Dead bodies left refrigerated for months on end at Antigua funeral homes


CABINET NOTES: The Cabinet has learned from the two existing Funeral Homes in Antigua that human cadavers have sometimes been refrigerated for months on end and sometimes pose a health hazard to workers.

The Cabinet decided to amend the law such that funeral homes would have the authority to bury cadavers after one month storage.





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  1. Notice they never indicated why bodies are piling up. Why?
    I know for a fact that the numbers have increased exponentially since they mandated poisonous,killer shots in 2021.
    Folks, you may not want to hear it, but we are dealing with the fallout from the Covid-19 jabs. Every place in the world that mass inoculated their people has seen the mortality rate increase by as much as 40%. Antigua and Barbuda is no different, but people here just sit quietly like lambs to the slaughter and say nothing. People are dropping dead for inexplicable reasons, as autopsy details are withheld, family,friends,coworkers, you name it, but they just bury their dead in silence. Cancers of all kinds have exploded here among all ages,especially the working age ones, as was predicted by those who warned us of the errors of mass vaccinations amidst a pandemic.
    It’s an indictment against the mad Dawg we have here posing as PM and his puppets. This government dares to use the word transparency, but let’s see them publish the vital statistics data from 2020 to present.

  2. They are talking about vagrants , people that died and no one claiming the bodies. People at homes , and government institutions. Most of these the tab falls on the government. The bodies are piled up because the government have failed to pay the funeral homes for its services. Has absolutely nothing to do with increase in deaths or Covid 19 . Watching-I am disputing what you are saying about Covid 19 vaccines. Just state the facts at this point. Government failure to pay its bill to the local contractors, suppliers, service providers to include the funeral homes. SMH.

  3. @Frankly, where does it say here that these bodies are vagrants? Wake the hell up. I could post over 16G of videos,articles etc proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Covid-19 shots are killing people. I have personally lost friends who died suddenly with blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, with a year after they were inoculated. In a normal year, 3 or 4 athletes collapse on the field of play; in 2021/22, there were more than 400. Canada lost dozens of healthy doctors after the third booster in months; Pfizer has 1290 known side effects( have you read the Pfizer documents?)to include all kinds of auto immune diseases and death. Read @Frankly. Do some independent research. Life insurance companies in the US reported a 40% rise in claims after the shots. As per one CEO, a 10% increase in a century is unprecedented, but 40% is unheard of. I could go on and on,but let this suffice for now.

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