CXC Names Antiguan Student Best In The Region


Antigua and Barbuda’s top CESEC student for 2018 has been named “Most Outstanding Overall” (Region) by the Caribbean Examinations Council.

In a letter to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, CXC’s Registrar and CEO, Glenroy Cumberbatch wrote that Keondre Herbert of St. Joseph’s Academy “will receive an award for outstanding performance in the May/June performance in the May/June, 2018 Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations”.

Herbert secured 20 passes, all grade ones in the subjects he sat earlier this year.

Commenting on the former SJA student’s latest achievement, Director of Education, Clare Browne offered congratulations to Keondre Herbert and his family for accomplishing such a major feat.

“It speaks to his dedication and the desire to attain academic excellence and so I wish to express heartiest congratulations to Mr. Herbert. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology wishes him the very best as he continues to climb the academic ladder.”

Keondre Herbert will receive his award from CXC at a ceremony to be held in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on Thursday, 6th December, 2018.

This is the second time in three years that Antigua and Barbuda has produced the top CSEC student within the CXC territories.

In 2015, former SJA student Brandon Judnarine received the top regional award from CXC, for gaining 21 Grade One Passes and one Grade Two at the May/June exams.

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  1. am all for students doing well with education.. but sometimes i wonder what will one do with 20 cxc subjects? requirement for workplace or further education will not require half of this. maybe through recognition the student will get a scholarship for further studies, but is there a cost involved? are we putting a mental strain or setting them up for mental break downs later on in life? its all good to say congratulation to top students, and am not hating on anyone before anyone thinks that i am. every year the amount of subjects some of these children are pushing themselves to do is becoming alarming…9 grade ones was once thought to be a great accomplishment…these days u hearing of grade ones in the teens…now the twenties??? wow

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