Date announced for renaming of Mount St. John’s Medical Centre


CABINET NOTES: The plans to rename the MSJMC to the Sir Lester Bird Mount St. John Medical Center have been crystalized.

A date of May 18, 2021, has been fixed for the renaming exercise.

The National Hero and former Prime Minister is still hospitalized and has been visited by many of his colleague Cabinet members.

He is reportedly in good spirits.

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  1. Sir Dr. Prince Ramsey Hospital will be a more suitable name for a hospital since he have contributed alot in the medical field, dont just put a name because it is a politician.
    Boggy peak was renamed mount Obama but it is still Boggy peak in everybody’s mind.

    • 100% I like that sounds much better and with class. Sir Dr. Ramsey Hospital has a ring to that.

    • So it’s all about how something “sounds”?? Based on your feelings, then UPP should have won with their tag line and song of “Delivering Hope”

      Imagine that you were the brainchild behind a project and then they dedicate it to someone else.

      Are you losing your marbles or going through a divorce?

      • @SMH: What was the final price line for the construction of that Hospital. What were the costs over runs. That Hospital was a cesspool for corruption during construction. I think you ought to read the contract and involvements from the Bank that approved the loan.You would have a belly ache.

  2. What ignorance. People in govt positions for personal financial gain instead of for the good of our nation.

  3. I’m of the opinion that historical landmarks should only be named after people that have passed away. Not whilst living and then if so, only when there is a good reason. The Sir Vivian Richards cricket stadium merits its name as it was namad after an icon when built. Changing Boggy Peak, was ridiculous just as is adding Sir Lester Bird’s name. I agree Sir Dr. Prince Ramsey Hospital would be more fitting!

  4. @ 2020 VISION: Let us not forget that Sir Lester was the brain of the medical centre… Since he’s the one that gave birth to MSJMC, he is well deserving to have it renamed after him.. At the same time Queen Elizabeth Highway should be rename as Sir Dr. Prince Ramsey Highway and the area where the Ramco building is located should be name as Sir Dr. Prince Ramsey boulevard…. Having the road where he once lived is definitely not enough…. That road is obscured from public domain…..

  5. Deserving or not no issue here.

    All these sites and streets named after Europeans never seem to bother anyone.

    I know Sir Lester he is one of us and that is enough for me.

  6. At the same place?

    #if it nah good enuff4u
    #it nah good enuff4me

    • @ JACKIE

      Thought you were hiding …I have not seen you for a while. Jackie the hospital should be named ( SIR LESTER BIRD etc.) Your UPP would never get into power to change it. I believe you have been drinking too much of the BLUE KOOLAID. UPP Finished / DONE / DEAD. I hope you understand once and for all. Now Jackie go back in hiding.

      JACKIE the are the results for election 2023


      Hon. Gaston Browne best Prime Minister in the WORLD.

  7. Listen bird brains in the ALP cabinet; not Sir Lester Bird Mount St. John, but Sir Lester Bird medical center! God save us from these morons.

  8. Let’s rename the Wadadli Power Plant to Baldwin Spencer Power Can’t.

    Oh that’s right. Its been decommissioned because it was such a valuable investment.

    Wilmot Daniel Can’t Park at East Bus Station too?

    • Lmfao, how much money Gaston clown sold that same wadadli power plant for? And then turn around and enslave Antiguans to APC. You should go read the agreement between the government and APC, it’s shocking.

  9. Although the idea is a good one, BUT such a long name is ridiculous. Shorten it to LESTER BIRD HOSPITAL, and that’s good enough. Keep it simple.

    • Remember there’s a difference between St. John and St. John’s. One is a person the other is a place.

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