Karma is alive and well.
Indeed, Karma is a bitch! DJ is unhinged and extremely dangerous. Let us not forget that during election time he brandished a gun in public and threatened a member of the public.
The Police should have arrested him then, but because he was a politican they did not arrested him. Evidently, he hasn’t realised that he is now a washed up out of politics ordinary member of society.
Perhaps a spell behind bars might help him to deal with his anger management issues.
Well he’s Human been in politics doesn’t make u inhumane,he could have acted better,but I wasn’t there maybe he didn’t threatening to kill her an he refused to go with the police because she was lying so yh I understand his reaction but still could have gwaan willingly an try sort things out.
You weren’t there but you decide to go on with a lot of suppositions…
@Dion Pelle
That’s true alot of then are afraid of politicians also the AG and the PM controls the police force.
Perhaps those in authority often disregard this thing we call Karma. Biblically, its, what a man soweth, that also shall he reap. Choko came out speaking all of a sudden and was trashed by the Labourites. Now Dean Jonas is in a spot of bother. How hath the mighty fallen! It’s only a matter of time.
one of the mother of one of his children…well is how much different narny het get so? I wonder if he had a history of dispute but being a politician he was able to get away until now.
This guy has domestic issues, he should be dealt with accordingly.
What exactly can he transform if his private life is in such chaos? just saying…..
I observed since I came to Antigua this is a long trend since I’m here, not just with women but with everyone, people here always using threatening language, how they will kill you and what they would do to you and so on. Where I’m from if you make those comments, if you make it to see the next day you definitely will be in an unstable condition and need medical attention or life support. I just smh when I hear all that crap and avoid trouble when I see it.
Like my dad used to say, words have power, be careful mindful of what you say, and if you pull a weapon, never hesitate….I live by those laws.
It is so sad! Politics have a way of changing normally humble people. From someone who was very humble, Christian minded and family oriented to this. What a shame! Men must be careful of what they do because these ills have a way of coming back to haunt them. When you destroy your family for a little fun and frolic, the little fun and frolic will continue to destroy you. It is regrettable and sad but was in the works.
Bird people are so trashy and low class.
@Bluddy Bloke . . .Your present words to Dion Pelle about the UPPs’ elected members are ironically like prophecy. Read over the entire news clipping and compare your words with the political party’s former elected member, that you have been vehemently endorsing for your entire life.
Strange and ironical!!
What Granny use to say “if you live in a glass house . . . “; “when point a finger, four more pointing back at . . . !” come on now, you know the old but true to wisdom quotes.
SMDH…jeopardizing his professional career over a woman but, Antiguan men love this tradition of generational bastard babymaking with multiple women. When you see youth violence and other criminality amongst young men in the community check their familial history and frequently there is family violence with absentee father in the home just like Exhibit-A.
Police: Sir we’re going to take you to the station now.
Dean Jonas: Me?!?!?! Arrest!?!?!?! Station!?!?!?!?
Draaake!?!?!?!?!Boss I was a member of
parliament and I still have powerful friends!!
Further more me ah call Gaston chupzzz, ma
mean Commissioner Rodney….Way ma phone
dey? r u feel r u ga embarrass me like a regular
civilian, ya mad!
Police: Sigh…Ok physical work starts aka drop dat a grung
We shall see how it goes
Wow what a corrupt system people ste in jail for disorderly conduct alone n he gets station bail
Dean is a classy guy he would never attack anyone mean while the spin bowlers is at work and I know he is smart enough to have good evidence but when you have coco in the sun you have to watch for rain , plenty laugh to come , God don’t sleep.
Any of the blabbering mouths would have allowed their child to go with any police officer
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