The female found dead at Runaway Beach Sunday morning has been identified as 15-year-old Achazia James of Fort Road.
Police have launched a high-level probe in the wake of the gruesome discovery.
The teenager was found with chop wounds.
Law enforcers are asking anyone with information which could assist in their investigation, to contact the Criminal Investigations Department at 462-3913 or Crimestoppers at 800-8477.

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You got to be kidding me. That is a child.
We must silence the spirit of anger and hate over this nation.
Children go to school and learn well!
Otherwise, later on in life; you’re gonna catch real hell.
For without an education in your head.
Your life could be a misery,
And, you could end up Dead! Dead! Dead!
Compliments of the Mighty Sparrow!
#HUEmans discarded, as garbage!
It no longer, Takes A Village!
So, how will we step ⏭️⏩ FORWARD
…attention! Huh! To stymie this carnage!
Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
De’ole Dutty Peg👣Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
Crime seem to be spiraling out of control. Maybe it’s time to inject some new life into the National Security Ministry. They seem to be running out of ideas. You can’t want to take credit when things are good but cringe and hide when the goings get tough. We need action now. We seem to be running on auto pilot. Somebody need to take the wheel. People are crying out. The nation is on edge.
Audley Phillip August 18, 2024 At 11:39 am
When you want to seem relevant please educate yourself. National security has not much to do with the violence we see on our street. National Security is executed by the military and the Prime Minister is in charge of that department with the head of the Military and that of the ONDCP. What is happening with crime is our public safety. And that falls under the permit of the Attorney General with the assistance of the Police. Educate yourselve and do not confuse the two. The military having this country well secured. The Chief Of Police does form part of the team but only because their may be infromation for him to act on. Be it a terrorist plot that is going on here in Antigua and he needs to make arrest. The ARMY does not arrest people according to our constitution. They do assist the police from time to time in the execution of their duties. But they will stay in the back of any operation.
🤯 wow this is just sad there was no need to kill her, just move on and leave her alone omg. woman don’t care when they’re breaking man heart and you hurt but this is not the way 😔 I hope enough cameras in the area to pick up something..
What the hell is going on in Antigua can someone explain
Did she ran away from home or was she kidnapped? We are talking 15 years old, how did she get to Runaway beach?
A OLDER man did it.my God she is just a CHILD.
Parents are to be blamed, young girls out here having sex because a guy is driving a rental and probably buying them KFC
It’s out of control
Train up a child I the way they should grow cazzz wa?
It would appear that Commissioner Rodney and the PM are finally taking there heads out of the sand an realize the mess Antigua is in. These people in power have been busy traveling and self enrichment. Not the safety of the people. Now things have gotten so bad it’s hitting them in the face. Wake up Cutie and do your job. This island is one scary place. When the tourists get wind of how unsafe this island is, you globe trotting ALP, like MF will have a new forcus. Convincing the world that Antigua is safe to visit. I’m Antiguan and fear for my family when they visit. One can only pray that you people in charge can keep up the fight. Article in ANR from Rodney, few words from GB ain’t enough.
You guys dropped the ball, now clean up your mess.
People are dying.
So been educated prevent one from dieing?
How comes education and death go hand in hand?
this was not a kidnapping. my take is some sick GROWN man she was talking to. picked her up from her home while parents are asleep and took her to the beach for sex. but she probably turned him down and this was the result. It could be the same man responsible for last girl murder. I say 20-25 years old. Probably much bigger than these girls. Obviously drives a car because of where they were was located. This case is not hard to solve but antigua police just not ready yet. Can be certain there is dna under her nails atleast if only they would just spend a little money and send it for testing. Ask any neighbors if they saw any cars in the area around that time say 12-
2am. ask her friends if she had a boyfriend she was speaking too or if she was gonna sneak out with anybody specific that night. check her phone see who she last called or texted. i don’t understand why these crimes are not being solved!!
Was she part of the Paradise View Pedo ring that still exists despite them all being questioned by police?
I dont understand it appears as if persons here have some vital information in regards to her demise based on some of those comments
Oh Boy…..Prime Minister Gaston Brown, time to backtrack and let’s do a serious and deep introspection on our society; our lives; our morals and what we consider to be important to us. This is our children we are talking about; our very future. Let us try to see where we have gone wrong. Involve the churches and any other groups of people that can bring some sense to these senseless acts. And, above all, you at the top need to change. Throw away the political games, the selfishness, the self-enrichment and the womanizing. Let’s look seriously at who we allow into our country, how many and for what reasons.
Time to take this country back, if it’s not too late already.
What happened to all the Africans that came on those flights? People forget too quick….
this was not a kidnapping. my take is some sick GROWN man she was talking to. picked her up from her home while parents are asleep and took her to the beach for sex. but she probably turned him down and this was the result. It could be the same man responsible for last girl murder. I say 20-25 years old. Probably much bigger than these girls. Obviously drives a car because of where they were was located. This case is not hard to solve but antigua police just not ready yet. Can be certain there is dna under her nails atleast if only they would just spend a little money and send it for testing. Ask any neighbors if they saw any cars in the area around that time say 12-
2am. ask her friends if she had a boyfriend she was speaking too or if she was gonna sneak out with anybody specific that night. check her phone see who she last called or texted. i don’t understand why these crimes are not being solved!!
so these two young ladies that have been murdered are there signs of sexual activity? is there a serial killer targeting young ladies and kidnapping our young boys?
There’s a predator/ serial killer in ANTIGUA ha fu be ….. who is targeting young girls ARE THEY BEING SACRIFICED???
2 young girls murdered CLEARLY they ddnt walk to where their bodies were found they were taken by SOMEONE THEY KNOW they ddnt go with smady they dnt know they knew their killers and ddnt expect to get killed….
No one deserves to be killed the way these 2 girls did NOBODY
Both political parties have to now come together to fight this demon that has infiltrated Antigua bcos since when ANTIGUANS KILL ?????…ITS TIME TO STOP THIS BS OF CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY free movement bs…
Stop ALL flights from Jamaica Guyana DR we have to shut them off by air sea WE JUS HAVE TOO until
To fight this demon now in Antigua this demonic spirit / mindset we ALL MUST HELP FIGHT IT ITS NOT A RED OR BLUE PROBLEM ITS THE WHOLE SOCIETY PROBLEM ….
EVERYONE IN ANTIGUA HAS TO NOW MOBILIZE AND FIGHT we fight by stopping flights we fight by telling our young girls verbal abuse & physical abuse is not love we fight by having harder sentences for domestic violence abuse
We must push back and stop saying Anna fu me pikney Ana fu me problem
I’m a previous post a comment or said … she has seen murders / sex predators from JAMAICA in ANTIGUA she knows them she knows about them and is bewildered how they came thru I immigration iin ANTIGUA .
The questions now have to be CRIMINAL REPORT BEFORE ENTRY we now has to have a criminal report on all free movement nationalities IT A MUST NOW
2 young girls in 2 mnths awdfyt no this is madness ANTIGUANS AINT KILLERS we are being infiltrated by too many free movement so we need UPP ALP AND ALL CRIME FIGHTING AGENCIES TO COME AND SHARE INFORMATION AND SUGGESTIONS TO STOP CRIME
Very sad situation,we parents to start take situation like this serious as well, because some times we as parents allowed our Young children to get indulge in certain kinds of lifestyle, with out proper educational guidelines …
@crabmeat. You are so right. Police needs to step up and work instead of waiting for just tip offs. Scotland Yard was here before. Didn’t they learning nothing from them? Enquiring minds would like to know.
The ALP & The Commissioner of Police are not interested in solving crimes. The Leader of the UPP reported that he sent a letter to the Commissioner over a month ago, requesting a meeting to discuss the crime situation, and to date he has not received a response to his request, not even an Acknowledgement. Wake Up Rodney and do your job..
How come no one is thinking about the big fete and show at Splash Antigua last night?? 🤔 that’s walking distance from there to Runaway beach! Jussssttt sayyinng… think about it.
This means there’s plenty of suspects to look at from that fete.
My deepest sympathy to her mom and family. However, while I do not want to be insensitive I must ask the question if a 15 year old goes out and does not come home, was an alarm raised? See why I am asking this question is because this is a larger societal problem. How are parents managing their teen age children? Are we allowing our 15 year olds to sleep out? At first glance I said to myself :a crime of passion, as I understand they know who she left home with. But this is too brutal for a crime of passion. I wonder if they were attacked on the beach similar to Ayanna Christian, whose body has still not been found. Parents begin parenting.
There was fete closeby that would have attracted a lot of young people.
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