The Barbados-based Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) says it ready to listen and to engage in dialogue with critical stakeholders across the education landscape given the ongoing “many challenges” facing the region at this time.
In a statement, the CXC which describes itself as “the premier provider of globally competitive curriculum development services, examinations, certification and education services in the Caribbean, said that among the challenges are the debilitating impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on all areas of society as well as the seismic activity of the La Soufrière volcano in St Vincent and the Grenadines.
“CXC stands in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in St Vincent and the Grenadines at this time and all our stakeholders across the region affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, CXC® stands ready to listen and to engage in dialogue with our critical stakeholders across the education landscape.
“CXC also recognises that some candidates across the region, based on their particular circumstances, may not be ready for assessment during the June/July 2021 examinations cycle,” it said.
It said given these circumstances, CXC has reduced the SBA requirements by as much as 50 per cent in some subjects.
“This information is outlined in the SBA Student Handbook: Treatment of Syllabuses and School-Based Assessment for the Administration of Examinations, published and posted on the CXC website and shared via social media in November 2020 and February 2021.
“In addition, CXC will share the Broad topics to be assessed on Paper 02 for CSEC and CAPE subjects with the Ministries of Education for distribution to all candidates on 10 May 2021 (5 weeks before the start of the examinations), for subjects where such details are not already available in the syllabus. Candidates are however reminded that the entire syllabus is assessed on Paper 01.”
The Barbados-based examination body said that following extensive consultations with regional ministries of Education, it has also implemented a facility for candidates to defer sitting examinations and submitting School-Based Assessments (SBAs), until January 2022 or the May/June 2022) examinations cycle.
It said accordingly scores can be transferred for use in the next examination sitting, where the subject is offered.
“The rules pertaining to the reuse of SBA scores for re-sit candidates remain unchanged.
Candidates may also: · submit a new SBA; · delay submission of SBAs until the chosen sitting
For the first time, CXC will accept SBAs in January 2022 for candidates deferring to sit examinations for subjects offered in that period.”
CXC said the granting of the deferral will be managed by the principal, for in-school candidates, and by the CXC Local Registrar, for private candidates. Candidates should indicate an intent to defer from the June/July 2021 examination cycle by 1 May 2021. There will be no fee charged for the deferral of examinations.
It said that the deferral procedures were shared directly with all ministries of Education and Local Registrars from across the region on March 26 and April 9 and communications placed on the CXC website: www.cxc.org.
“As we all do our best to manage in these uncertain times, CXC continues to collaborate with regional Ministries of Education and other stakeholders to ensure the safety and well- being of all stakeholders, and that the administration of examinations does not disenfranchise the region’s students,” CXC added.
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