Cutie blames UPP for bomb scare


With no evidence at all, Public Safety Minister Steadroy Cutie Benjamin is blaming the main opposition United Progressive Party for Monday’s bomb scare which shut down parts of St John’s.

“It is terrible that political operatives of the main opposition party should do and start a panic to create havoc which will affect our economy and damage our tourism product around the world,” Benjamin said in an interview.

He said this is happening because of the possibility of a general election.

“Over the years before a date for the election, there was no threat at all; but recently from the time a date of the election appears to be closeby, these disturbances goes up,” he told state media.

However, Benjamin admitted that he had no evidence at all linking the United Progressive Party to the crime.

“I cannot say with certainty that anyone has indicated to me that its the opposition, but we are making an intelligent deduction of the facts and one can conclude reasonably that this really was done by political operatives of the main opposition party to destabilise this government and the country,” the public safety minister said.

On Monday, someone called the Immigration Department to report that there was an explosive device inside the building.

No bomb was ever found but the scare caused the authorities to evacuate a number of businesses in the area.

“We shall do everything in our power to track and trace the origins of this telephone call and the person who started this matter and I can assure you that the person, party or individuals will be dealt with to the full extent of the law,” Benjamin warned.

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  1. Cutie is reckless with this statement. It is intended to divide the people even more. He had nothing to say on the Michael Freeland issue. He also has no updates on 4 unsolved murders this year. These are the things he should be focused on. Has it crossed his mind how much the crime rate is already affecting Tourism? Cutie, anybody else but you. You don’t have the moral authority.

  2. Evil thinks as evil does,
    One must begin to wonder if at the advent of an election the ALP would incite violence to destabilize the government.

  3. Such a rubbish statement.

    What is “terrible” is that the government’s chief legal advisor, and from time to time acting PM would reach so low as to play politics with the nation’s safety and sense of security.

    Keep the empty blame game out of it and take action to let us all feel more secure. What on earth did that admittedly baseless speculation even add to the statements?

  4. Antiguans are blind it seems and love suffering in silence. The government gets a big “F” grade from me for the past several years in power but somehow they are lauded by so many people.

    Greed and the love of power spoils everything. If Mr. Lovell had allowed Ms. Massiah to lead the party , as she rightfully should be doing, the UPP would stand a chance against this dictatorship that’s our government. The field of candidates for the opposition is mediocre at best so it looks like another term of this new emerging autocracy.

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