A Bathlodge couple, Gretchen Saunders-Christopher and Rody, are suing the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre for negligence leading to the stillbirth of their unborn child.
Represented by attorney Wendel Alexander, they seek damages, including for mental distress.
Saunders-Christopher, 43, blames the hospital for the stillbirth on November 1, 2022.
Despite following instructions for an induced labor due to her high-risk pregnancy, she was turned away initially due to a full maternity ward.
When admitted days later, her baby had no heartbeat.
She alleges negligence, recklessness, and suffering, citing mental distress, sleep loss, anxiety, and grief.
The hospital has not yet commented.
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You all havent done any rudeness since to make back one?
What a rude and inconsiderate comment… Have you no empathy for someone who has gone through the agony of losing a child? Regardless of what you may think of the lawsuit, have a heart.
Curious George..When last you did a likkle rudeness..like you lacking.
@. As the saying goes “it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt” ~ Abraham Lincoln
Just some friendly advice…
@curious george And to add to that, “those who argue with fools becomes one”😁
But the situation is really saddening
@ Joelle P. Hence why there was no argument after my first comment but rather wise advice :-). We as a society have grown too inconsiderate of what someone else may be going through or have gone through. This is not who we are as Caribbean people. We are known (said with a pinch of salt) to be hospitable and kinda hearted and looking out for each other in time of need. I have read other comments about the time for empathy has passed. There is no rule on how long it takes someone to get over anything. Some people take a month, some take years, some never get over something like that. We are all different and handle situations differently. We need to do better. We need to be better.
This incident occurred back in 2022. The time for empathy has long past. The claimants are now seeking compensation for their loss, one can only wish them the best in their attempt.
You sound so stupid about do rudeness to make back one. You so big and stupid with no sense if humor dunce asss fuck.
You are a psychopathic individual without human compassion, empathy or kindness. There is no cure for your mental disease. I pity people like you , the world is better when you are no longer in it, you pollute the universe. 25% of the world population unfortunately are cursed with your disease. Get some help.
Are u stupid???
Is this I’m anyway your business ??
Tessa never got to hold hers
So the entire world can suffer every evil because of her tragic death, and you do not care.
Good fa she
@. What is wrong with you? This is a terrible thing that happened to this family. I hope they succeed with there lawsuit. That hospital is a death trap.
Sue them till the cows come home!!!!!!! The medical staff has to know that there are consequences if you do not do your job well. I think sometimes they forget that literally people’s lives are in their hands.
So if the ward was full what do they suggest should hv happened? Send home somebody else? Then they can sue as well if something happen to their child? It’s unfortunate, but they can’t do anything if the unit full to capacity?
Come guys no need for the argument but find a solution so this wouldn’t happen again .it’s not the first i believe something like this happen but unless someone take a step like the suing nothing will not stop at the hospital.
I wish the couple all the best go forward and fight hard.its not an easy thing carrying a baby for all those months .certain things could’ve avoided .they need to do things better.we are human not robot.
Fight with all what you have fight for the baby..god is with you.
this nonsense all those who talking bout if she do any rudeness you all a gutless pigs!!!! the woman could a lost her life so wat if no maternity bed find another solutions!!!!! simple as that wen it was covid time half of maternity ward was covid patient an they find space for maternity patient still this is carelessness they dnt care about pregnant ppl sue there ass yes !!!!! what if thats the only child this person ever conceived you all here talking crab
if it was u all family members u wouldn’t be acting so doubtish
It’s not her only child and she is in her 40’s her pregnancy was HIGH RISK!!!! Guess you miss that part. It’s sad she lost the child but it is part of the risk when you chose to have a child at that late age in life.
This suing won’t go anywhere because stillborn is normal. How is it the hospital’s fault to have a still born? Some ppl amaze me in this country. Anything to get pity. Main cause of still birth is infection. Did you take necessary health checks before conceiving? Ik it’s hard to lose a baby but it’s our duty to take care of ourselves if we want good results.
It’s about time some one take that stand of the ignorance that’s happening at our hospital I sympathize with the parents and my god have mercy on mount Obama hospital
Disgusting It’s about time
Well I see a lot of people are commenting based off of emotions and not reason. While yes SLBMC is indeed a hell hole there are other factors to this. One from reading this this lawsuit can go either way. One of the main the lady was 42 years old at the time she was pregnant and was labeled a high risk pregnancy. As unfortunate as this is there was always a possibility of a stillbirth. Also the lawyer representing this couple While most will think he is the Antiguan version of Johnny Cockrane just remember most of his legal victories came from police incompetence and their inability to gather evidence. A civil suit especially one is a whole different kettle of fish. And he is really gp8ng to have to work for his money cause this one will be involving medical experts. This should.be an interesting case to follow.
doesn’t matter how old she is!!!!! an u can’t tell ppl how to act the woman could have lost her life turning a pregnant woman away because of lack of bed!!! kmft in covid half of maternity ward was covid patient they find space an f***in bed so leave ppk let them vent jus pray it won’t be u one day
Emotions are high in you I see. I wonder even if she got a bed the same day and the baby was stillborn would she still sue? If she went abroad and the baby was stillborn would she sue? No pregnancy is perfect and the fact is the older a woman get the more risky it is to have a baby. Women in their late 30’s and 40’s are at very high risk!!! It is going to be a very interesting case indeed and I can’t wait to hear what the experts have to say if it reaches that far. In the meantime I’ll keep reading the emotional charged comments coming for you people
You hit the nail perfectly on its head.
When you removed the emotions from the situation it’s a different reasoning because the hospital made a decision on what ever grounds and the family had other options such as other medical facilities locally and else where.
This will be a test case for Antigua so let’s awaits the outcome. Wished everyone the best in this regards
Medical Civil suit**
This is why nothing is changing in this country. Because you all are so f gullible. Damn! They have a right to sue. A lot of people die in that place could have been prevented. Antiguans only can take and no action. Sue them backside and I hope you win. Nonsense rubbish.
Many workers have died .. been electrocuted at Antigua port and nothing .. a young lady just died Xmas eve due to negligence at the hospital.. we need ACCOUNTABILITY.. 4 man get burn up down port .. this government needs to be held accountable any death in the USA as a government employee is a lawsuit .. and in Antigua we hear nothing of it … too many deaths at hospital and too many late diagnosis of cancer .. so the people die .. when they could have early detection and treatment .. Antigua is NOT A POWERHOUSE.. it’s a ghetto ,poor,no progress 3 world country
First off, I sympathize with the family. Any one would feel traumatized after carrying a baby to term only to find out your baby did not make it.
In MY OPINION the hospital is at fault because of the fact that she was high risk. Also it says that she was sent to be induced so why was she turned away knowing this information.
If someone was in labor with their child forcing its way out would they also turn them away because all the beds were taken?
I remember my experience when I was pregnant years ago and is always amazed whenever those memories flash back from 14 years ago how I almost had my daughter on the hospital floor because of their lack of empathy and professionalism. Some of The nurses have no empathy at that hospital. Some in my opinion are only there to make money and not for the love of nursing.
As long as it can be proven that her baby died after the fact then they might have a case but they need to brace themselves for what will come with this lawsuit.
I wish them all the best.
If this woman’s pregnancy was considered high risk, then medical personnel were negligent for sending her home. Not having an available bed is a poor excuse to have risk her and the unborn child’s life.
The hospital must find ways to accommodate patients when they are presented with life or death situations such as this one. It is common practice to keep patients in the hallways of specific units or in the ED of hospitals in other countries when rooms aren’t available…not ideal but is reasonable.
It’s because Antiguan are openly and willing defending this type of gross negligence why nothing will change there. C’mon, do better!
@ commentators
This is similar to the famous Esmin Green case; with two links below
TRIAGE is a basic medical protocol that seeming was not in use at this Medical facility.
Triarge is Essential in any medical facility for sorting of patients (as in an emergency room) according to the urgency of their need for care.
As well an allocation of treatment to patients and disaster victims according to a system of priorities designed to maximize the number of survivors.
Molwyn Joseph just mentioned the implementation of “triage” in his list of improvements to the Medical Center.
This case is not a hard one to prove for medical malpractice and negligence.
Any mediocre lawyer should not only win this case with gigantic amount of money; but an excellent attorney would not only win; but used the trial to drag all the incompetents into the court and expose them, as well as getting a court order for permanent imprisonments in basic healthcare services in Antigua and Barbuda.
Not everyone can call their Minister like Troy Allen. This case can be used to bring about needed changes in healthcare system, if the attorney is willing to go for it
@ Emotion vs Reason
There has been a myriad of complaints about the medical center and the clinics for a long number of years
The GOAB has not addressed any of those complaints or made any public statements regarding the issue only til recently
The shit hit the fan when Troy Allen wrote a letter that was published in ANR which caused the Minister responsible to visit asses and make some public declarations.
Interestingly Emotion and Reason comes in to play in this case but very differently than how you are thinking about it.
The most important is that all medical institutions and clinics has a Triarge protocol period. It’s as important as having a roof on the building
Evidently The Medical Center was not following a triage protocol
Under legal doctrine called vicarious liability medical facilities are liable for negligence their employees engage in while on-the-job.
In the absence of a triage protocol there was likely a failure to monitor the festal heartbeat. A basic protocol procedure seemingly never took place.
There are lawyers called ambulance chasers, where medical malpractice is the most lucrative.
Given the reported atrocious treatment of the public at The Medical Center which could have led to many deaths as well as permanent injuries; due to or a result of lack of care or treatment.
This case could be a landmark case if the plaintiffs are successful.
Medical malpractice could be a furtile ground and legal specialty area for enterprising young attorneys; while creating an environment to stop the GOAB from proving substandard medical care.
@ Lenny h
Antigua like most of the Caribbean inherited a set of laws and regulations from our Colonial times when our and their population were a fraction of what it is today. Most travelled on foot or donkeys then.
Turns out those archaic rules suit the wealthy and the entrenched power that controls the country.
They love it that way, and will fight to prevent any changes.
We have a medical system as well as other public services that’s damaging and costly to the public in many ways.
If the legal profession and the courts wanted changes; lawsuit outcome can demand and create changes.
A court ruling outcome for malpractice beyond monetary damages could include an independent monitor to practices and benchmarks set by the courts.
If the Courts says anyone who experienced electric outages for more than 24 hrs except for acts of God; is entitled to $500. Tgere would not be any electricity outage for mor than 24 hrs. Etc.
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