COVID-19 variant found in Antigua


CABINET NOTES: A variant of Covid-19 has been found in an infected person in Antigua. However, no-one is hospitalized as a result.

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  1. I guess the Ministry of Health should pick up the drive once again for people to get vaccinated or boosted wherever needed. We should not wait till it is too late, and then we need to once again close the country and implement drastic measures.

    • @ From the sidelines, you’re an friggin idiot! It is a known fact that the vaccines can’t prevent infection or transmission so what exactly are boosters going to prevent? The data are clear that the more of this shit you take the more likely you are to have adverse effects. Do you know that the NHS in the England is no longer offering the boosters to healthy people? People like you are QUIET when all the sudden unexplained deaths occur, but ready to open your fucking mouth when it comes to pushing a useless vaccine. Get as much as you want but STFU in regards to the rest of us.

  2. It must be very worrisome for those who followed and believed in the government’s vaccination programmes, and then took the vaccines specially Mandated by our Prime Minister Gaston Browne.

    With all the adverse reactions and sudden deaths being reported now being made public under the Freedom Of Information (FOI); it must leave many of those who were illegally COERCED into taking the jab wondering, “what if” and “or when” …


    Footnote: Just read that those globalists and elitists who attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) insisted that all the pilots that flew them to the conference had to be UNVACCINATED.


  3. Let us end the discussion of whether or not the vax blocks transmission once and for all….
    – When Pfizer was called before the European parliament and asked what evidence they had that the shots prevented transmission, Pfizer responded…”we never tested it for that”. Now to put this into perspective, the emergency use approval that was given to Pfizer for their shot in the US was…get this…”For the prevention of COVID-19″. Somebody lied.
    – One step further…Dr Fraudci admitted in an interview that the vax had NO CHANCE of controlling the virus because antibodies circulating in your blood cannot prevent a respiratory infection. What you need are mucosal antibodies. I’ve heard people say this for at least a year. As and example, when testing for HIV, they test your blood instead of swabbing your nose. HIV is a blood related disease. In the same way COVID, being a respiratory virus does not care what you have pumped into your blood. There were companies that offered nasally administered products, but they were swatted down by the FDA and the Fauci-controlled NIH in favour of clot shots.

    Let this be a lesson to you who thought noise is strength. Real science doesn’t shout, shame and censor. Real science can speak for itself

  4. In the wake of these C19 jabs, people are dropping like flies. Athletes, in the prime of their life, are collapsing and mainstream media, the government and the medics are silent. I have lost friends who were jabbed, dying suddenly and not a conclusive opinion from the autopsy . The world over, the death rate is up by as much as 40% and Antigua and Barbuda is not exempt.
    Interestingly enough, our vital statistics department has no information on deaths for 2020, 2021 and 2022. Why is this I wonder? We have all been attending funerals here at increased frequencies, but there is this disturbing silence.

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