(Health Ministry announces additional Covid-19 vaccine doses for specific groups)
The Minister of Health, Wellness and the Environment, the honourable Sir Molwyn Joseph announces that the Ministry will begin the administering of Covid-19 booster vaccines on Monday 6th December 2021 to specific groups.
This policy is being implemented by the Government on the heels of recommendations made by the National COVID-19 Vaccination Technical Working Group and Senior Medical Technicians within the Ministry.
The additional doses of the Covid-19 vaccines will be administered to the most vulnerable and at risk groups within the society in the first instance. These include Healthcare Providers such as Doctors, Nurses, Radiologists, Pharmacist and Emergency Medical Technicians.
Focus is also being placed on immuno-compromised individuals such as cancer patients, renal dialysis and transplant patients, persons living with HIV/AIDS and persons receiving immune-suppressive therapy.
Once the vaccine programme progresses, those individuals 60 years and over will be prioritized including those individuals living in long-term care facilities.
In order to be considered eligible for the booster vaccine, one must have received their second dose of a two-dose vaccine or a single dose of a one-dose vaccine at least six (6) months ago.
The additional vaccine doses will be administered at the Multipurpose Cultural and Exhibition Centre and the Villa Polyclinic from Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 5pm. They will also be administered at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center for these special groups.
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WHO urges countries to delay booster shots after emergence of new Omicron variant.
Can you say “Original Antigenic Sin?”
The reason they are calling for a delay is out of their concern about the inequitable distribution of vaccines world wide. Rich counties on their third shot and poor counties largely unvaccinated. Maybe it’s time you learned to read more than just social media headlines.
“As the still-mysterious Omicron variant reached American shores, the World Health Organization on Wednesday scolded wealthy countries that imposed travel bans and dismissed those that poured resources into vaccine booster campaigns when billions in poor countries had yet to receive their first shots.
The comments by W.H.O. officials reopened fraught questions of equity in how the world has handled the coronavirus pandemic since a stark divide over the availability of vaccines emerged between rich and poor countries earlier this year.”
Omicron is an anagram of of the word MORONIC … JUST SAYING!
All this nonsense stops when we kick them all out of office. The vaccines aren’t working – AND THEY KNOW IT -, so they create a bogus variant to hid the fact that it’s the actual vaccine weakening and slowly breaking down OUR natural immune system, ensuring that those who’ve taken the jabs become more reliant on jabs for the rest of their lives.
If we don’t all come together (and I mean the vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated) our children and grandchildren’s future is looking bleak.
Where is the evidence.
Just go back over the news since this thing has started. Look at what youve been told and look at whats actually happening. Not hard to see weve been lied to constantly for the last 2 years.
There will be some people who will never understand. They are the terminally brainwashed. Don’t waste you time on them and move on to those you can help by tell them the truth that the media and government officials aren’t telling the people.
And the brainwashed will always go along with whatever the government(s) tell them to do.
Just discovered that Governments from around the world have employed ‘Behavioural Scientists’, to use tried and trusted techniques to instil fear & shaming on global populations, in order to comply with the vaccination programme and lockdown rules – WAKE UP ANTIGUA BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!
Fool. Stop promoting nonsense conspiracy theories. If all you say is true where is the credible evidence? Stop repeating this crap that comes out of some sad internet jockey conspiracy theorist who is probably some spotty teenager sat in his dark bedroom jerking off. Your use of capital letters to make your points is also very Trump like and annoying. Shut up
Name calling is a sign of an uneducated person who just doesn’t know how to debate properly, or conduct a decent conversation with anyone who has a different viewpoint than themselves – HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH!
The current events was called conspiracy theories from the start of the pandemic. Do you still vaccine passport a conspiracy theory?
@ Give it a rest . Lol you probably took the vaccine and like most of them get extremely annoyed when anyone suggest anything other.
True dat … the vaccinated jump into the water without checking how deep, and are now drowning in their misplaced JABBED arrogance.
Whilst in Antigua (earlier this year, before Gaston locked out the unvaccinated diaspora), I was vilified by family & friends for standing my ground in not injecting myself with any trial drugs. We discussed, we argued, and by the end of the day I was outnumbered by the arrogance of the vaccinated.
However, since then, one person has had a severe stroke (and can no longer work), another one now has to use a walking stick because they cannot stand up for too long – WHY DIDN’T THEY WAIT?
Sounds to me like your family and friends are good people. So let me get this straight. In response to “Give it a rest’s” post above, you said, “Name calling is a sign of an uneducated person who just doesn’t know how to debate properly, or conduct a decent conversation with anyone who has a different viewpoint than themselves – HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH!”
And now you say, “We discussed, we argued, and by the end of the day I was outnumbered by the arrogance of the vaccinated.” So who is name calling now hypocrite? What about their freedom of speech? If someone disagrees with you they are arrogant, they are wrong? Are you sure your not Donald Trump???
And you have proof that your family/friends were afflicted by the vaccine? I don’t mean to be heartless, but people succumb to strokes and other maladies every day, now and pre-covid. How can you rationally link their misfortune with a vaccine? You are not a doctor, nor do you play one on this message board. Maybe you are a “behavioral scientist” paid by the anti-vax lobby to instill fear amongst the unvaccinated, so that billions of dollars are spent on ineffective preventatives, treatments and cures. That’s all you’ve been doing all year, instilling fear amongst the unvaccinated.
I wish your acquaintances family/friend speedy recoveries.
See Timelines & Deliverables on: 2019-2022_vaccine roadmap_en.pdf
“British Biomedical Scientist: FRAUD and Crimes Against Humanity Enabled by Virology’s Unscientific Voodoo SCIENTISM.”
Which one of the Booster Vaccines Doses are being given? I got the 2 Moderna Doses and the Moderna Booster.Are they going to mix the Booster with different Vaccines taken originally?
The Vaccine working group did not seem to learn much since the start, perhaps they need a double dose.
For 1, the most difficult persons to take the vaccine are the younger individuals. You are already talking about the Omnicron strain, see if the will rust to take it. In other words, you dont need to prioritize here because persons are not rushing to take it. If needs be, increase your capacity to gave the jab, we only have a population of 100,000.
2nd, Are person living with HIV really at extra risk if they are already taking antiretroviral drugs? Is there any evidence of such persons falling victims to COVID? Were they even using some of the same antiretroviral drugs to treat COVID0?
I think that group needs to stop following the roadmap , at least customize it for local use.
@ Say What? I will try not to be too disrespectful about all your above comments on this thread, but you are all over the place in what you are trying to say – ARE YOU OK?.
Try and be more logical and coherent in your replies/responses and maybe someone might, ONE DAY, take what you are saying seriously … JUST SAYING!!!
I’m all over the place? Maybe you can’t figure things out without a social media feed telling you how to interpret written words. So let me break it down for you…
“Sounds to me like your family and friends are good people.” (MY WORDS BECAUSE THEY VILIFIED YOU)
“Name calling is a sign of an uneducated person who just doesn’t know how to debate properly, or conduct a decent conversation with anyone who has a different viewpoint than themselves – HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH!” (YOUR WORDS IN RESPONSE TO “GIVE IT A REST”).
Yet when your family disagreed with you about vaccinations, YOU SAID “We discussed, we argued, and by the end of the day I was outnumbered by the arrogance of the vaccinated.” (SO YOU RESORTED TO NAME CALLING BECASUE YOUR FAMILY EXCERCISED THEIR FREEDOM OF SPEECH. YOU ARE, THEREFORE, A HYPOCRITE, GUILTY OF THE SAME BEHAVIOR YOU ACCUSE “GIVE IT A REST” OF EXHIBITING).
Finally, I suggested that you are a “behavioral scientist” paid by the anti-vax lobby to instill fear amongst the unvaccinated.
Do you understand now?
Give me a break Sourapple. The link you posted doesn’t work, maybe one of your minions can help you with that. Don’t you worry, I found it all by myself posted on a site called “Health Impact News”. Did you bother to read about “Health Impact News” publication in their “About Us” link in their banner? This is who you get your information from? This is one of your trusted credible sources? Please post the link properly so that everyone can read it, I dare you. But I doubt you will for fear of being laughed off the island, assuming you actually live in Antigua and Barbuda. Go ahead, make my day…
@ Say What? Without a shadow of a doubt you are affiliated to some sort of organisation to try and discredit anyone who has a good handle on this PANDEMIC.
I wasn’t sure at first, but I am now, just for the simple reason that when anyone puts the other side of the argument in a well balanced, cogent and constructed way (including facts & figures from – silenced – creditable medical experts), your rage and angst is palpable against anyone with a different viewpoint that doesn’t fit Gaston Browne or his cabinets narratives on the vaccination mandates. WHY SUP?
What Say What needs to do is REFUTE what the Scientists says with (her /his / their /them) scientific evidence instead of attacking the site that published the article.
Still won’t post the link will you…just as I thought…
Give it up, ‘SAY WHAT?’ your undercover games for whoever you are affiliated too, or working for have been well and truly been exposed.
You write like a paid-up shill, and most interesting as well, is your so-called links seems to be governed and led to discredit any alternative views (despite coming from eminent virologists; professors; doctors; vaccine damaged healthcare professionals; data analysts and even Pfizer whistle-blowers) on Covid-19.
Sugar, the article, which you still have not posted, is written by an anonymous source, with unknown credentials, contains unsubstantiated claims and offers no scientific evidence. You’ve got to do better than that!
You have never provided credible facts, figures, medical experts. And why would you invoke Gaston Browne’s name, or his cabinets narratives on the vaccination mandates (your words not mine) concerning any of my posts? I have never commented on Antiguan politics in any post (neither red or blue) nor have I ever promoted or criticized vaccine mandates. More lies on your part in an attempt to label me. The only thing I’ve done is fact check your misinformation, BECASUE IT IS EASY TO DO.
Brixie, your last post is over the top… if anyone is ignoring the experts it’s YOU. Any of the so called experts you have put forward have been discredited over and over again.
And now I’m truly convinced that you are completely unhinged. First you say that my undercover games for whoever I’m affiliated too(sic) or working for have been well and truly exposed. SO EXPOSE AWAY, WHAT ARE YOU WAITNG FOR??? Then you want me to come clean about who I am…I thought you said you know???
I am one single person fact checking your claims. Anyone who knows how to use Google can do the same. And I encourage everyone to do their own fact checking. YOU ARE A CHRONIC CONSPIRACY THEORIST and now you are theorizing that I’m part of whatever conspiracy that lives in between your ears. And you must be completely self absorbed to think that an “entity” is so threatened by your mad postings that they need to pay a shill to mess with you.
Good night Brixie, get some rest.
Stop being selective in your answers … if you won’t respond to the experts that I continually mention to you – me nah bother wid you no more – WASTE OF TIME!
I have, several time’s, but you don’t acknowledge. So do yourself a favour and try doing your own fact checking of your so called experts, you will be surprised at what you find. But you are so invested in your conspiracy theories that it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to process anything outside of the social media echo chamber that spoon feeds you what you should think. You are living in a never ending loop sunshine, going over the same lies and misinformation day in and day out, with the same handful of people patting you on the back congratulating you for a job well done. Good luck with that…
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