Court grants man million dollar bail

Deon Perkins

 A 42-year-old man, who was arrested in January after police allegedly found an estimated EC$12 million (One EC dollar=US$0.37 cents) worth of cocaine in his possession, has been granted bail.

High Court judge, Keith Thom granted bail to Deon Perkins who has been charged with possession, possession with intent to transfer, being concerned with the supply of cocaine and trafficking 286 bricks or 740.8 pounds of cocaine.

The drugs has a street value of EC$11.807 million.

Police said that the accused was arrested by officers of the Office of National Drug and Money Laundering Control Policy (ONDCP) on January 3 near the Sir George Walter Highway.

His attorney Warren Cassell said bail had been secured in the sum of one million dollars and that 10 pieces of land had been put up as security to make sure Perkins is available for all his court dates and trial.

In addition, Perkins has to surrender his passport to the court, avoid any contact with the witnesses in the state’s case against him, and report to the policy on a daily basis.

The accused is also required to continue residing at his current address and should give the authorities, in writing, 48 hours if he plans to re-locate.

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