Construction Of New Public Cemetery Delayed By Lack Of Funding Says Health Minister


Health Minister, Sir Molwyn Joseph, says the the delayed commencement of construction of a new public cemetery is due to a lack of funding.

“I can say to you that all that we are waiting upon is funding to construct the new cemetery. All the technical work has been done both by an expert from the United States who developed the Arlington Cemetery, as well as local architects and engineers. We have the plans in place, the renderings have been done and it’s a matter of raising the funds,” Joseph explained.

He mentioned that the financial impact of the Covid19 pandemic has also plagued the government’s efforts in acquiring the sufficient funds for this venture.

The estimated EC $2 million project is expected to feature a non-denominational church, crematorium, and an ecumenical centre spread across about 10 acres.

In 2003 Antigua Barbuda Labour Party first announced the plan to relocate the public cemetery in the vicinity of Heroes Park, in Tomlinsons, as the St John’s Public Cemetery had exceeded its capacity.

Back then, the decision was scrapped almost immediately after residents raised objection to the cemetery being located along the busy main road, which has since been renamed Sir Sydney Walling Highway.

The new public cemetery is earmarked to be constructed under the name Tomlinsons Park or Tomlinsons Garden Cemetery.

[The Daily Observer]

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  1. Election is close so probably instead of using the money for the cemetery it will be used otherwise.

  2. YOU LIE! Weston was issued cheque number 1068 of December 1 2015 from the CIP funds for the construction of a new cemetery.
    Wa Dey Money gorn.
    ABLP bunch of liars. Self-enrichment schemers

  3. If all the ministers paid their share of taxes, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Instead idiot ministers like Joseph lift Rolls Royce cars over the Port fence to bypass fees and sneak hidden contraband into our nation. Gets a position of minister of health with no background in medical anything. Best of all, gets knighted for doing shit like that.

    No surprise our nation is in the current situation. It’s time We the People take back our country and let politicians know they work for us and we are not their financial slaves.

    Vote every corrupt politician out, take them to court for dereliction of duties and pay our nation back

    • Mel…..You never cease to amaze me.
      If ever you cast a negative against the ABLP, it is imperative that you do the same to the UPP at the same time.
      Pls just support your damn party! People don’t give a damn.

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