Crime is out of control. “Cutie” Benjamin must act immediately to curb this crisis


Crime is out of control. “Cutie” Benjamin must act immediately to curb this crisis

Crime in Antigua and Barbuda is spiraling out of control, and the Minister of National Security and Public Safety, Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin, seems not to have a clue as to how to address this dangerous situation.

We are being engulfed in a crime wave which is developing into a tsunami, with public safety reaching an all-time low. Yet not one single, solitary word is heard from Benjamin who remains deafeningly silent while our people suffer loss of property, peace of mind, and are greatly afraid for their very lives.

Despite all the promises from Minister Benjamin to adequately support the police force, to develop an actionable crime fighting strategy, and to provide a forensic crime lab, none of these promises have materialized up to today.

Further, even as the public tremble in fear, Minister Benjamin has still not made any attempt to consult with community groups to give them the opportunity to share their concerns and make recommendations to help stem the tide of increasing crime.  

With all this failure, what is most irresponsible and negligent is that the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Hon. Gaston Browne, has made no effort to hold Minister Benjamin accountable for his blatant failure.

Is he too saying that he has little concern for the preservation of public safety, the protection of private property, our people’s collective mental health, and Antigua and Barbuda’s reputation as a safe place for tourism and investment?

I am calling on Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin and his leader, Gaston Browne, to take immediate and decisive actions to stop the spiraling crime crisis in Antigua and Barbuda.

Richard S. Lewis MP

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  1. Antiguans must put politics aside when it comes to safety for the good of our country
    Blue and red must unite and put personal Ego aside
    Too much crime is happening in Antigua and the Attorney General is mute about the dire situation
    We need fresh minds and and legs instead of spilling fancy words and spitting flames after the effects
    We got to be pro active.
    Antigua is 108 Square miles let’s grab the bull by the horns now and not later nip it in the but now b4 its too late
    The Attorney General is falling asleep at the wheel We need a new driver with fresh mind and who is willing to tackle the problem at hand
    Wake up Antiguans because time is not on your side

    • I agree with you. Ecverything in ANU is so segregated instead of working together they point fingers. This is not a one man job, nor a one party job, this is an island coming together to put this shit to rest.

  2. How about we learn to deal with our children. While we are dependent on Government to implement the policies, what are we doing as parents. I know of people who just allow their children to be out there just running wild and some parents don’t even know the whereabouts of then.
    Is it the government’s responsibility to control our children? We ask for the rules and regulations, but when they are put in place and they are not tailored to our needs, we still have a problem.
    Charity begins at home. Let’s do better to take care of them and to discipline when it’s necessary!
    Spare NOT the rod and spoil the child!

  3. Our Attorney General Steadroy Benjamin is out of touch, out of ideas and has totally lost control on the ongoing crime wave threatening to engulf the country.

    The Honourable Richard Lewis is correct in highlighting this issue; and it’s good to know that a politician is – at last – talking at length about the growth of these criminal activities.

    Hopefully, not only will the AG now take affirmative action, but also that the Police Commissioner and Prime Minister follow suit, and will urgently work towards removing this “cancer” crime that’s threatening to overtake and destroy Antigua.

    It is your elected duties to ptotect your citizens; defend those who run their businesses, and ring-fence the tourism industry by safeguarding those travelling here to these beautiful shores.

    Richard Lewis is a man of the people.

  4. If our children grow up in a loving yet strict environment where there are consequences to their actions they will grow to be good human beings. There is also the issue of the United States repatriating convicted criminals originally born in the Caribbean but went to the United States at a tender age. These humans may very well be contributing to this crime epidemic. This matter is problematic and will take a collective effort where all of us throughout the OECS and CARICOM to get a handle on.

  5. Stop waste your time. We have the worse AG and Commissioner in our history. They have no ideas nor competence. Or they simply do not care. Or all of the above. The government may have waited too long and now real drastic steps will have to be taken.

  6. Cutie cannot do it ALL for poorly raised kids and punk arse parents who has epically FAILED THEIR KIDS Cutie cannot do it ALL for poorly raised kids and punk arse parents who has epically FAILED THEIR KIDS


    CUTIE can ONLY make stronger laws Harsher sentences to punish these wicked kids and when JUDGES give you all waste kids sentences YOU THE MOMA AH BAWL

    You parents are your children BIGGEST FAILURE bcos YOU ALL FAILED TO DISCIPLINE as soon as someone correct their child hear a stupid woman “ oh god enuff you go kill him”
    Cutie can’t do eberyting thing it’s not a RED OR BLUE ISSUE …. It’s a SOCIETY AND PARENTS ISSUE BEFOR IT BECOMES A LAW ISSUE

    • So if I can bring up my children to be law abiding citizens @ punk arse, pray tell, is your ‘lack of parental guidance theory’ the only reason for the rise in criminal activities; and not the ECONOMIC WOES and lack of work opportunities a factor in these criminal equations?


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